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Everything posted by zistenz.1945

  1. I got the Maws of Torment (Desolation) this week. That meta is super empty on my usual playing timeframe (EU mid-afternoon). I did once or twice years ago when I was lucky with the map and the commanders, but not a popular meta for sure, it requires a lot of coordination. Well, I'll give a try to the map/LFG this weekend...
  2. Actually, I like the new system. It's hilarious how often easy to do everything under 15 mins tops just outside of Amnoon (strictly PvE) and bought up every gold and mystic coins (for selling in bulk on the TP) from the AA shop. Since the WV arrived I was able to swap those hundreds of gold (plus some of my reserve) into 1600 gems... Before the WV it was a hard and painfully slow work (for me). And I still skip a lot of daily/weekly items, like JPs, fractals, or activities. I never finised about 20% of the dailies (don't care about the AP loss / boosters). But no more inventory / bank space clutter from the daily thrash, at last! (I still wish to swap those unused bank stacks for some useful things.) However, I feel for those think the new system "robbed" them from their choices (it is true), but I still feel also the coming of the new 4th option on every daily page will create more grudge from those selected multiple gamemodes on WV. We clearly lost the variety from the old system, the new one is too bland and easy. And I want my bouncy boxes back, they're too satisfying to click on! The new UI user experience (UX) is horrible. PS: I'm a very casual solo player. I play on and off (mostly on) since '15. I have everything until the end of LS4, but skipped entirelly / not purchased EoD and SotO. I gritted my teeth and finished PoF only for the griffon unlock, never finished anything else (I started the other episodes mostly for the map unlocks only).
  3. Flame Legion doesn't give +7% damage against burning foes since the arrival of the relics, so Hizen's modified Dhuumfire-based semi-perma-shroud build doesn't work anymore as before. Or there's an another application where FL runes are still worth something?
  4. I used to have Flame Legion on my celestial reaper with Dhuumfire, which gave me +7% on burning foes. After this patch, the whole thing poof, went to the bin. The rune set itself is unusable now for my build (or anyone at this point). There's no replacement relic for this effect. I had to replace everything with Scholar and the Thief relic (Reaper could be also is an option, I use three shouts). So... what changed really?
  5. Dimensions in Rift wasn't a "yet another housing system", it was an integral part of the social and loot aspects of the game and the customizability was HUGE. Almost every map had a nice patch which was purchaseable (with shop money, of course, but they were sellable in-game and even on the loot tables; I never spent money on the game, still I had several houses and dozens of furniture from random loot alone). The patch could be a nice looking desert oasis, an asian style walled court with a small pond, a small peninsula along the shores, etc., basically an outdoor area. Also there were a lot of furniture and "building block" drops and purchaseables, like rocks, walls, complete huts, open warehouses, flowerbeds, trees, stones, tech gizmos, animated stuffs, everything you can imagine, in a huge variety and rarity. The whole bulding system was an fps-style 3D space where every "block" could move, rotate,. zoom, join to other blocks, and such. Every "house" had an entry permit you could set up to allow or block persons individually or for everyone. There was a ranking system too, scored from one to five starts IIRC. The guild hall system was based on the same system too, where the base buildings were prefab inns, house blocks, and such, and every guild member could put their furnitures and blocks into and outside. However, I don't think GW2 needs such a complex system for housing. The player areas in the cities seems enough as a start, and it should have more options to build onto and personalize, but that's it.
  6. That doesn't matter. Destiny 2 worked well on linux before and devs successfully demoed the game on the Deck too (heck, the game was on Stadia, legally!), but Bungie decided that linux is not a safe environment and they immediately ban you if you try to run the game on it. (F* you, again, Bungie! And you decided to delete a huge chunk out of your game, f* you for that too!)
  7. Blizzard did the same thing that our guys, the players in fury. 🙂
  8. They said in January they'll remove the DX9 option soon, it wasn't a surprise. It's inefficient to develop for both renderers, especially for their legacy spaghetti code. And linux is not officitally supported, so we should be thankful they're not using any kittened up kernel level DRM/anticheat tech in the game and/or they don't treat us as cheaters and don't ban us simply just because we use linux (f* you, Bungie!).
