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Everything posted by Stalkingwolf.6035

  1. yeah no more accidentally pick up from banners anymore
  2. I dont understand this dogma that ranged weapons cannot be stronger than melee weapons. Especially in a game that has skill splitting for different game modes and on top of that is very oriented towards forcing people into short range stacking due to boon sharing and aoe nature of heals i think anet wants to force players into the zerg where they cant see anything and get onshooted by unavoidable attacks.i like my DH and it would be nice to use LB again instead autoattack with Zepter on range.srsly i dont like zepter. (and focus or torch ) IMO this weapon(s) does not fit to a heavy armour class.
  3. i had luck on Lyssas event. Everybody in map chat wanted to fail the event, but some killed the enemies so i attacked some and got the item for the collection.Grenth and Lyssa worked by defending. Dwayna and Melandru we had to fail the event and then retake and kill the last boss.Balthazar you have to be part of the last event before the last boss. overall it took me about 4 1/2 hours. Most time waiting
  4. my guardian after fighting Endboss LW4S3 B) and i did not die during the fight, but that traps meh
  5. look at your achievment. Chests who are checked are open. i opened yesterday 27 chest and had no problems.
  6. i could play the mission today. but its long, very long and i'm glad i had no DC and the end :-)
  7. 24s and falling. they killed the price. lucky for everybody who was not affected by the bug /slowclap
  8. btw. Infusion falling and falling . 36/39s :-(
  9. i can open the chests . check achievment before
  10. Mirage is insane. i solo Bountys with him ( Viper Open World Build ).i love him :-)
  11. it would be as quiet as map chats. sometimes i think everybody around me is a bot.
  12. reward is just bad so not many players will play the meta. i finished the meta 3 times. for 2 collections and once for fun ( haha not really ).i needed about 10-15 tries. Main problem = not enough players. often there were 2-3 Bounty trains on the same map but they didnt helped because bounty trains are more rewarding. and if bounty trains are more rewarding .....imo the worst meta from GW2.
  13. 15 and counting.yeah and all developers are @ E3.
  14. not next day? Maybe faster than fixing charr footsteps?
  15. i have now 9 keys, some have more keys, maybe a patch? You won't tell me that you need two weeks to find and fix the bug?
  16. so after 14 Days i have the same problem. Chest are all opened.
  17. yes and we need maiden costumes like in Tera .... or maybe not.
  18. short answer ... NO.currently i'm leveling a ranger and i forgot how awful underwater combat is.
  19. That's not why you do bounties. no not? And why are we doing them? or question 2. what do you do on the new maps to get stuff and gold?
  20. Bounties have only one problem. rewards are a joke.
  21. loading screen ends to early. but after a few seconds the camera snaps back to your player.
  22. i finished the story, 100% map completion and got all mounts incl. the griphon ( all full mastery ). That was the fun part.Now it's boring. No Meta Events, Bounties are dull and not rewarding. Everything is to easy.Most of the collection needs gold, the rest is only small busy work, nothing special. Thats one of the shortest and smallest Addon i have purchased for a MMO. There has to be more.Where a new dungeons and fracatals? Where are new metas and world bosses?What have you done the past 2 years? Spendig time on blackmarked Pets, Skins etc?btw. next time you release a expansion. dont release 2 days after new stuff in blackmarked.because that stuff should have been in the expansion.
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