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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. Simple solution for this situation will be: Character model limit - Load only targeted Character. Or: Character model limit - Squad\party only. Easy. Just to be clear. I am in that state at this moment where I don't care about fashion. All i care about: My character and my Target which i need to kill. As for my Allies, i can see their name plates, and if they are in party - i will know what profession it is and how to cooperate with this character even without character model.
  2. The one module i want for Jade Bot will be Food\Utility Management, Player can equip chip or module, Food and Utility slots will appear in Jade Bot menu. You can place stack of non-Ascended Food and Utility in bot, and then each time you get Malnourished-Diminished Bot will use(eat) single portion of Food and Utility. Thus removing necessity to open inventory to refresh food duration. But now after Jade Tech nerf, i would go with chip or module which will reduce Jade Tech boon cooldown.
  3. Well i guess recycle situation will not be adressed. Just reminder about simple options: - Recycle inventory button when Recycle chip is active. Just like Deposit all. - Recycle all junk in inventory when junk is looted (you can even make Junk-Bags like 32-Slot Hamaseen Pannier to be the part of sort and filter)
  4. YES PELASE! 25% movement speed increase in relic! Many professions or specs doesn't have movement speed increase. Thiefs have signet, chrono have trait but mesmer as core doesn't have movement speed like thief's signet.
  5. I really like how boss Poops under the chracter after the Dash Attack.
  6. If you have game on HDD, move it to SSD and check your HDD. And RTSS not good thing at all for GW2. Use Vertical Sync to limit the FPS usage.
  7. I cannot see green AOEs in fractal and i cannot see the vomit instability indicator of my allies when i have "Hide All" on skill effects.
  8. Can confirm. Been doing fractals today CM + T4. I can see my Green Aoe, but can't see Green Aoe of others. Also same goes to Portal Weaving. I can't see the pre-casted entry point.
  9. Well, my Charr turns into... something... when i use Jade Zip LInes. Glad to see i am not the only one.
  10. If you have legendary armor you need to change dye going template by template. Only if you have same piece of ascended armor or below quality you can change it once and it will be changed for all templates where that armor piece is equipped..
  11. Blizzard been saying same thing during Heroes of the Storm. Quote: DX9, DX10 and DX11 have same amount of particle effects. BUT! Then some people did research based on protoss characters with their wrist blade weapons. The higher DX was, more particles these weapons had 😉
  12. DX9 has less skill-particles and cosmetic effects graphic noise. You force people into more sparkly DX11, then atleast give "Character Model Limit - Do not show other characters" which have been asked for ages. Eye killing graphical noise you have in-game already pushing away many.
  13. FIX Jade Bot Recycle already!!! Make Jade bot to recycle junk items looted from loot-bags. Or at least add junk recycle sequence to Deposit Materials button, it will recycle all the junk in inventory which doesn't fall under recycle restrictions. P.s. Yes, jade bot's recycle doesn't do anything for junk received from loot bags ( which players open from inventory ), recycle works only for junk from dead mobs.
  14. Negative reviews about end-game light bulb characters already present in Steam. Even if skill-effect cannot be removed, there are still options to lower character 's pressure. - Lowest Character models should not load weapons, backpacks and any other cosmetic infusions. - Character Model limit can be set to Party\Squad only or My Character and My Target ( someone else's character ) only. These options are easy to change, won't bother that much. In case with PvP, as far as i know it has it's own rules considering character models. P.s. Right now i have Character Model Limit and Quality set to lowest. But if could set Character Model Limit to My Character and My target, i would set my Character Model Quality to medium atleast. Could be fun to check someone's fashion from time to time, target someone near you and see character model with all armor and stuff. But unless targeted, it won't load. Nameplates are good enough to know that someone else is nearby, and you are not alone XD. But right now, with the Danger!!! of over-particled over-infused character appearing in your monitor and creating a heavy load on you GPU, i stay with Lowest Quality. And when i use crafting station, i switch to World Map view.
  15. For ******** sake! Disable visuals of weapons, backpacks and infusions on Lowest Character Quality setting. Or Add Character Model Limit options - Party\Squad only, My Character and Targeted ( you know, when you left click on someone ) Character only. Your beloved over-infused characters with tonics flying on top of places where most characters are staying = FPS killers, is not fun! You already getting negative reviews about it on steam, do something.
  16. - Allow Jade Tech Protocols to remain when character visits: Mistlock Sanctuary, Home Instance and Guild Hall. - Add Jade Tech Offensive and Defensive protocols with Jade Batteries as Home Instance bundle ( whatever Gemstore or NPC Vendor Sell ). This way players could stack Jade Tech Protocol buffs in home instance. Jade Batteries should reset on character's re-entry in home zone, and be max of 6-8. We can stack 2 hours of Protocols buff anyway by going in\out of Arborstone.
  17. I have that too. Before patch it was alright. Client does remember login and password, but doesn't react to autologin command.
  18. EoD will be forever remembered by: Your Jade Bot Found Something!
  19. -Allow us to choose https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Backpack_Straps as skin in Wardrobe. In other words: Invisible Backpack Skin. When you disable Backpack visual it disables it on all templates. For the sake of fashion sometimes it is fun to have backpack enabled on one template, but no backpack on another template. Example: Thief with Dual Pistols doesn't need quiver, but shortbow Thief will look good with quiver. - Implement Wardrobe Templates (!!!!)
  20. OBS good stuff. Small tip: High CPU usage means you are trying to record video with encoder\codec, usually it is x264. That process takes alot of CPU power. Recording uncompressed video really doesn't do much stress on CPU, but uses alot of HDD space ( NEVER do such recording on SSD ). Use uncompressed recordings in your Video editor, it will use it's own codec anyway as you save your project. End-result will be even better with less quality loss.
  21. When you have 20-30 mins before meta event start, and can't join the majority of your squad because of the full map, queue will be much better than 20-30 minutes of spamming "Join map" and removing "This map is full" message.
  22. It will be better to make loot-chest be in highest priority if it is in close proximity. Loot chests will be highlighted in "use" action before anything else.
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