  9. Currently there's an issue with all the new-ish AMD cards and kernel 6.4.1 and single monitor setups (it seems multi monitors doesn't affected), so if anyone has sudden performance degradation after an upgrade recently, try these: Adjust/lower the monitor refresh rate (it may not work). Try to force the good MCLK value via console (see the workaround in the comments, but it may not work). Downgrade the kernel to 6.3.9 and wait for the fix (always works).
  10. So I'm using the sddm-git for about 2 weeks now and it's working: no logout timeouts, no login problems, nothing.
  11. I was too lazy to look it up, but did it now and replaced with sddm-git (as written here, using yay). Tonight we'll see how is it works... 🙂
  12. SDDM is okay for me, I don't have these login problems, but during shutdown, in 7 of 10 cases, I have to wait 90 secs unti it timeouts.
  13. Same here. I'm a solo OW player and *this* cele signet reaper build is it for me. It has medium dps and very selfish, a very few players use it, but it is still fun and clicks perfectly with my relaxed, low intense gameplay. Or it was, apparently... I went through so many niche, but fun builds that were gutted by a thoughtless side effect, now I think I'm done with this, I got tired of it.
  14. Nobara has a KDE version too. I tried it and it's... okay? It has all the Nobara Project tinkering improvements, except the Gnome ones, and the KDE skin is the default bland version, not a customized one. I used it for a few weeks, but in the end I had problems with my usb headset (Fedora doesn't recognize it at the boot), so I went back to Endeavour/Arch/KDE. With my setup, Nobara didn't had any performance gain over Arch, it was exactly the same, actually, so I'm going to stay on EOS a while again.
  15. AMD's FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) is like Nvidia's DLSS: it renders the game in a lower resolution, then an AI procedure upscales the output onto a higher resolution screen. Obviously, this enchances the performance, at a price: lower image quality. The AI method only extrapolates from the lower resolution images, it can't "create" much finer details, especially if there're high resolution textures or objects in the source, like faces, laces or fingers. Usually it isn't a problem, GW2 doesn't have any high-res textures. FSR (as DLSS) requires newer AMD cards (as your 6600 or my 6650) and Mesa/Vulkan drivers on linux. This WINE option (which also requires Proton-GE) just forces GW2 into this mode, the game doesn't support natively it. You can try to fine tune it with the WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_STRENGTH (controls sharpness, where 0 is the highest and 5 is the default) or WINE_VULKAN_NEGATIVE_MIP_BIAS (surface details). Look it up on Google for the details.
  16. I did a refresh and I have the latest mirrors. The previous pacnew file was full of servers, but everything was disabled in there. And combined with the new pacman.conf that disabled the multilib and the eos repos, I had a few problems with updating the system. It is working now.
  17. I had many problems with the new mirrorlist, I went back to the old one and did a refresh.
  18. Some Mesa 23.1 experiences (6650XT with BAR enabled): the game feels smoother now. I didn't saw any significant fps bumps, but the lower 1% feels better. No more new object texture lags (like jumping on the raptor on a new map, or rotating the camera around), everything looks better, snappier.
  19. Do you have any pacman customizations (e.g. ParallelDownloads or IgnorePkg)? If there isn't any, then just do this: cd /etc sudo mv pacman.conf pacman.conf.old sudo cp pacman.conf.new pacman.conf Look into the /etc/pacman.d folder too and apply the same to the mirrorlist file too. I was able to update mesa yesterday before I did anything with pacman, so maybe there's another issue with your config? ---- EDIT: Actually, it is NOT recommended to use the new pacnew files (yet?). I found it removes a lot of sources, especially if you have a customized Arch like mine (EOS), and the mirrors are all disabled. I went back to the old files after a few small problems and missing updates.
  20. Arch users, mesa 23.1 is out, RADV_PERFTEST=gpl no longer required. Everyone should update their pacman files too.
  21. KDE user here too, it is still in 12-hour mode. Tried to add "LC_TIME=hu_HU.utf8" to the command line, but it doesn't work. I think the game uses some other method to acquire locale information, because when I was on XFCE and Hungarian locales, the 24-hour mode was the default.
  22. Which distro do you use? "Driver Manager" and such sounds like Pop!_OS, or Manjaro. Both should have the latest drivers already. Please provide more information on your OS.
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