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Everything posted by Oglaf.1074

  1. I’m a Vigil Boi. All my characters except two alts (for the other factions respectively) are Vigil. That’s why I couldn’t remember the Priory mentor. Tybalt I remember solely because of the one scene where he transforms into a teenage girl and talks about his newfound pair of lovely, round apples. :wink:
  2. Read my posts above. Nobody is saying that Trahearne personally stole anything.
  3. Honestly, I don’t know. Most recent LW episodes seems to be more focused on the main villain’s actions and then all the good guys (PC included) just being equally dragged along for the ride fueled by whatever Plot Device/Maguffin/Ex Machina that Taimi pulls out of her adorable behind in response said villain’s action.
  4. Doesn’t really matter if he took credit or not. It wasn’t really about him as a character, but rather the role his character was forced into and how he, willingly or not, became the main focus in a story that was supposed to be about your character. Not the character’s own fault, but the fault of Anet’s writers. If that makes any sense?
  5. That's how things go. There's a hierarchy everwhere, even in your daily life. Until you're the big boss noone will give you credit's for anything. I have no issue with that, I never cared about it. I mean it's just a game and what the NPCs "think" doesn't matter to me. Wat. That’s entirely irrelevant to what I’m talking about. Why is it irrelevant? You said you didn't like that Trehearne stole the limelight from you. Clyan pointed out that he is your boss, bosses usually get the credit. That is completely on topic and relevant to what you were saying. You just don't agree with it. No it is irrelevant because I’ve no issues with “a boss” character and have said nothing of the sort. The issue is that Tree Jebus shouldn’t have been written like that in the first place. This is our personal story, not the Chronicles of Mary Sue Tree Jebus. As soon as that dreadful vegetable is introduced it ceases to be about your character and he/she is reduced to a sideline observer. Yeah, you made your point the first time, that still doesn't make it irrelevant, it makes it a different opinion. Irrelevant would be something off topic. This is directly on topic, just a different take on it.Relevant to the topic, irrelevant to the point I was making. Now cease this petty derailment of the thread, please.
  6. That's how things go. There's a hierarchy everwhere, even in your daily life. Until you're the big boss noone will give you credit's for anything. I have no issue with that, I never cared about it. I mean it's just a game and what the NPCs "think" doesn't matter to me. Wat. That’s entirely irrelevant to what I’m talking about. Why is it irrelevant? You said you didn't like that Trehearne stole the limelight from you. Clyan pointed out that he is your boss, bosses usually get the credit. That is completely on topic and relevant to what you were saying. You just don't agree with it.No it is irrelevant because I’ve no issues with “a boss” character and have said nothing of the sort. See for example the Pact Mentor characters (Forgal, Tybalt and the third one) - perfectly fine characters all of them. The issue is that Tree Jebus shouldn’t have been written like that in the first place. This is our personal story, not the Chronicles of Mary Sue Tree Jebus. As soon as that dreadful vegetable is introduced it ceases to be about your character and he/she is reduced to a sideline observer of his personal story.
  7. That's how things go. There's a hierarchy everwhere, even in your daily life. Until you're the big boss noone will give you credit's for anything. I have no issue with that, I never cared about it. I mean it's just a game and what the NPCs "think" doesn't matter to me. Wat. That’s entirely irrelevant to what I’m talking about.
  8. No. I will never forgive his Mary Sue treebutt for coming in and stealing the show, making the latter half of my personal story all about him, nor will I ever take anything but sick pleasure from having been the one to do him in for good.
  9. Berserker with Assassin mixed in because I’ve sold my soul to Raid-Metafer.
  10. The immense aggro range in PoF in contrast to the rest of the game (as well as all the mobs having a hidden damage multiplier towards mounts so they snipe you real quick) is definitely the thing I absolutely hate the most with those areas. I was very vocal about it immediately following the launch of the exp pack. Thankfully the Griffin makes it almost tolerable because mobs don’t seem as good at shooting things outta the sky - but they still aggro from a ridiculous range and two/three shots the poor thing if they do manage to hit.
  11. Ironically that would make them even more fit as armor pieces in my eyes, because it would HOPEFULLY allow us to disable the pieces we didn't like, since they could be considered different parts ;) Don't like the feathers on the side, disable the gloves, don't like the fur around the neck, disable shoulders, etc. But yeah, still would prefer them to be just underwear alternatives for the Southsun beach and similar areas. Really don't want to look at bikini asuras in the shiverleaks :p I’d love to be able to wear the fur speedo as “leggings” with regular heavy armour everything else on my male Norn. Going He-Man.
  12. I approve. Modeler/animator work hours very, veeeey well spent. :+1:
  13. But unlike Personality, I won’t miss when it’s gone. ;)
  14. Except they’re clearly intent on going the other route. When they removed the cost, they should’ve just scrapped the entire mechanic instead.
  15. Man the two fur-options are giving me a raging Norner. I want them soooo badly. :D
  16. This. The introduction of these hypothetical capes better come with an hypothetical option to turn off the backpieces of other players.
  17. They really need to up the Vengeance chance against trash mobs and make it so that any Veteran and above kill has 100% success rate.
  18. Enough with the Human content. It is time to focus on Jormag and the Norns.
  19. I had literally no idea what was going on in that fight. I only managed to stumble my way through it because I was using a Core Warrior build with lots of sustain.
  20. Also, don't other races have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers? Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric. Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards). I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight... Weird, I would have thought the opposite. All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander). Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story. Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story. A point was made asking if the non human races had something to contribute to the story. Non humans are the primary contributors to the story.Which again is irrelevant to the point I was making - and you quoted me as if responding to me directly.
  21. Also, don't other races have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers? Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric. Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards). I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight... Weird, I would have thought the opposite. All of the important characters are non human (not counting a human commander). Asuran, Norn, Charr, and Sylvari NPCs drive the story.Irrelevant when they're "driving" an extremely human-centric story.
  22. Also, don't other races have something to contribute to the story? Besides impromptu fodder as soldiers? Yeah, it is dreadfully boring and humancentric. Always been since we set foot in Elonia (i.e PoF and onwards). I'm really, really hoping for the plot to focus on Jormag so that the Norns get their turn in the spotlight...
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