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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. Add Customization of Infinite Gathering Tools into Equipement Templates.Infinite Gathering Tools have same behavior as any Legendary Gear. We can freely move Glyphs in and out without losing them. Example: I have character for WvW, which is used for PvE too. For PvE i have Additional resources Glyphs, but for WvW i have Glyphs of Industry for all three tools. Lately i am tired of switching them in and out, and left Additional resources Glyphs for both modes, but it doesn't really bring much in WvW. For PvE and WvW i am switching Equipement and Skill Templates. If Equipement Templates will be able to hold same Infinite Gathering Tools, but with different Glyphs ( just like any Legendary Gear can use and re-use runes and infusions ) it will be most awesome.
  2. In this i agree. I've made a healer fractal character to be able to join as second heal in case of Afflicted. Outflanked We Bleed Fire, or Sugar Rush, not to mention having triple combo from that list. But, 2-heal tactics usually works like charm in Siren's last boss, if one heal tactic fails. But Social Awkwardness is very nasty there for two reasons.1 - Shark Green AOE attack that can one shot players. And Social Awkwardness doesn't allow many players to stand in this AOE. Simply damaging counter-mechanics of this attack.2 - Multiple 'push away' air waves, where stability doesn't help. More to that while you trying to move away Blue damaging AOE, you pushing everyone into air waves, and they push your teammate into water to be eaten by fishes.
  3. I've encounter some animation bugs with Wall of the Mists and Vision of the Mists. Been happening for few days. Glitch happens if i uncheck weapon animation while stow. At some point those weapons simply disappear, even if i am currently in combat. There are two examples:Today at fractals, Wall of the Mists should be in off-hand. But it is invisible.And today during Ogre Wars, Vision of the Mists doesn't show itself. I cannot determine when it happens. Possibly low graphics is the reason. But even so, when i have show weapon animation while stow, no glitch happens. It is possile that other weapons of this skin-family have that glitch. But so far it didn't happen with Whisperblade. It is really sad, right now i've decided to have stow weapons checked to prevent that glitch. Hidden illusionary weapons while stow really fits well with mesmer :)
  4. Also who won't like a little bit Elegancy added to character's looks.
  5. I suggest to use different characters if you want to do more than one meta towards that achieve. because i did full meta run with same character twice, it didn't get progression on 2nd run. next day i did the same with two different characters, worked alright.
  6. With the release of first cape, i want to remind Arena net about another cosmetic thats been asked before.Undershirt slot. Primary function of which will be to cover up gear skins's open areas of character's body. This is old Reddit with example. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7foxur/arenanet_please_give_us_undershirtspants_so_we/ Seems to be simple and easy addition. On personal note, i've been waiting for this a long time. This cosmetic addition will be primary way to deal with The Infamous Assassin's Coat on Female Humans. Too much open body areas there.
  7. I admit i don't like design of only Cape present in Gemstore. But it's just a first try. Maybe something better will come in.
  8. Would like that. But there can be conflicts. Biggest conflict will be Shield, it goes on back, and it is the place where all Two-handed weapons go, shield itself - one-handed.Two sets of One-handed weapon - 100% conflict. Same goes to two sets of Two-handed weapons.But one set of One-handed weapons ( excluding shield ) and Two-handed weapon in second set, defenetly will work like charm. For example, Deadeye with Dual Daggers and Rifle. But simple solution to show both Weapon sets will be removing stow for current active weapon set ( animation of both sets can be set as an option in settings or hero panel, if used it will disable stow ). While active set will be in the hands of character, and never be stowed, second non-active set will be stowed in proper place. if situation like Sword\Sword None\Shield ( that will lead to Sword(set1)\Shield(set2) ) then one weapon will be used for both sets, showing only three at the time.
  9. Add option for user Interface elements: Non-interactable(Non-clickable) in\out of combatHaving UI elements shown is not as much problem like accidental interaction with it.
  10. Add Fractal of the Mists as possible game mode for Templates auto-changes and savings. FotM maybe PVE content, but it has certain elements that can make player to change build.For example, Thief's Signet of Shadow, give 25% movement speed. Good for Open World. But in FotM there is a Mobility Potion, 5 stacks of which gives same 25% movement speed. Signet of Shadows should be changed. Automatic build change in this situation is not bad thing.
  11. Honestly, transmutation charges on Gemstore at this time is pointless, since it's been introduced into log-in rewards and even reward tracks. It is just endless supply of them simply by playing this or that game mode. Right now i have 3 digit number of them in account. And despite a conflict between fashion wars and equipment templates i won't use them =) instead i can open my Ascended gear storage i have from Fractalas and WvW and fill templates with gear to remove the interchangable gear conflicts. But, thats just crazy. I would rather switch skin templates, not outfill equipment templates.
  12. In case with legendary armor, it is far more complicated. because you don't need different gear-items to be placed in equipment template for different stats. In this case equipment template just changes stats from Legendary Armor's 'Customization'. And since single Legendary armor\weapon can be used like that in many equipment templates, intechangable gear will not work, items will stuck in template again. Also, even with Legendary Armor, to use multiple gears for skins, you will have to put ascendeds into slots where you want to have changable skins, or be crazy enough to farm more legendaries. But who needs that.
  13. Also i want to add, that changing skins on demand doesn't really works well with Legendary Armor, especially with Legendary armor in multiple templates.
