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Everything posted by ZeftheWicked.3076

  1. Around 65 millions years ago a huge asteroid struck the planet and wiped out boon corruption from necro's kit. Oh and dinosaurs too, but the latter part isn't yet fully confirmed.
  2. "Necro identity is a lot of boonrip" - CMC. I rest my case... Last time i checked necro identity was a lot of boon corrupt, and for a good reason. When a 4 legged drooling, mindless beast who has stab pounces on you in pvp, you have no time to rip a boon and only after that apply a cc. Not with necro's slow as molasses cast times. That's when boon corrupt came into play at least giving you a chance for a quick stab -> fear conversion. Oh and by drooling mindless beast I obviously refer to charr warriors...
  3. Few things about this patch rub me the wrong way, really hard: 1. Baseline nerfs for opt-in gains. Barriers and ressing get nerfed baseline, because current Scourge with alacrity would be crazy. Ok, but that alacrity is a grandmaster opt-in. What of the scourges who don't choose it? They still eat the nerfs for no pay off. 2. Grandmaster trait balance completly destroyed. Sand Savant was the support/Quality of Life pick. Demonic Lore the dps choice. Feed from corruption for competitive boon hate. After 27th june we have two support grandmasters, one of which is clearly superior (new Desert Empowerment). With that Sand Savant becomes obsolete and a dead trait with next to no purpose. 3. Hating on scourge's core identity. Nerfing something that is broken is one thing, but butchering it's identity while doing it is another. Making transfusion pull downed allies only on initial pulse is an absolutely fair and deserved nerf. That mechanic was broken and abused in competitive for too long. But why butcher the % ress values across the board for PvE no less? Scourge "heals" with barrier and ressing. That's what it is and it's awesome, because at least one healer provides something different from the rest. Why gut it instead of embracing it?
  4. Come back with a more respectful tone and one simple question at a time instead of a wall of them. Then I will reply.
  5. Anyone else noticing how new alacrity trait destroys sand savant and takes away the power of his barriers? Scourge may opt into alacrity, but will have his barrier values reduced no matter if he did so or not. And who'll pick current sand savant on a support build it means losing party alac?? So here's my (crazy) suggestion: Sand Savant: On top of current functionality (which stays) - barriers you apply have 50% duration and 80% effectiveness. However when fully broken by damage, they will recast themselves one more time for their full value. Meaning this traits makes you a super strong barrier healer - stronest of all, but at a cost. For one, you obviously loose the party alac trait. Secondly it's very player skill based. Your barriers are weaker and last only 2.5s. You gotta time it right and know the encounter to use this trait right. If your barrier is strong enough to mitigate large portion of incoming attack, but weak enough to be fully broken by it - you win. Barrier recasts itself ending up with total 160% value compared to non traited version. This opens up two new scourge roles - one is that of the strongest barrier healer (but without alac). Second is the old one of solid dps with good barrier output. Only this time around it's balanced by high player skill requirement and not just being brain dead easy stat stick vs everything.
  6. The initial feeling i got from mesmer changes was "Mirage is getting 2nd dodge back in competitive, so let's butcher core mes and virtuoso to make up for that!"
  7. Let's focus on stuff that matters - barriers. Scourge has strongest healing power coefficients when it comes to those and he invests into that stats, they get thick and juicy. So the nr 1 question is: Will they still be thick and juice post patch?
  8. Honestly I'm far more concerned with how scepter is forcefully chained to this trait and hot garbage without it. No other necro weapon becomes this useless without it's dedicated trait.
  9. As it was said in the second post - it's not a race, it's exactly the same character representing given profession's each and every elite spec. That's why soulbeast, druid and untamed are all female sylvari, while all warrior e-specs have black norn artwork.
  10. Signets got butchered in all sorts of nasty ways (vampirism passive, undeath active, spite active still being spite active, plague passive being plague passive). Now the big question here is - will the SoF keep old goodies (passives working in shroud and their cd speeding up) or throw them out. If the latter .. well that garbage truck is making another pass under your window not because your house is so pretty, but because it's here to collect your necro signets..
