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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. I hope you understand that not everyone see your "investments" in this game. People with Lowest Character Limit will not see your character at all until you get close enough. And people with Lowest Character Model will not see your character's armor and measurements. With those "investments" you will get attention of very small amount of people who share same interest in those "investments". Others will just walk pass your character. It is very very sad that Lowest Character Model in this game literally broken and hide the very minimum, but it suppose to hide the very maximum.
  2. Dear Arena.net. I really enjoy this game and i really enjoy expansion and despite of Mystic Coin nerf i still do daily CM fractals. Today i've joined party with 2 Charr and 1 Norn. Three of them had Legendary backpacks and full sets of trinket-bubbles. Since i play as human-character in fractals, my character model simply drown in character models of others. I were not able to see where to place my own character to avoid getting hit by lasers during Dark AI phase. Fortunately, today my "Use the Force, Luke" was strong, and i didn't die and avoided all "one-shot" hits. But it just today, next time might not be that lucky. Give us Character Model Limit - Targeted ally character only, please. Or at least give us some form of communication here...
  3. Remove Jade Bot messages about recycle and trophies find, loot scroll already gives us a hint of what jade Bot does. Disabling chat settings also disables other areas of information with Jade Bot notifications.
  4. After toy-chopper mission from GTA Vice City, those controls are piece of cake.
  5. Please consider to add, let's call it, Care-bot Protocol sensor array for Jade bot. With that sensor array equipped Jade bot will have two slots, one for stack of Utility and one for stack of food Food. Once player's character food and utility effect will be Diminished and Malnourished, Jade bot will use one portion of respective food and utility to refresh it's duration on player's character.
  6. Must say thats very awful logic. Trading post doing that job very well and much better than other player's character models. Everytime there is something new on gemstore, trading post icon highlights it. There in trading post window player can take a closer look of it in preview tab. Player like it, player buy it. But if player doesn't there is nothing arena can do about it. Instead they could offer us comfortable game settings. And it still falls under category "optional" not "forced".
  7. So, it is all new expansion patch, and this was ignored. - No fix to Lowest Character Models ( aside from armor skins and character model itself, everything else shown in full force ) - No new Character Model Limit Options ( limit it to Targeted Character Only would be most perfect. Wanna check fashion? Take a target, need to see your teammates in raid? Change the limit setting, easy. ) - No Standart Character Models for PvE ( yeah.... most easiest and simple solution not implemented ). Thank you, arena net.
  8. Well, i would not mind if character creation had numeric measurement instead of scroll. And also when you choose character height it would have something like: compare to other npc characters - Where your character will stand next to chosen npc.
  9. Honestly, i think that every in-game content, Challenge Modes specifically, should have Mystic Coin as completion reward, being an end-game currency. Only usable reward in CMs will be Integrated Fractal Matrices. It's account bound, unless you plan to multi-class fractal with min-maxing then Matrices are useless. The way i see it: - Give 1 Mystic Coin reward per day, account-wide, for completing Fractal Challenge Modes ( 98, 99, 100 ). - Remove Integrated Fractal Matrix reward for completing Fractal Challenge Modes. - Add a chance for 1-3 Integrated Fractal Matrices drop for defeating Champion bosses in Fractal Challenge Modes. In other words: Mystic Coin reward and Integrated Matrices reward should change places. Farming +stat+9agony infusions is hell. Easier to buy WvW infusions for alt PvE characters with Laurels and be happy, much cheaper. If arena net really thinks that current Mystic Coin drop rate in Fractal exceed expectations, simply lower it. And if that 1-3 chance per boss is really that high. give it to Matrices. Lower Mystic coin drops but give us something in return, like faster stat infusion farm.
  10. Looks like the only good loot from Fractal CMs will be Integrated Fractal Matrix, and it is account bound.
  11. If Jade Bot will not have food\utility auto-consume\auto-renew, then there is no use for it. While doing open world metas, most memorable thing is: food\utility usage every 30 mins. That bot could have one slot for food and and one for utilities. On malnourished and diminished effect it will consume one portion of respective food\utility to renew the effect. If it won't. Bleh.
  12. Lowest Character Model and Basic Character Model two different things. This is lowest character model: link This is basic\standard character model for PvP and WvW: link red ones. While i've been doing PvP, i've never seen single infusion effect or trinket bubble or anything.
  13. Not really. Only if you have Basic Character Model option checked, characters will be shown in 'basic model' in PvP and WvW ( competitive modes ). But not in PvE. In PvE Lowest Character Quality will turn character models and it's armor into something which resembles Tyrael from Diablo. But cosmetic infusions, backpack, weapons, trinket effects will be shown and not removed. And most of Eyesore comes from that list. Basic Character Model option for PvP and WvW does disable every cosmetic stuff on someone else's character. But it doesn't work in PvE.
