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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. This:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92903/suggestion-custom-outfit-skin-templates#latestWill be much better addition to game. Limited charges still will be relevant. But skin templates themself will offer static appearance, even if you change your gear. Plus it will offer static appearance for all gear templates you have.
  2. Sorry if i will be blunt with you right now but WTF!!!When will you add Mystic Forge recipe to change stats of WvW Infusions??? (!!!) Fractal infusions have MF recipe to change stats. But why WvW infusions do not? The very same recipe for Fractal infusions should be used for WvW Infusions. Since i've started to craft legendaries, and with some changes to runes and traits over the years i have WvW Infusions leftovers because i had to replace them. For example, there is no need to overcap Concentration. Changes to Rune of Leadership have made me replace 7 WvW concentration infusions ( 36 additional concentration from rune, -35 concentration from 7 infusions). They are now in my bank collecting dust. If only i could change their stats via Mystic Forge, i could give those to my other characters.
  3. Her body will die, but Aurene still has degree of control in the mists, where souls of the dead appear.
  4. Remove 'Are you sure?' question for Tome of Knowledge and add 'consume all' for that item. Add ability to set hotkey combo 'Shift+Numeric key' ( numeric buttons from right side of keyboard ) for trait and gear templates.
  5. I just hope that they will add voice acting from Super Adventure Box to last Ice Brood Episode, until proper voice act will be recorded. It will be atleast fun :D
  6. Agree with that. For this i did suggest to give us option to set Player Model Limit to Zero.Means, player models will never be loaded, therefore NPCs will. In pvp this setting will still load Players, because there are no NPCs. Nameplates can still be shown on top of player's position. Character model of currently targeted allied or hostile player will be loaded aswell. Once targeting is removed, character model will unload.
  7. Allow us to use Gas Mask Skin as Breathing apparatus skin. And also allow us to use Dye. It will be first Breathing apparatus skin with Dye channels.
  8. Making bonfire similar to hero banner will be much better for two reasons:1- Bonfire is Gemstore\Statuette item, thus limited in presence around Mega Server, also has limited duration during which boost acquire is present.2- This will remove Bonfire charging bug ( in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you have Bonfire boost active on you or not, since you placed Bonfire you should be able to choose any Boost and activate it regardless )
  9. It got my attention that many players are unaware of current bug with Bonfire, neither it was reported here.For this, i did sacrifice my own Bonfire and received those messages.When i used my own Communal Boost Bonfire i had Magic Find Boost from another Bonfire.Because of currently active Magic Find Boost i wasn't able to activate Magic Find Bonfire for my Allies during Eye of Zhaitan event. Not to fully waste Bonfire, i've activated Karma instead. This bug bring few problems.If you have all three Boosts active, 100% Communal Boost Bonfire will be wasted on use.Communal Boost Bonfire do not allow you to activate-charge any Boost that currently active on you, providing inability to use your own Bonfire to refresh Boost effect. Only when time of Bonfire Boost effect is run out, it is safe to use and charge your own Bonfire.
  10. It is actually funny how VPN removes lag spikes in GW2 while direct connection causes them. Should be other way around.Had ping 600+ today at WvW on Blue Border for few hours, been spiking back and forth. VPN lowered it to approximately 115 without big spikes.
  11. Can you please return Maguuma's Mantle Skin to gemstore for a day or two? My chrono will be happy.
  12. World Map and Mistlock aswell needs auto adjust of World Map height level to match the level of linked POI or Waypoint. Only this can fix 'Mistlock Links' problem.
  13. Lot of people here already said their complains about more than one legendary armor set of same type. More info can atleast help those who only started their legendaries.