  11. This one really baffles me. A skill that is hamstrung in PvE yet buffed in competitive. Why not just make it same across all modes with 2 charges?
  12. Honestly having protection for party on warrior goes pretty much against it's core design (offensive soldier profession). Also healer warrior could happen if you just give warrior water fields. There's a fair amount of blasting in warrior's kit, just no water field to blast it on.
  13. That's becuase healer spec is saved for next xpac. Reason you're not seeing it now is quite simple - missing weapon. Warrior's power budget is in weapons. Therefore most likely healer warrior spec will do it's healing first and foremost via it's new weapon and whatever profession mechanic it'll get.
  14. Got mixed feeling here and there, though I do feel the love in this patch. Crack Shot - good call with cd removal, but I would also like longbow auto burning to leave this trait and be baseline. Why do I need a trait to make hybrid weapon do hybrid damage?
  15. For now I'm very happy with my Condi Combat Cabbage being able to move while flurrying. That thing was unusuable in competitive and punished you for using a sword outside berserk mode. Now it might mean non zerk warriors and zerkers not in berserk mode are actually going to have a burst skill while wielding mainhand sword...
  16. It's kinda part of warrior design - they can't be dedicated heealers. Majority of warrior support (outside of might stacking and quickness atm) is about high impact skills but with larger cooldowns. Warriors doesn't keep his party permabuffed, instead he intervenes with big skills when things go south or there's a window of opportunity. Except for healing which is kinda intervention based, but certainly not big.
  17. Joko the Insightful approves of the Berserker quickness. The fearmongering here is only second to these sunspear dogs barking at the benevolent rule of Joko the Great. Quickness on landing a burst is a good idea. Quickness stacks in duration, so being out of berserk mode is no problem, as you can just prestack a lot of it when zerked and then chill when it's down. Tactics work well with zerker, despite discipline line being the meta. Consider this as a trade off. You can go discipline and have balls to the wall damage while also sharing quickness and banner boons including resolution (from doubled standards). Or you can choose tactics for major self safety and boon share upgrades at expense of dps. With our without Phalanx Strength, tactics makes Warrior's might stacking for group rock solid. And mending might capitalizes on that making your self sustain huge based off that. You get free prot for group with new Soldier's Comfort and if you like also new group stab source with reworked Martial Cadence. Which is great because banner of tactics has a long cooldown if we're talking stab for allies.
  18. Nevah! But new e-spec with next xpac should.
  19. If you want to make this trait/skill a nice fat alacrity share option for your party (which I look forward to), keep in mind it currently affects only 3 targets. Obviously not what you want in a fractal or raid group setting. And as the new Desert Empowerment will be grandmaster tier, fixing the issue with Sand Savant will be out of the question..
  20. Hell no. This kills choice and diversity. The whole idea about GW2 combat is that you have to make choices, and not just run around with everything on by default. What needs to happen is honest reworking of these "mandatory" trailines that hold professions hostage.
  21. Your full sentinel/soldier warrior is running around buck naked... The build you provided has no gear equipped at all.
  22. They said Soo-Won and ingame we meet her in two variants (normal and void corrupted). I dare say we spend more time with the latter due to dragon's end meta. Also it is a great counter part to The initial variant (Aurene) - Primatic Darkness (void) opposing the Prismatic Light (Aurene).
  23. I disagree. Your solution would make this trait very crit chance oriented, while aura detonation allows it to be stats agnostic.
  24. Not really. Berserker gear is for power specs, so for Reaper, not Harb or Scourge. Condi variants need viper gear which you need to craft, though you can get mats for it from Trading Post. Not sure about recipies though. For support Harb (quickness) Ritualist gear is bees knees, but that too requires you to do some work in EoD maps (at least for insignia/inscription) recipies.
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