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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Saw a post on GW2 reddit saying that changing the frame limiter setting from unlimited to 60 made this happen less. Might be something worth testing out. One related video to see the bug: https://youtu.be/veIjFOnR13g
  2. I usually use Yolomouse with GW2 because I hate losing track of my cursor but I tested this without it. Managed to trigger it few times, where the cursor jumped with the rotating movement, but it's not as constant as in your clip. This was with Dx11 and windowed fullscreen @ 5120x1440p. Edit: Might have something to do with latency/fps, both of which are normally good for me. But I'd say definitely something "hinky" going on, the cursor should not jump like it did.
  3. Have to agree with this, and also the whole filter mechanic is a bit annoying. The one at a time decaying is fine but when the haze thickens it randomly consumes up to 5(?) charges. The stations should also remember your filter choice so you can refresh the stacks with one click. Maybe add a console next to it where you can change the filter type if you want to.
  4. @Hellion.2360 As Inculpatus cedo suggested make a support ticket and send Anet the crash log (ArenaNet.log) so they can assist you: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231273708-Collecting-Diagnostic-Information-for-Support-Reporting-Tech-Issues-
  5. Would love to help but sadly I'm playing on NA side. You could ask in map chat or perhaps a guildie would help you out. You can also use teleport to friend consumable to bypass the doors.
  6. @Hellion.2360 Not trying to rub salt on anything just stating that the game works fine for me. If there really was a widespread problem with the game then everyone would have these issues. Ofc I read the post I linked and there's already lots of advice there to help you try to solve it. Have you tried using Dx9 until Anet can fix the problem?
  7. For me the game works fine. No crashes or unusual memory usage. In the graphic driver crash post there's 8 players saying they had similar issues. If this really was a widespread problem then there would be a lot more players posting about it.
  8. My cursor appears on the same spot where it was when I pressed my mouse button down, and this has always been how it works for me so can't see any change at all. Tried with both buttons and changing cursor contrast, invert camera, free camera, use either mouse button to change direction and first-person camera settings. None had any effect on it. What mouse are you using, model and type? In what game modes this occurs? Does it happen in other games or only in GW2?
  9. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/128327-please-undo-the-mouse-turn-change/ That's likely what the OP is talking about.
  10. Here's some of my favorites. Moderately large & futuristic: • War Machine Rifle • Inquest Mark II Rifle Smaller ones but with unique sound effects I like: • Rat-tat-tat: Repeating Rifle • Ironsight Bolt Thrower (was already posted)
  11. I'd recommend setting character model limit on lowest. I have pretty good system but I still keep it on lowest to increase FPS esp. in zerg fights.
  12. I do not get these story instance disconnects, in fact I very rarely get any at all. If your network adapter has sleep mode / power saving settings you can try disabling those and/or the interrupt moderation setting. Disabling the latter uses bit more system resources but should improve latency and responsiveness in games. A simple explanation would be that the network adapter will handle packets faster thus increasing the CPU load. On modern CPUs this shouldn't be an issue, I hardly notice any difference with my i9-10850K.
  13. Playing from EU on NA servers. Just got disconnected while hanging around in DR plaza and I very rarely get any disconnects.
  14. Ofc that's up to you, but I have to ask why? You said Dx11 is performing better, but still won't upgrade to OS that has better overall optimization for gaming and uses less memory for the same or even higher frame rates? If it's only the new look you don't like then you can customize it to look like Windows 7, it's quite easy to find guides for this online. My Windows 10 screen doesn't look anything like what they advertised it as. I've disabled the animations and other "useless stuff" adjusting it for the best performance instead. Also note that it's not only the end of support from Microsoft. AMD Radeon won't get any new driver updates and Nvidia will only do critical security updates (ending next year). Google Chrome also ended their support, and Firefox will most likely do the same later this year when they move to a new build.
  15. That's for WvW rewards. More info about the scaling rewards: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/world-vs-world-objective-scaling-rewards/
  16. Blue Prophet Shard (IBS) gear has limited selection which does not include these stats. Green Prophet Shard (EoD) weapons & trinkets already included these stats for the items you are able select them. Have you checked any of the items listed in the wiki? • https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ritualist's#Related_equipment • https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon's#Related_equipment It's ofc possible that the devs missed adding them on some items.
  17. That's somewhat hostile attitude you have there "bud". So if it's only 2+1 maps, then the next expac won't be far behind. That is the point of the new model, to have more consistent release schedule. And in the end we do not know enough yet, because of the vague wording in the news post. I'd rather wait than assume anything.
  18. Five maps you mean? Two at release plus one more each quarter with the updates. Ofc assuming they'll release one mini-expac per year but they might do more than three content update releases for an expansion.
  19. They said that there's no plans for "exclusive full-screen" setting with Dx11 unless something has changed. The reason given was that in Windows 10 there's no discernable performance difference between exclusive full-screen and windowed full-screen. Here's the post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/114805-regarding-directx-11—minor-graphics-options-differences/ Also note that Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for Windows 7 over three years ago, so I'd recommend upgrading to Windows 10.
  20. From the news post I got the picture that you buy the mini-expansion and get the quaterly updates for free. They did not directly say this but it would make sense. So basically similar model as now but with faster paced content updates. In the end we are both assuming how it'll work, but we have no way of knowing until they give us more details.
  21. LWS 3 requires HoT, LWS 4 & 5 require PoF so they were never free content. And they already told us what we'll get with buying each "season pass": "The first release in an expansion cycle is the launch point for a new story arc, bringing with it two new open-world maps, two Strike Missions, new gameplay and combat features, new Masteries, and new rewards. In the following quarterly updates, we’ll add another open-world map, additional story chapters, challenge modes for the Strike Missions, a new fractal dungeon and challenge mode, new rewards, and additions to the new systems introduced in that expansion." Edit: The new model might be slightly more expensive with how much content you get for your money but not by much. It depends on how many quaterly updates they do but if assuming 3–4 I'd say that's plenty of content for buying each mini-expansion.
  22. I do agree with engi especs but I'd add firebrand and maybe renegade/herald also. My personal fave is still the reaper. Hard to decide which is the best tho.
  23. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resting#See_also There's different buffs, from 5% to 25% bonus open world XP. You can only get the 5% one (A Little Well Rested) outside of Arborstone. Longer chair sitting only increases the duration not the strenght, and I do have maxxed the mastery track. So Arborstone is still the place to rest if you want full benefits of the masteries.
  24. Ice Reaver armor with purple hue dyes? But getting the full set will take time since the pieces are sold individually (or few at a time) in gem store rotation.
  25. The release on 28th is the continuation of EoD story and owners of the expansion will unlock it for free. They haven't yet told us when they'll release the first buyable "mini-expansion".
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