  14. It's been kinda long and few question still bother me. Legendary Runes and Sigils, will they be a part of that Armory?What kind of measurement will be added to seperate character looks ( i.e. Different skins on each character who is using gear from armory. Having same skins on everyone not really funny. P.s. Skin Templates idea can solve this, i personally would like to have Skin Templates rather than Legendary Armory ). Are you planning to add Legendary Aqua Mask?Is there any plans to add Legendary Infusions? ( so far WvW and Fractal infusions are seperated. But not only by gaming mode, also by stat and by Defense\Offense types. Everything can be unified into legendary infusion that can be swapped in gear like Legendary Sigil or Rune and re-used in Gear Templates, but also it will allow to change Stat on demand, and it will provide +1% offense\defense for WvW aswell as +9 Agony resist at same time. )
  15. Suggestion 1:Mystic Forge Recipe to reset stats of:Wegloop's Air HelmetWegloop's Air MaskWegloop's Air Veil Recipe:Aqua Breather ( any of three listed above )5 Globs of EctoplasmAnthology of Heroes5 Mystic Runestone As we know some of Aqua Breather stats like Diviner of Plaguedoctor cannot be used with Winterberry Aqua Breathers to change stats. Recipe to reset their stats will be fair. Suggestion 2:Add automatic appliement of Guild Enhancement depending on Infusion currently equipped in Amulet Item.Magical Enrichment will activate Guild Enhancement: Magic FindWxP Enrichment will activate Guild Enhancement: World ExperienceKarmic Enrichment will activate Guild Enhancement: KarmaEtc... In other words Enrichment Infusions will activate respective Guild Enhancement if Amulet with such Infusion will be equipped via Template change or from inventory.Guild Enhancement will be applied from current 'represent' Guild, depending on maximum upgrade level of Guild Enhancement. If respective Guild Enhancement in Guild is 0, Guild Enhancement won't be apllied by Amulet+Infusion.( P.s. just PLEASE!!!!!!!! Give us this automatic Guild Enhancement change!!! It is so annoying to running back and forth to Guild Hall. In case with PvP, Enrichment Infusion appliement can be added directly in PvP Templates to seperate Open World+WvW from PvP effects )
  16. Add numeric measurement in Makeover Kits in addition to scroll ( height, face elements, etc )Add race-specific NPC examples n Total Makeover kits to choose proper character height, NPC's measurement will be used to compare your character to others ( i think Kasmeer is still unit of measurement :D )
  17. I did suggest that before, but... ignored.Simple suggestion to add exclusion of daily repeat of same fractal. To make it work that system needs atleast 13 fractals, we have 20.How it should work.If Deepstone appears as Daily Rec. - Next day it won't appear at all. Even in Daily t1-t4.If Siren's Reef appears as Daily Tier1-4, - it won't appear next day even as Recommended. To prevent daily repeats of same fractal ( no matter if it is rec. or tier daily ) there are more than enough fractals to create proper rotation and exclusion system.
  18. This is some form of example of skin template idea that will work well with upcoming Legendary Armory.Just an example, but this version of skin template offers player not only to choose armor skins, but also all the possible weapon skins even taking under consideration Off-hand and Main-hand slots, which can have different skins even if weapon type is same. I used my thief as example.Each change of skin in this template will cost 1 transmutation charge.Once set it will override the appearance of respective item in respective slot, outfit will hold priority over this template. With Legendary Armory this will be very helpful thing to maintain the independent looks of all characters who will be using Legendary Armory. Plus, it will allow players to store multiple armor skin variations for later use if there will be more than one skin template.Plus to that, Skin Templates will help new players to maintain static appearance, also it will be big help for veteran players who prefer to level up character via map exploration ( as we know, while doing old-school leveling, you equip better stat items, and this also changes your character appearance, excluding outfits )
  19. Load five of them with hell lot more of infusions on low profile GPU and see heat results. And please read the first message very very carefully. P.s. there are 2 infusions in that character and someone's backpack in left edge.
  20. To be honest, simple solve to this over-infused standart model characters will be Character Model Limit - ZeroNameplates still showing when character model is not. from them player can target character.Maybe targeted character's model ( ally or enemy ) can be loaded to checkout the gear or be efficient in fight against that character, but otherwise Character Model Limit - Zero will not load any character models at all. And with it, overstacked infusion auras will not load aswell.
  21. Non of that works to prevent the load of weapons, backpacks, and any aura effect that goes outside of armor from any other item. Idea here is not limit something, is to remove them completely.I have all the possible game settings that suppose to limit particles, they simply ignore items that not in main 6-armor-slots and display them in full force.
  22. I know it is been for years like this, but i think it is time to bring that up. Because... if not bug then i don't know what it is. I play GW2 on my Laptop from time to time. My Laptop is not latest but not really oldest one. I prefer to use lowest possible settings to have low GPU stress ( as you know air cooling in laptops not so efficient as desktop PC ). And the main reason i make this thread, because it is more and more frequent situation to see characters with overstacked infusions... While i play alone, doing resource farm, it is ok.Also while i do something with others and standart model character is loaded for my nearest allies it is also fine.But when i meet someone with overstacked infusion effects, fancy legendary weapons and backpacks, game adds really unnecessary GPU load and therefore more heat. This is exampleI have character model limit and character model quality to lowest. Yet, despite of that, game engine loads alot of particle effect from list above. Can we, please, somehow disable the load of Infusions, weapons and backpacks, leaving only standart character model?Or atleast what kind of settings can be set to prevent the load of those items in Open World and PvE?I believe there are settings for WvW, but they work only in WvW and it seems only for Enemies. P.s. That standart character model looks ridiculous with those infusion auras. And amount of particles it adds from infusion aura is overwhelming.
  23. Yeah it is very very ironic how you need to be good in raids to porticipate in strikes. Should be the other way around, isn't it?
  24. As of latest improvements suggested by arena net to legendary items. I think adding weapons to Skin Templates will be reasonable too. Together with armor. skin templates should offer a choice to set skin for all possible weapons. In skin template tab, there will be a list of all profession allowed main-hand, off-hand, two hand and aquatic weapons. Skin templates will allow to set skin for those weapon overriding any weapon skin from Equipment Template. Main hand and off hand weapons should be offered in seperate slot. Like for exampleMain hand Sword skin - Shining BladeOff hand Sword skin - Save the Queen
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