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Everything posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. For the folks wondering what the kitten this is about: https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/3-unreal-engine-5
  2. Good suggestions from Ashen. I recommend to try the rifle mechanist, been a long time since I had as much fun playing any class. You can swap to some marauder's gear for more hit points, but to try keep the combined crit chance near 100%
  3. I don't think it can be resized but you can swap party and chat window locations, which might be of some help. To do this grab the chat window from the right side of the channel tabs and drag it over the party panel. You can do the same with the UI elements on the other side. Sadly the game is lacking in UI customization and improvements to this have been requested numerous times.
  4. Revenant, Necromancer and Engineer. Specter (thief) is up there too but depending on your gear/build it can feel squishy and is more complex to play, so about the same skill as revenant. Reaper and rifle engi are very simple to play. I've had so much fun playing the Rifle Mechanist lately, it literally melts the enemies. I went with some Marauder's gear since the hp pool is kinda low and swapped sigils/runes/talents around a bit to compensate for lost crit. For necro I still run my old favorite MM Reaper in open world, it's just such amazing build.
  5. Polluted Lake Fish nodes in Kessex Hills are the best for doing World Class Fisher, that is where I finished the avid achie. It was also mentioned that Item and Explorer's boosters work with fishing and stack with eachother.
  6. I would recommend herald (revenant) cause it's more sturdy than the warrior. Both condi and power builds can be found in the MetaBattle page. Also check out Mukluk's low intensity power herald guide.
  7. Reminds me of that well-known joke written on the toilet wall. "Some ppl come here to sit, think and write on the walls.." 😆
  8. Good advice from UmbraNoctis. I'd say pet usage depends on your needs and preferences. Lynx is still likely the highest dps pet for condi spec. When needed I use Murellow as my tank pet and Shark for underwater combat. Haven't looked up power spec pets in a while but Tiger was recommended in the past, tho that is from the HoT expansion. Arctodus could work here similar to murellow as tank pet.
  9. This, was about to say the same. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/legal-documentation-updates-effective-may-5-2021/ "Children 12 and younger may not access our games or services, and persons between 13 (subject to local law) and 17 require an adult legal guardian to accept our legal documentation on their behalf."
  10. "I can't get no, oh, no no no, hey hey hey.. that's what I say.." 🎶 Thanks for the earworm 😁
  11. Have to agree that the pricing is bit off on this one. I might spend up to 1k gems for a cool jade bot skin, but overly adorbs flying kitten is not really my thing.
  12. Necromancer is indeed a great suggestion, able to "carry" easily. Revenant is very good in soloing hard content. Could also go with thief or engi, esp the new elite specs are good. Edit for clarity: Necro does have the blood magic which is quite strong support tree. The elementalist is kinda hard to play but ofc that depends on the player. When thinking of only core specs then tbh thief is not strong support class, but revenant and engi are still quite good choices. Warrior also has some decent support (tactics tree + banners) but for me feels quite squishy at times.
  13. The info so far - no accurate timeline yet: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/arenanet-studio-update-the-future-of-guild-wars-2/ "Finally, we’re happy to confirm that we’re working on the next story update for Guild Wars 2, including a new map set in the Cantha region."
  14. Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification. Might be that their PC/OS did not support the 64-bit client in the past. Last year Anet did announce the end of support for 32-bit Windows (same time they ended Mac and Win XP support).
  15. Just repeating what I read. I don't think command line arguments are "dubious". Even the GW2 wiki mentions -32 as possible one to use if needed.
  16. Not likely, but you can launch non-steam games from the steam client. See: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4B8B-9697-2338-40EC Some users reported that they had to use the 32-bit client to make it work. You can use the -32 command line argument to force the game to run in 32-bit mode.
  17. This. Sound options -> my / other players unique item sounds -> mute projectiles only. I use this option because of the rainbow unicorn "nyaaah" bow (the Dreamer).
  18. That depends - the more you do it, the easier it gets (just like everything else). After completing all the fishing achies it's pretty much automatic activity for me, meaning I don't have to think what I'm doing. I'd compare it to playing a very simple LI build.
  19. The speed changes which can be bit frustrating at times. Usually it slows down at some point so you can catch up to the puck. I usually change direction before the puck reaches end of the bar because it rarely goes to the very end. You'll learn to anticipate the movements a bit. Also if it keeps changing direction rapidly it'll most likely do it multiple times and then settle down. Recommend to wait till it's done with the rapid movements. By completing the first chapter Old Friends of the End of Dragons story. Should reward you with fishing rod and some lures. Check your hero panel under fishing. If you didn't get it unlocked then contact support.
  20. Alternatively you can equip tier 1 cores on all toons, put one tier 10 core in shared slot and swap it by double-clicking (only module swapping requires a workbench). So basically the same thing many do with their unbreakable gathering tool sets. I did this after crafting my 2nd tier 10 core thinking it takes way too much effort to craft any more of them.
  21. Clearly stated? No, it is not. If it was indeed clearly stated I wouldn't have posted. There's no mention what fishing collection you are trying to do, which would be helpful. The only area you mention is Draconis Mons so it's quite easy to draw the wrong conclusions. As for the topic: I happen to like both fishing and Draconis Mons, but mounts have influenced the way I view the area. The only trouble I had doing the fishing achies were some dusk/dawn fishes, but I caught those quite easily after the drop rate buff. I also noticed that swapping toons can help: did most of the achies with my ranger but rotated between three alts when I had issues catching the fish needed. RNG works in mysterious ways.
  22. I think you are mixing up the collections. There is no dawn/dusk fish listed for the achievement in Draconis Mons. See: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ring_of_Fire_Fisher#Achievement Only achie with three dusk/dawn fishes is the Ascalonian one, Orrian fisher has two and there's four achies with one dusk/dawn fish. You can sort fish with this list: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_fish#Types
  23. Was about to post this. These can also be crafted by lvl 80 character with 300 cooking. You get the recipe from Gorrik after starting the Skyscale Lost collection.
  24. For Red Herring (World Class fisher) best location is Polluted Lake pools in Kessex Hills, bait or time of day does not matter. Taimen (Kaineng fisher) is from Channel Fish pools in New Kaineng City during dusk or dawn, use any other bait than Sardines or Shrimplings.
  25. As Cyninja said Sabetha's Rifle is likely the closest for a flamer. Has a small flame effect at the tip of the barrel. Maybe Scarlet's Kiss for the other one? Has a different firing sound effect too. I like the Repeating Rifle skin. From wiki: "The skin is animated; a shell ejects from the gun when it is fired. This skin alters the sound of the weapon." Also like the Inquest Mark II Rifle skin, has a nice scifi energy weapon look.
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