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Everything posted by Aeon.4583

  1. Not sure about what kind of stutters is this about. But... Some people in this game love to have over-infused ( alot of cosmetic infusions ) characters and harass people placing their characters in other player's camera view to cause FPS drop, which also increase GPU load and heat. Today in Mistlock i've noticed this: https://i.imgur.com/Yq3U87V.png It was over-infused character with tonic. Simple solution to deal with that: Character Model Limit - Target Only Character Model Limit - Do not Load other character models I hope arena will consider it.
  2. Citadel Assault Glider, for a day or two. Not even on Sale 🙂
  3. As far as i can say, crashes are related to the presence of beta characters and theirs character model loading. I had few crashes by left-cliking on beta character while that character's model wasn't loaded\shown for my view ( Character Model Limit - Lowest ). Targeted Character model has priority over all others. Sadly there is no option to fully disable other character models to be loaded to your view. And in big crowds your game will constantly load\reload closest characters, including beta characters. P.S. i would pay extra for Character Model Limit - 'Target Only' or 'Do not Load' options.
  4. Not in Ascended items, which is maximum for aqua-breathers. Only if Infusion placed in Legendary item it can be re-used in another template in another Legendary item. If you place non-legendary rune\sigil or infusions into Ascended item, it stays there, and only there. No re-usage.
  5. Thats also means you will have to add Infusions in all Breathers for all Templates. With Legendary Breather it can be one Infusion for all Templates. I, for example, add atleast one +20 swim speed per character. And it will not be cheap to add 6(atmost) per character.
  6. Arena doesn't even do Underwater weapon skins anymore. They didn't even add Legendary Aqua Breathers. And i would love to match my Helmet stats to Breather stats in all templates. Underwater stuff pretty much dead. But i do not dislike it.
  7. Add Slumbering Vision and Slumbering Aurora - or any other Legendary Trinket as a reward for players who have both: Vision and Aurora unlocked. Whatever reasons you have which stops you from adding effect checkboxes for Aurora and Vision, there is a good alternative: Once Player have Aurora and Vision unlocked, that player will receive two Tokens to buy Slumbering Aurora and Slumbering Vision. If not Slumbering versions, just add new Accessory of Legendary quality without Unique tag which will go into Armory and serve as non-cosmetic alternative. Conflux does not have Unique tag and can be crafted twice. Legendary Greatswords are independent and Eternity can be crafted with Tokens. Simple non-unique legendary Accessory without cosmetic effect as a reward for players who have Aurora and Vision unlocked. Maximum possible unlocks in Armory: 2.
  8. Implement Wardrobe Templates! I understand that Equipment Templates can serve as Fashion Storage too, but it's primary function to store stat\rune\sigil\weapon combinations, not fashion. Few reasons for that: Now with Legendary Armory skins on Legendary Items are independent from each other in every Template on any character, just like Ascended Gear. If player wants to adjust Fashion, it should be done for all templates on character, one by one. Wardrobe Template will eliminate that problem. It will be one Wardrobe Template - appearance - for all Equipment Templates. There will be no need to go through all templates to adjust your fashion. Because of the Armory there is no value in Transmutation Charges for many players, specially ones with 3 sets of legendary armor and alot of legendary weapons. Transmutation charge can be a currency to store\change skin within Wardrobe Template. New players, who level up first character, facing a problem of constant change of character's appearance. Wardrobe Template will eliminate that. P.s. Equipment Templates can still have it's own skins. Wardrobe Templates can be activated\deactivated via checkbox and will have priority over Equipment Template skins.
  9. 100 PvP Rank points for every 5 mins of queue time. + bonus if someone didn't accept match ready. Have alot of 15 mins queue in Unranked - 1 match timer.
  10. As someone who crafted 8 sigils and 7 runes prior to Armory, i had no problems in re-equipping my characters. Armory itself said: Shared Legendary Items. Infusions are not Legendary. Black Lion Salvage kit and Ascended Savlage kit can return you your upgrades, after that it can be re-used in your Legendaries. There is also Upgrade Extractors, i think Black Lion Statuette vendor sells them. What bothers me more: Where is our Legendary Aqua Breather?
  11. Give us ability to set Basic Character Models for PvE ( kitten!!! ) With release of Armory there are even more eye-eating characters around you now. PvP and WvW handles that very well, give it to PvE too. Lowest Character Models setting is a joke, since it disable visuals only for Armor skins. Infusions, Weapons, Backpack still appear with full force with theirs nasty cosmetic effects. Or even better give us new Character Models Limit options like: -Target only -5 -10 -15 -No Limit
  12. Give us NPC which can show what we have locked\unlocked in Legendary Armory, similar to guildhall upgrades NPC which collects items. Add Copy Rune\Sigil\Infusion from one tab to another. Convert Cosmetic Effects of Vision and Aurora into Cosmetic Infusion and allow us to remove it, as an alternative to checkbox. Let it be first Legendary Infusions.