  14. With the release of templates, i've faced a few problems concerning Fashion Wars. Don't want to repeat it, so there is a link.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91543/equipment-templates-and-skins-multi-gear-conflict Because of it i want to bring up a suggestion to arena net. Simple idea of Custom Outfit or Skin Templates.Everything here as simple as it can be. With multiple equipment templates in use, it is really hard to use multiple gears to change skins on demand. In link above you can read it.Custom outfit will work in same method as equipment templates. The cost to store or change a skin in the respective slot on the template table is one transmutation charge. When stored in the template, it can be used via checkbox near the number of the template. Once checkbox is set, skin template ( or custom outfit ) will override any gear skins that currently used in equipment templates. With stored skins, there is also a dye template. Each skin template can have hotkey for easy switch. If skin template is used with some empty slots, regular skins from equipment templates will be shown for those slots. Use of Outfit will hold priority over Custom Outfits. On personal note - i will be very happy if something like that will be added. And not to leave Gemstore away, first offer of skin templates can be limited to free two per character, max to six. Interchangeable gear still can be used for gear-skin changes on demand. But in my experience, it is really difficult to use with equipment templates.
  15. =) I've been asking my in-game friends and guildmates for ages: What if DSD and Jormag are split personality dragon ( Ice and Water, pff same thing )? Considering the crazyness of new map, very well may be. Maybe because of it there is little info about DSD. Balthazar put Primordus and Jormag into downed state, but thing is Jormag went sleeping, maybe DSD personality isn't. But even if DSD ( who could be female ) and Jormag are two different dragons, doesn't mean DSD can't have certain degree of control over ice, and in fact Jormag itself while that one sleeping.
  16. Can we have 'Hold to Walk' hotkey?Many games have those hotkeys, and they have their charm. Right now we only have 'toggle run\walk' hotkey. For example i would like to have 'Hold to Walk' on Shift. But current toggle run\walk always activates when i switch language layout on keyboard (shift+alt) if it is set on shift key, forcing my character to walk. Little bit uncomfortable. Also, again, request to add option to override outfit's helm with item's skin equipped in helm slot.
  17. Was about to create my own post, but found this one.Cape-style backpack is something that i am looking forward to have in GW2. Been waiting long time... But with the release of Mandalorian series, i want this backpack style more than ever. Simply because, we have Mandalorians in GW2 too!!!This is the prime example of possible cape skin:And this is really a missing piece to complete Mandalorian set =)
  18. Mustic Forge recipe that will allow to change stats for WvW infusions, like Mighty WvW Infusion.Fractal infusions have recipes that allows to change stats.
  19. If you are Russian, you might wanna try VPN services.
  20. Oh boy :#I have two medium helms, and two medium chests. Same stats, same rune, same infusion. When i equip and re-equip them, it's jsut an effect of skins changing without the need of transmutation charge. You should try it if you don't use Outfit B) And, since you brought up arena net's 'greed' into that thread. Conflict between 'Fashion Wars' and Equipment Templates described above stops me from buying more Equipment Templates. Deadeye is not my only character with interchangeable gear(skin) pieces. And in situation with Deadeye, single gear storage simply works better.
  21. Also i want to hint in this thread for GW2 devs, that skins and weapons doesn't have fixated variations for my character, as shown above. Aside from rifle and dual pistols i have shortbow aswell.All the possible variations of gears and weapons are: Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Dual pistols.Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Rifle.Assassin's Mask + Assassin's Coat + Shortbow.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Dual pistols.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Rifle.Assassin's Mask + Magitech Jerkin + Shortbow.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Dual pistols.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Rifle.Subterfuge Hood + Magitech Jerkin + Shortbow. As you can see, nine possible variations of skins+weapons combo, not including the possible change of Dual Daggers. Even if i will be mad enough to buy all six Equipment Templates. it simply won't be enough. It is unfortunate, but Equipment Templates conflict with Fashion Wars =) If gear equipped from inventory will replace previously equipped gear in all Equipment Templates where it's been used, then complication will be removed in heartbeat.
  22. Filling 2nd or even 3rd template with gear will mean +5stat+9ar infusion farm for that character. Which is not reason enough, since manual change of weapons is less complicated. Trait templates, on the other hand, works like charm here.
  23. I've been looking forword to Build templates, to use them for easy switch between Dual Pistols and Rifle for my Deadeye. But infortunatly i've faced certain problem. I've made this thread here, because it is simply a small bug that can be fixed, or atleast option in setting added to change this behavior.From example of one of my characters.I have two pieces of gear for Helm and Chest. And i change them for 'summer' maps, and 'winter' maps. Or simply when i am bored with one look, i switch to other one.Switching skins is easy, i have pieces of gear and if i equip one, another goes to inventory.But problem is, that works only if your gear not used in multiple Equipment Templates. If it does, this happens:Once i equip my alt gear from inventory for a gear piece that sits in two templates, it goes into Equipment Template without returning previous gear piece into inventory. All of my gear are of same stats, same infusions and so. I want Equipment Templates to be used as easy switch between Dual Pistols and Rifle. But it really creates alot of discomfort when it comes to switch gear skins. One solution to that, add Skin Templates. But another to simply make newly equipped gear pieces to replace previously equipped gear in all Equipment Templates where it's been used ( it can be checkbox option in settings, like for autoloot ).I've been enjoying skin switch for a long time. Two alt gear pieces allowed me to spare transmutation charges. But to continue to enjoy it, i have no other choice but to use single Equipment Template. Please, add a remedy to this bug.
  24. Check box and settings for each Equipement and Build templates, that will perform auto switch to that Template(s) depending on game mode chosen from settings.Possible game modes:Open World, Raid, Dungeons, Fractals, WvW, PvP.
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