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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. If this "fixed" it then the issue could be that the network adapter has some sort of power saving mode on. In Windows you can turn it off from device manager -> properties -> power management. Depending on your system both regular and wifi adapters should be listed in the manager. There's also power plan options with some advanced settings like wireless adapter power saving mode. If you connect thru wifi then set this to maximum performance. These settings should prevent Windows turning off the adapter(s) when it thinks there's no activity.
  2. When I had trouble catching the fish needed I logged in with another toon and often caught it quite fast. Ended up rotating between three toons to finish the achies. My conclusion: the RNG works in mysterious ways.
  3. Nice guide, thank you for sharing. One great tip someone gave me was to set the minimap clock show Tyrian Time from General Options -> In-Game Clock. Personally I haven't been fishing much after getting CSAMM and the shiny rod, but still find it a relaxing thing to do sometimes. Also, some feedback about the additional tips section: when fighting off mobs around your anchored skiff there's no real need to hurry. Just pull aggro away from the skiff and take your time killing the mobs. If you stay close to your skiff it should not vanish. Can't remeber the exact despawn range but it's quite far away, 3000 units or so. The 'losing association' timer is there to show how much time you have for summoning a new skiff (to retain the fishing party stacks) in case you lost the earlier skiff. There were people reporting their skiff despawning when the timer ran out but this bug should be fixed by now.
  4. The ones you listed can be found here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Central_Tyria_mastery_points See the description tab for how to unlock each. As Linken said some of them require the completion of all achievements in the category which will reward you with the mastery point.
  5. Dear Santa, For Christmas I wish for: • Reduce jade mech size by 1/6 (maybe even 1/5). • Reduce mech skill attack visual effect sizes too (same ratio as above). • Make a color channel for the jade green (but not the metallic gold because no doubt some naughty players would make abhorrent color schemes with two channels). • Make the attack effects use the color from the jade green dye channel. • Make the Superconducting Signet AoE color neutral lightning field (no green puddle pls).
  6. Male norn wearing the loincloth sitting in tea time chair is a (nsfw) sight to see. Gave me a good long laugh.
  7. Post-processing on high with Dx11 on. Looks like the wurms got some pretty strong strobe lights in the pool at Junundu Hatchery. Party time! Do the worm dance!
  8. I was curious about this so did some testing. On my system both the FPS (80-160) and total memory usage (45-50%) are around same levels on all maps (core, expansions and lws). The FPS does go way down (40-60) in metas etc. populated events even with char model limit on lowest but I'd say that's normal for everyone. And the game does use bit more memory the longer I play but that shouldn't surprise anyone either. i9-10850K, 3070 Ti, 16GB of DDR4 (3600MHz cl16), 49" widescreen (1440p 120Hz). Win10 and GW2 installed on M.2 NVMe SSD. I also have the OS pagefile set to maximum size (3x system memory) since I have plenty of unused storage space. Edit: oh and I do use Dx11 which has been working great for me.
  9. In my opinion it is fine. Took me months to do but I am a "filthy" casual. I also skipped some JPs by buying and crafting the treats.
  10. Then do the puzzle. I thought it to be hard too before doing it years ago, but it's really not that hard, especially if you have multiple ppl killing the mobs. Wiki guide can be found here. If you need to only unlock the last door then skip to third (spider) room runestone locations. You can use mounts so if you have skyscale just "cheese" thru it. Also, the devs said on stream that this is a permanent hidden collection added to the game so no need to hurry with it.
  11. You bring up good points - a fitting ergonomy is very important. For me a good chair and wrist support with keyboard are must-haves. I used to have back problems that caused neck pain before investing in a proper gaming chair. Back problems went away with the chair but the arm supports were too hard on my elbows causing discomfort and occasional cramps so I added some padding to them. Good mechanical keyboard also helps, my current one is Glorious GMMK 2 which offers options for key sensitivity.
  12. Why do you keep quoting random stuff back at me? Just can't let it go, huh? You really want to "win" this argument? Well congrats, you won! I have more interesting things to do than trying to win arguments in online forums.
  13. I know that it is only a license and they may do as they wish, I have read the agreement. I fail to see what does "buying a license to use the service" has to do with "what law applies to the user agreement". These are two separate sections of the user agreement that deal with different topics. Anyways, back to the topic: lot of online games do have this "magical pixel currency" you have to buy with real money before you can actually get the stuff you want from the ingame store - this is how they make it not a gambling activity if there are lootboxes involved.
  14. That says they may make changes to the user license in accordance to the applicable law. Also, had to check what Washington State law says about online gambling and it is indeed illegal in the state (with some exceptions). I guess this activity does not meet the requirements of what constitutes as online gambling. Most likely because users can't gamble directly with real money, they can only buy gems with it and that is not gambling in the view of the law.
  15. 6.2 Governing Law and Venue. "This User Agreement will be governed [by] Washington State law, *excluding choice of law rules. You and NCSOFT disclaim any application of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. You and NCSOFT each consent to exclusive venue and jurisdiction of the courts located in King County, Washington." *the excluded countries are Germany and France under which it says "Section 6 of this User Agreement does not apply to you."
  16. They are using the "you agree on these terms" method to "get around the system". From the User Agreement: "Responsible Adults must supervise their Minor Users’ Use of the Services." In this context 'Responsible Adult' means a parent or legal guardian who must be at least 18 y/o. So if you don't want to do the 'parenting part' then don't let your kid play the game. That's also parenting, as in setting limits.
  17. All of these tools work as harvesting tools, so the skyscale one is not just a skin but also a harvesting tool. The skin swapping is done in Hero panel's Wardrobe tab (next under Equipment) and takes transmutation charges just like other gear does. The skyscale tool also looks to have a glyph according to wiki, which you can remove and put on any other tool. Personally I use one glyphed unbreakable tool set with all my characters: I have normal basic tools equipped on all my toons and the glyphed set in shared inv slots so I can just double click on each tool to swap them on.
  18. Have to agree it is a fair price for what's included in the package. Personally however not a fan of outfits like these, but adding a new emote tome makes me hopeful for more of them in the future. New dance emote volumes/tomes soon™?
  19. I am using the Antialiasing FXAA setting. When I turn Postprocessing off I can definitely see the sharpness of edges better - that is what I meant. FXAA + PP on low is the best performance vs quality setting (for me).
  20. The high setting has bit too much bloom for my liking so I have it on low. On the other hand the off setting has too many jagged edges. I also have light adaptation turned on and the default monitor brightness/contrast tuned down. Most monitors are way too bright at the default settings.
  21. Thank you for posting the reply @Max Out.5732 Normally I don't have connection issues but I did have some annoying skill lag recently. I used the -diag command line option few times and got pretty much the same results. Packet losses of 80-95% between Amazon server hops, not at the very end but close to it. I'm playing on NA side from the EU.
  22. Yes, please. How to Dance Volume 1 was introduced in May 2013 and I've been wanting Volume 2 for years. Could perhaps use (or combine) some choya dance tonic skills for few of the new moves.
  23. The wiki is lacking info on this but it could be a (rare) drop from Valdhertz Crypts mini-dungeon grand chest. The contents are not listed in the wiki most likely because many times the chests can't be looted (a known bug). I've also completed this mini-dungeon few times and even when fully done I could only loot some of the chests and never the grand one.
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