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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. Could you sell the Qi Focusing Chair again please? Last two store chair cycles combined had pretty much all other gem store chairs but not this one. It has been sold only once so far, from April 12th to May 17th last year.
  2. Keybind what? You can keybind taking out the fishing rod. See the mastery skills section in: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Control_Options
  3. Would be easier for users here try to figure it out if you gave us the error codes, or at least few of them - can't be that long list. For examples see: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863018-Common-Error-Codes
  4. <GW2 install folder>\bin64\cef\CefHost.exe While GW2 exe might pass thru your anti-virus this is a different executable you need to give access for the trading post/gem store to work properly. The anti-virus software likely has a list of excluded programs, try adding it there. They recently changed from Coherent to CEF as what they use for running these web based pages ingame. For the record, I get the brief error popup too when I open gem store/trading post for the 1st time after logging in but it still works fine. Edit: and at least Windows does have some built in security features even if you are not running any yourself. Should be easy to find using the taskbar/start menu search feature, with eg. "allow program..", "defender" or "firewall".
  5. @Nightwalker.7982 See wiki info link for local.dat. Note that %appdata% is usually hidden so you have to turn on 'show hidden files' from folder options. For cache: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client Scroll down to "How do I clear my game cache of outdated or corrupt game files?"
  6. My system gave read/write errors, sometimes crashing the programs I was using. The reason was that it would randomly "un-detect" the SSD. Updating the drivers fixed the issue, no problems after that. With my old motherboard I also had to update bios because it did not support the NVMe SSD (PCIe interface card), but my newer motherboard had this support by default. It's ofc possible this is not the problem but there's no harm updating the SSD drives to see if it helps. The Windows default drivers from Microsoft are sometimes older versions that do not work properly.
  7. Try installing the latest drivers for your SSD model from the manufacturers website. I had to do this for my M.2 NVMe SSD to get it working properly. Depending on how old the motherboard is and the SSD type you might need to update bios too - the motheboard manufacturer's site should have instructions for how to do that. Regular type SSDs shouldn't need it but the NVMe ones might.
  8. As Inculpatus Cedo suggested I'd try the other options. I used normal targeting mode for a long time but after I switched to instant mode the combat feels a lot more fluid. It did take bit of learning to remember that the AoE is now cast at where the mouse cursor is. There's also an option called "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" which might help esp with the leap skills.
  9. Portals in the air? That's new one for me. Sounds like gliding or skyscale/griffon midair mounting mastery would be handy there. The only meta where I managed to click these portals multiple times was at the end of Drizzlewood in the fortress where someone did this at the chest locations. After the 3rd time I was bit annoyed, but still have to admire the effort it took to find the little nooks and crannies in the map where the TPd players would get stuck. /gg
  10. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/130503-current-connectivity-issues/ "We are aware that a number of players are currently experiencing connectivity problems such as Error 42 messages in game, trading post performance, and client logins. We are currently investigating the network issues causing these problems. Thank you for your patience--we know this is frustrating."
  11. If you are having trouble catching certain fish I'd suggest trying with another character. I do most of my fishing with one toon but for the achies I rotated between four of them. I quite often caught the eluding fish with just few tries after changing toons. My conclusion: the RNG works in mysterious ways.
  12. So add one new core traitline resulting in total of 6 core and 3 elite ones? With the main purpose of adding things that the classes are missing? And with strong support classes they could spread the buffs some more. I like the idea because it'd give us more customization options. But I also like how the current system works so I'd keep it the same, as in to be able to use 3 core or 2 core and 1 elite trailines. ... Oi, what's that weird sound I hear? Is that the balance team making anguish noises?
  13. Yes, exotic rarity with celestial stats. You can find the list here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level-80_Equipment_Package#Contents
  14. The tools are account bound so you can switch them between toons. I keep my glyphed unbreakable tool set in the first three shared inventory slots. I have regular tools as default on each toon so I can just double click on the shared slot tools to switch them on/off. If I'd need to click them on from the leggy armory I doubt it would make things any different for me (except I'd have three more shared inv slots to use).
  15. Glad to hear you got it sorted out! This reminds me of an issue I ran in to when I got more memory which I just added to my PC without touching the older ones. These were basically identical two module memory sets (G.Skill Ripjaws) that I bought few years apart. At first it worked fine but then started randomly detecting only half of the memory capacity in BIOS. Thru trial and error I found out that the correct working order was the newer batch memory sticks in the recommended 1st and 2nd slots and the older batch modules in 3rd and 4th. Live and learn I guess. Didn't know the exact reason for it but now I do so thank you for the explanation.
  16. Nothing against this idea. More stuff is more.. stuff, stuff, stuff!
  17. Indeed. I don't use the ceiling light because I hate reflections on my screen, but I do have a desk lamp behind my monitor pointing bit downwards to the wall. This balances the background light level with screen's brightness to reduce eyestrain.
  18. The bloom effect is tied to post processing so I recommend turning it off for now, but they did promise these will be separated as Dx11 is finalized. Also see about adjusting your monitor's settings since most monitors are too bright on the default factory settings.
  19. 650W should be enough. If you can it's indeed a good idea to test the system with another PSU. The noise thing reminds me of a faulty PSU I once had which also made a weird electrical clicking noise. And I noticed slight "electrical burning smell" near the PSU after which I finally decided to change it.
  20. Does this happen with both pet slots? I've always had the impression the 1st one is the primary slot so I keep my preferred pet in that one to prevent the automatic switching that happens on login and sometimes with map change.
  21. I'd be content with a slider to reduce the size, let's say from 100% to 70% of the current size. With the shortest asura the mech looks huge.
  22. Have you overclocked the CPU? If yes then I'd try undoing that. Some games actually run worse with overclocked systems. Another thing that can help with the high temps is changing the thermal paste on the CPU.
  23. Possible fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/svuspq/guild_wars_2_pc_shuts_down_randomly_while_playing/ Personally I have set the pagefile size at the maximum amount 4x system memory since I have plenty of unused hard drive space. The suggested size from Microsoft is 3x system memory or 4GB whichever is larger. Looking thru the comments another issue might be the PSU but I suspect that then the shutdowns would happen with the other games too, esp if they are more demanding.
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