  14. People who interested in cosmetic auras, skins, etc. can keep their settings to 'show'. Not suppose to be default 'no show' setting for new players who just trying this game for first time. But people who not interested in cosmetic auras and over-particled-gemstore skins, ( even fashion of others in general ) will not be interested no matter what. And could use 'no show' settings. And there are many ways to implement such an options ( ps. options are called options because it is that: Optional ). For whatever reason 'Dynamic HUD' have been given to those who did ask for it.
  15. Basic character models in PvE is reasonable request as well as limiting character models to 'not show'. Sometimes in crowded places i can't even see NPCs i suppose to defend. And it's not like i can have them in target forever. Even without the problem of too much particles around, game places character models in priority over NPC models. And NPCs stay invisible.
  16. If game will have Character Model Limit - Targeted\Selected Character Only, which i did suggest, then Mounts and Gliders will not be shown too. Only name tags of your raid\party will be present. You guys can even try it yourself. In events like Tequatl or any HoT meta, any event with crowd, choose your character model limit to lowest. Then find character without character model present and left click on it. Character model of that character will be loaded first and foremost. Character model limit setting needs just a little bit adjustment, which can't be too hard to implement.
  17. As a person who's been playing this game for awhile. I am now in that very point, sorry for being very straight, where i don't care about fashion of the others. I have found my fashion for myself and my characters. If others like it, i will share my skin combos. But i definitely will not force my fashion on others in any way. I have lowest character models and character limit. But it simply doesn't work. Game still shows: -Effects of cosmetic Infusions. -Effects and model of Weapons, specially if it is legendary weapon. -Backpack's skins. -Trinket's effects. For some reason only PvP mode enjoys such option as 'Basic Character Model'. But PvE is the one mode which creates most distraction with Character Models. Simple solution for this: Character Model Limit - Targeted\Selected Character Only. This, at least, will help with unwanted particles from the list above. Unless player will left click on another character, it's model will not load. It is that simple. Currently game engine itself prioritize targeted character model to be loaded first. While doing meta events, it is hard to focus through all of those particles from trinkets, backpack, infusions and legendary weapons of others. Specially when others placing their characters in your camera view.
  18. Allow Backpack Straps to be a skin, i.e. Backpack skin without animation\model. Reason: When backpack model unchecked it is disabled for all templates. But, for fashion purposes, sometimes it's fun to have backpack shown on one template but no backpack on another. Or atleast allow hide\show checkboxes to be unique for each template.
  19. Hood-Less Forest Scout Cape skin, Hood-Less Forest Archer Cape skin + Forest Scout Hood helmet skin pack. Please...
  20. Lowest Character Model Quality should do that. But it disables visuals of armor only, leaving effects of trinkets, infusions, weapons, backpack and profession specific effects to be present. But to be honest, 'Character Model Limit - No Character Models\Do not Load' will be the best solution. Simply prevent loading of other character models on your client, leaving only NPCs for you to see. Name tags of other characters still show to make aware of their positions, regardless of Character Limit or Character Model Quality.
  21. Please make Deadeye's Mark activation sound less ear eating for Thief's perspective. It is ok for very high pitched sounds if Deadeye's mark placed on you, but when you activating it... specially with 'Be Quick or Be Killed' trait, it just a horror.
  22. Idea for new Shared Slot: Special auto-consume slots for Food and for Utility. Shared auto-consume Food slot. This slot will perform automatic usage of single portion of food currently placed in that slot when Malnourished effect will appear on character. Shared auto-consume Utility slot slot. This slot will perform automatic usage of single portion of utility currently placed in that slot when Diminished effect will appear on character. Each slot will cost 1000 gems via Gemstore. Both sloth will act as shared slot on account holding only respective food\utility items. Purpose of this slot - to automate usage of food, mostly Magic Find food for Open World activities. During prolong meta events it is easy to forget that food expired and renew it, losing some advantage of MF effects.
  23. Please! Allow us to have an ability, setting, or whatever it might be to fully disable other players' character models and their respective skill animation models and effects. Example: Full map attacks Ley-line Anomaly, model of Anomaly either not loading because of high amount of other character models, or can't be seen in all those particles from skills. In not really necessary to see other characters or their skill effect in open world\pve. To notice players around, name tags can be used, it's even have hotkey.
  24. When you copy legendary armor attributes from one template to another, or perform full copy and paste of one template to another, dye settings of legendary armor doesn't copy. Please fix it.
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