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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Living World Season 2 Complete Pack is also listed in the web store: https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-gb#ingame_items For me the price shown there is 16€.
  2. Hybrid healer/dps builds work well as secondary healers and I'd say the best ones for this purpose are necromancer (scourge) and thief (specter). In raids and other endgame activities primary healer's main role is to keep buffs up and secondary role is to heal. Guardian, elementalist and also ranger (druid) work well as more pure healer/support role. Personally I love the scourge since it can do decent damage while giving lots of barrier, some regen, very fast ressing and might to your group. Thief's specter healer support spec is also easy to work with switching between more healing or dps depending on the need, especially when using celestial (all stats) gear. You can find common builds for different roles at the MetaBattle wiki page: https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki
  3. I agree. However, I've been reading some of the "criticism" in the Steam forums and a lot of it is misleading or just outright lies about the game.
  4. Guessing you mean Testimony of Heroics? If you look at the Heroics Notary vendor list in the wiki it says unlocked by having EoD (and PoF for the old heroics). Testimony of Jade Heroics "replaced" Testimony of Desert Heroics as rewards when EoD was released. If you have EoD and the vendor list not unlocked then contact support.
  5. Outfits are full armor costumes that overwrite your gear appearance and you can change them freely once you've unlocked a certain outfit. Changing the look of your normal gear does indeed take transmute charges except for legendaries and some special reward items. There's no way to mix these so you either use the gear apperance or an outfit. It can be pricey to maintain the look when leveling, I usually use outfits for this. You can try to find the pieces for that look by going thru the (heavy) armor wardrobe storage tab in bank or crafting station. The skins you do not have are greyed out but you can still preview them and check the wiki how to obtain a skin you want.
  6. Tell them about the wiki (as others here said). Tell them the combat is movement and avoidance based so using dodge is important but even strafing around your enemy makes them often miss hitting you. Tell them about material storage, loot item stacking, gathering and salvaging, and selling materials to get some starting gold. And last but not least, tell them to have fun exploring and not to be afraid to die doing it, because there's no downside from it.
  7. The purpose of the boosts that come with expansions is so you can make a new toon, boost it to max and start playing the lvl 80 expansion content right away. You can also test a class you might want to play with the boost since using it takes you to area called the Silverwastes as lvl 80 and gives you set of gear and skills. Trying to leave the area gives you a prompt to either accept or cancel using the boost. It's also sold in the gem store as convenience item for those feeling lazy or who don't like leveling, if they don't have tomes of knowledge. I put few GW2 Wiki links in my reply cause it's very useful site to find any info you might want to know about stuff in the game.
  8. Could be also affected by your character height slider setting, just like some other scaling things like mount sizes.
  9. The decade consumables should have been recipes imo and initially I thought so when I saw them. Edit: maybe with some special decade ingredient that can be bought in bulk with the proof of legends.
  10. There is no universal mechanic for it but the thief class has a skill like this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spider_Venom There's also a sigil that inflicts poison on attack after weapon swap: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Doom As a sidenote: reminds me of my Ultima Online days. I often used dagger with deadly poison in PvP. Was great against mages cause constant damage made their spells fizzle. They couldn't even cast cure spell to save themselves.
  11. Great post, thank you! Just to add as a note that buying a licence to use the services also applies to GW2 as stated in section 1.3.1 of the User Agreement.
  12. Was going to post about the outfits and hats etc. like others here but I took notice that the OP specifically mentions clothing that the NPC pirate enemies are wearing. They also said "yes there is a pirate outfit available in the gem store", so I think they know about the pirate skins available for players. For me personally this in not an issue. I think the designers went for more realistic look rather than what is the common theme shown in movies and tv series.
  13. Sounds like the PvP experience in most games at times. Block, report and move on.
  14. Gonna bump this to note that I bought some gems from the in-game store a while ago and paysafe payment option worked normally again. So thank you whoever worked to fix this issue. <3
  15. Have to agree with this. The map name is also perfect. As for the area difficulty, I personally prefer HoT over PoF or EoD, but still think that PoF is overall the best expansion.
  16. There is a history section in the trading post transactions tab. Could check that if you sold the skin? Also, what server are you on? If you're on NA I have extra foxfire axe skin I can send you to use or sell and get the one you want.
  17. I was skeptical about the usefulness of the ninth year gift cake feast but it has proven to be extremely useful, free shareable food buff that's not half bad. (+40 to all stats, +10% karma, +15% magic find and experience from kills.) Hopefully they'll make something similar for this year, perhaps universal utility consumable with infinite uses.
  18. There are already ads in the launcher and also in the gem store tab. Granted they advertise mostly ingame items (launcher ads might advertise webstore stuff too) but those are still ads that make Anet more sales, that's the reason they are there. There's a big difference between "in your face" direct advertising and subtle one, and the latter might be inconspicuous by design.
  19. A suggestion if you haven't already got such setup: put a lighting source behind your monitor. I have a desk lamp behind my monitor pointing to the wall to balance the background light level and it helps a lot with eye strain esp. from the flashy effects. Another thing that made a big difference for me was getting a monitor with higher refresh rate. My current screen is 120Hz and I'll never go back to 60Hz one because it causes too much eye strain for me. Some might claim you can't feel the difference but my eyes would disagree with that statement.
  20. What food was it? Some of them have achievements for consuming lots, eg. Candy Canes for the Sweet Tooth title.
  21. Machine gun bolt thrower ftw! Quickness + alacrity build is hilarious now.
  22. Them 1st world "problems" getting real serious now I see. Will you all be demanding compensation for the "shock" this issue caused and your precious lost minutes to rebind the keys? I'd guess the likely reason for this "game breaking" change is the upcoming Steam release.
  23. I really hope they increase the losing association effect duration and make it (and the fishing party catches) last thru map changes. This would be relatively simple thing to do to make lots of fishing folks happy and encourage players to fish more. I can't see what would be a downside to this change.
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