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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. Aeon.4583

    RIP chrono

    So, Chrono now can't use full potential of boon removal with Shattered Concentration. Rendering chrono useless in Fractals under No Pain No Gain and Vengeance instabs. Cool. Should i use clone skills instead of boon wells now? =)
  2. For those people, who were able to have more than one character with legendary items in all gear slots, gw3 will just make them quit.
  3. If you have anti-virus, try to approve Gw2.exe\GW2-64.exe and CoherentUI_Host.exe as trustworthy. Some anti-virus set those files as not-trustworthy with activity limitations. Therefore they have limited RAM access and hard-drive activity.
  4. Remove level up pushback for level-80 characters. Players trying hard to pull together mobs in many situations, but that level up pushback wasting the effort. It maybe works for lone lowlevel characters, but not for level 80s in crowd.
  5. Why Haunted Armor Outfit is not amongs Halloween sale that started today? Bring Haunted Armor Outfit to gemstore :(
  6. WXP is something i hate the most in WvW and it is the reason why i don't spend much time in it.There are situations in WvW when two full servers end up in deadlock fight over some Keep or Castle, and this is the reason why player could lose so much WXP. You will get more WXP running around alone, capturing sentry and camps, compare to deadlock battles and WXP from kills, which is so low. I would be happy if certain amount of WXP will be given for participation aswell, alongside with pips.
  7. Can you ( please!!! ) do something about offensive mount abilities and Soulbest's Beast mode?Each time when i use offensive dismount, Beastmode disengages. If i use simple dismount, if Beastmode was active before mount use, it reactivates normally. I am a Soulbeast with my Ranger in Open World PvE, and it's really annoying to always have a cooldown on Beastmode, that appears after using mount attack. I really prefer Open World with Soulbeast while Beastmode always active, less agro from mobs on pet. p.s. as for Open World PvE you cad add 'automatic activation of beastmode' setting in options ( situations: dismount, offensive dismount, ground-water change, log-in, map change ). There are no ccompetitive sides in Open World PvE anyway.
  8. Add a Command line Parameter that will show you current Ping and server's Ip adress ( text in screen's corner ).
  9. New player creates free account to try the game. Joins WvW to try it. Unable to fully appretiate WvW, because he\she is unable to get in time to capture objectives and losses some XP because of it. Then player quits WvW, enjoys Open World PvE, Story mode, even PvP maybe, buys Expansions and never returns into WvW because of certain oppression that player felt in the beginning. And so WvW losses a player who could enjoy that mode. There are two ways to fix this.1 - Allow free accounts to do collection and Unlock Warclaw for WvW only ( it will be locked in PvE until those players will buy expnasion, it is also a good way to plant some interest for new players in mounts, since they can try atleast one before they buy PoF )2 - Passenger seat Mastery. Warclaw is damn big mount. If not allow new players to have Warclaw until they buy PoF, then Veteran players could help them feel comfortable in WvW by taking them as passengers. Passenger seat will be fun for Open World PvE too. And in honest opinion. I hate words like: they free accounts, they didn't pay, they deserve nothing.Well i think they deserve to atleast try what Expansion buffed game can offer. Not feel opressed by the absence of it. P.s. Only WvW mode is very dependable on having or not having Mount.
  10. As far as i understand this is not video driver problem ( i run gw2 in window mode, and had that, desktop wasn't effected ).I believe thats effect of ddos attack on your game client. As a result, it disconnects, but game client still has connection to log in server. In other words, you forcefully dropped out of game. Today i had that too, and second after that my anti virus blocked Ddos attack attempts. There is other thread in this subsections that reports about ddos attacks.
  11. Allow us to trade Pile of Lucent Crystal for Charms.Drop rates of Lucent Motes are overwhelming compare to Charms, from slavaging runes\sigils. And my bags starting to be filled with Piles of Lucent Crystals.
  12. Guys, you did return Madrealm mounts. Please put Halloween outfits for sale too.
  13. No PoF, no mounts.Free accounts can do WvW. Can't unlock Warclaw.
  14. As i said before in some other thread. Warclaw, as big as it comes, should be able to carry two players. And i did point that in WvW, your passenger ( party or squad member ) can be the one who doesn't have Warclaw yet. So he or she can catch up with wvw zerg. Option to ride or leave passenger seat on Warclaw should be free option. If that will be added, Warclaw can be usefull in Open World PvE, especially for veteran player who just brought a friend into the game.
  15. New Gemstore Upgrade. Custom OutfitSpecial Outfit set manageable by player. Custom Outfit offers player to choose unlocked wardrobe skins in respective armor slots. Each skin choice cost transmutation charge. Once skins are choosen, Custom Outfit can be weared by all characters. ( i.e. wardrobe's Medium armor skins can be used by Mesmers ). If any of choosen skins have race-restriction, Custom Outfit will be soulbound to that race only.
  16. Thats getting weird. New set of patches, bugged presence of Almora's Directive still exist.
  17. Very very sad that you didn't include Ogre Wars and Eye of Zhaitan events in that rush. Those are kinda Meta events, repeatable. People do those events for Treasure Hunter collection. Yet, those eligible events were left out. So does Commisar in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.
  18. I guess Arena net devs didn't read that thread. So many patches been added, this bug still present.No mentionts about it in patch notes. Any idea how to remove it?
  19. Remove Mastery EXP gain separation. i.e. allow PoF mastery tracks to be raised in Central Tyria, etc. Mastery points already separate to game content.
  20. There is not time limit on those buffs, they disappear only when collection is completed. But 2nd characters were not involved in collection completion, only in adding some additional numbers. And so Almorra's Directive, with no time limit, stayed.
  21. Yes, i have same thing too. I did Skyscale of Blood with 2 characters for better results. And Almora's Directive didn't disappear from character that didn't speak with Gorrik to complete Saving Skyscales. Speaking with Gorrik. doesn't help as for now.
  22. I was about to make my own thread about it, but i guess i just Necro this one. As a concept of outfits, i am really comfortable with it. With one but... Outfits doesn't allow us to mix and match skins, like we can do with Transmutation Charges. And one particular element of outfits bothers me for very long. Unchecked Visability of Helm skin, removes it's Visability from Outfit sets aswell. This is proof enough, that Helm skin on Outfits not only can be hidden, but it's Visability Overwritten with Standart skin that currently Equiped in armor slot. Myself, i really hope for one day to have that option.My example is my Revenant with Haunted Armor Outfit. Outfit's fog really fits well with thematic of Revenants and The Mist, but this Helm, one that Haunted Armor enforce on my Revenant... I rather have Blindfold instead of it.
  23. Consider to add this hairstyle to female humans.Rey, from Episode 8. Male humans have Qui-Gon hair style. It's unfair.
  24. Add an option that will allow us to overwrite Outfit's helm skin with one that Currently equipped in standart gear slot.And don't even dare to say that this is impossible, since uncheking helm skin removes all visibility of outfit's helm.4 out of 7 characters on my account have Outfits, but i rather prefer to choose helm skins myself, not the ugly ones that Outfits offer and enforce on you.
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