  13. 'For each one' could very well mean each armor slot or each armor\weapon type, each template, each character, each item. Which one of that exactly means 'for each'. And i all hear: It's seems, i assume, looks like this looks like that. No clear example neither in gif nor in video of how it will be handled.
  14. Wardrobe Templates would have been much much better option.
  15. I really want more clearer description of how armor\weapon skins will be handled. I get it, free to change skin in legendary item. But how same armor\weapon will be handled on different character? How skin will be applied? Can it even be different skin on different character but with same weapon\armor. Blog not really clear about that. Legendary Aqua Breather? When Armory will come and this 'automatically added into Armory' will happen, does it means character who wear Legendary armor will be naked? In this case we will have to make notes of our builds and stat combos.
  16. I really don't understand why it should be placed in Armory automatically and how it will happen 😄 I have mesmer with full set of Fractal +5+9s with many build variations. Not only there is a question of where infusions will go, but also what will happen with gear template. I didn't really saved all my gear stat combos to recreate them when armory comes and if my mesmer will be strip naked.
  17. Kinda confused me too.But i guess separate WvW gear template, same as pvp, will be good.
  18. Allow Celebration Booster to boost PvP Rank Points gain to +50% or +100%. PvP rank only needed to unlock armor\weapons. Allow us to gather it faster. After all, why it works for WvW? WvW Exp can be boosted in many ways. There is no single PvP rank points booster aside from Call of the Mists buff. Also, from time to time in WvW on WvW Level gain players can get potion with 2500 WExp ( half the WvW Level cap ) PvP has nothing similar.
  19. I agree, it is simply unfair that WvW rank were lowered but PvP rank still in it's most. I don't know how others play this game, but for me, while i spend 4 hours in WvW solo roaming camps+sentries i get 4-6 levels depending on Boosters i have and how rapid i capture something. 4 Hours in Ranker\Unranked PvP - none levels at cap between Ranks in 20000 points. You need to spent more time to reach 20k points. By the time i've got all i wanted from WvW i was Rank 1866. Now i have all materials to unlock Mistforged PvP armor skin i want, and i am Rank 53. Further motivation to play PvP is gone. I will play it with no joy nor purpose and will make others suffer. And farming Custom Arena is even more painful because it is so dull. P.s. PvP rank for Armor now 100.
  20. Profession swap - yes, i don't think it's tied to anything story-related. Even Dual-Profession upgrade will be cool. Character will wear armor-type from primary profession but skills traits and abilities depending on selected profession, main or secondary. Main Thief- Secondary Mesmer, with Secondary profession activate it will be Mesmer in medium gear. But Race change - game breaking stuff. No one wants data-base rollbacks. When it comes to retain your character looks after deletion-recreation, arena should make some form of Blacklion Character-template storage. Where we could store our character settings ( p.s. i have twin characters on my account, wasn't easy 😄 )
  21. As alternative, allow us to buy Slumbering Mistforged Chest and Mistforged Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Leggings and Boots at rank 50, while Mistforged Chest ( one with wings-effect ) will stay at PvP Rank 100.
  22. Yes, more templates needed. And more to that, gear storage for WvW and PvE should have different tabs, like PvP-one. Because WvW infusions really conflict with Fractal infusion. Right now you should have one WvW or Fractal dedicated gear template. And we can't unify both infusion versions into one. I would prefer to have one character with alot of different builds, rather than one dedicated character for certain build. Also new elites will arrive soon - means we will be very limited in our choices.
  23. It is request to lower rank requirement to unlock skin- QoL. Have been done for WvW, ignored for PvP in the past.
  24. Please lower PvP rank requirement for Mistforged Glorious Armor from Rank 100 to 50. WvW Rank for Mistforged Trimphant Armor were lowered to Rank 500 from 2000 in WvW. Small comparison: WvW -Rapid WvW-rank points gain -WvW-rank points gain doesn't depends on win\lose -5000 WvW-rank points to reach new rank-level -Celebration Booster allows to get more WvW-rank points up to 100% PvP -Very Slow PvP-Rank gain. -Depends on win\lose situation -20000 PvP-rank points to reach new rank-level -Downtime to assemble a party -No boosters to gain more PvP-rank points By lowering rank requirement for Mistforged Glorious Armor you will allow players, who forced to play PvP for armor skins, to unlock these skins faster and leave gamemode. Reaching WvW Rank Level 500 and even 2000 is much more easier than PvP Rank Level 100.
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