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Everything posted by Bazsi.2734

  1. Lol i picked the right time to quit the game. I am checking back to get some positive reinforcement for that decision, and this thread is very giving. 😄
  2. So the main mechanic of thief is a limiter on spamming? Man thief sounds like a boring sh*t class that I wouldn't want to play.
  3. Okay so what is the main resource/class mechanic of thief? If it's arguable there should be other contenders, I wonder what they are.
  4. It's easy to make builds that just don't die. What happens if two of those face off against each other? The duel goes for hours?
  5. That would be an interesting idea - making relics deny the main resource of a class. A relic to destroy clones/prevent clone generation, a relic to deny adrenaline, a relic to drain shroud... it would be like GW1 all over again.
  6. Instead of throwing a fit because "hurr durr they changed my one build", maybe think about why it's called legendary. It's supposed to be hard to get. The only one responsible for your plan of getting legedaries failing is you my dude. You are not supposed to get the best, most coveted stuff in this game for being able to play one build at semi-decent level. Either start being social(I know, being social in an MMO so cringe) and get a raidgroup, or start practicing and get good at PvP. Even if you have some condition that limits hand-eye coordination/reaction time etc... if there was one build you could play with, there will be another.
  7. The last expansion that came with PvP features was the very first one: HoT in 2015. The PoF era saw a few additions through random patches, but that dried up quickly and we haven't gotten anything beside balance patches for 5 years... I think SotO will bury PvP for good. Improperly decoupling weapons from elite specialisations will cause untold chaos, and even if the devs manage to sort it out in a year(for PoF it took them 3), the new X-pac is already dropping by then, ushering in a new age of <REDACTED>. Meaning we will never have balance as good again as we have right now... and I don't think the devs care. PvP doesn't matter. You'll get new reward tracks(yeah, multiple ones, I'm quite optimistic) for some of the new currecies/rewards, and that's all you can realisticly hope for.
  8. Yeah, GW2 sPvP is definitely not for you. The part that makes conquest good, that minimal complexity that makes many tactics possible, gameplay options which keeps me around even after all these years... you don't want any of those. Giving a team another chance after losing one fight counts as draggin it out... dunno what else to say, if an 8 minute match is too long duel in FFA with a full glass cannon setup or something. P.S.: according to the wiki you can still play murderball, you just need a private arena and you can load in the map/ruleset for it. Go try it, you'll see how horrible it is.
  9. I don't know what game you are playing, but the one I like to play called Guild Wars 2, steamrolling the enemy team on conquest is a 1 out of 10 occurence. Unless we mean entirely different things when we say steamroll... a 350-500 loss is not a steamroll in my book. Also the strongest team will win even if you give multiple opportunities for the opponents for a comeback. Waiting minutes for a matchup, only to win the actual game in seconds is boring for everyone. So as a developer you have to design a gamemode that tries to prevent a fast and decisive victory... and that is what conquest is. So anything but forcing people to teamfight is lame. Why are you playing this game? GW2 has a very predict/reaction based combat system where even a slight edge in mechanical execution/game experience can result in overwhelming victory. The better team WILL win any fight fast and decisively. In a way the original developers made too good of a job designing a fast paced, dynamic combat system where player skill reigns supreme. In the "many other games" there was a rigid trinity, GCD-s, stationary casting, you could play old MMO-s by looking at the UI, gameplay was generally slow, individual decisions were usually low impact. GW2 was designed to be "not that". It's not that surprising that by abandoning everything that was the signature of classic WoW and the other MMO-s of the time, they ended up with a combat system that doesn't work with the traditional gamemodes. So in a way yes it is a "developer issue", but is it really their issue if they haven't even tried? Also I can't make sense of "bad loser issue", do you mean to blame the player community as a whole? If so, consider not doing that... Little Timmy is living his life, which sometimes means playing some video games. He has his own idea of fun, which he seeks to find in this game, he might or might not find it - in which case he'll leave. Expecting him to change FOR the video game is very... uNwIsE.
  10. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Courtyard#Murderball This was already tried. It utterly failed. The winning team just steamrolled the other. Even with the penality they got carrying the orb. The entirety of conquest is designed around breaking up the teamfight. You might not realise but you have a lot of options to compensate for not being able to win a 5v5 fight. That's because if you put 2 random teams against each other, 99% of the time a head-on fight is won in less than 10 seconds. Now in conquest, you can just run off to decap sides, separate the enemy, force smaller fights where you might outnumber... meanwhile in murderball you just lose.
  11. I check on WvW like twice a year, glad to see the same thread on top every time.
  12. I have 24K games played. The match quality got unquestionably worse over the years... but still, games that are decided right at the start is like 1 out of 10. If you think the first fight decides everything and it's too long anyway... play something else. I'm not kidding, not trolling, this is my actual advice on how to solve this. The only reason to play conquest at this point is because you enjoy it. If you don't, go try something else.
  13. Little Timmy upset about dodge not cancelling condition damage would get a voice with every dumb video they record and post, but a seasoned veteran who can't be bothered to record and edit a video would be ignored... what a wonderful way to filter feedback. 😄 Let's just do good old elitism instead: everyone posting in the PvP forums: complete stats visible to everyone. How many total games, class distribution, winrates, highest ever rating, current rating. If that doesn't measure up, your opinion is irrelevant. At least this way of thinking is only half-wrong, while yours being completey <REDACTED>.
  14. Whenever we get "CC bad", "condi damage bad" and "stealth bad" threads, that means there is nothing seriously overpowered in the meta. So in a way... congratulations a-net. You managed to give us a brief window of reasonably tuned PvP before the new x-pac.
  15. This will become a non-issue once the new X-pac drops, because the 6th effects will be decoupled from runes. I can't wait for all the broken relic effects though...(stealth on X usage will surely make its comeback, maybe on multiple offenders) so anyway this problem won't get fixed, and it won't need to be in a month or so, also we will have much bigger problems due to an inevitable balance apolcalypse.
  16. You can set yourself offline, you can block. There, all communication related toxicity issues solved. Next non-issue please!
  17. How does a fixed stronghold even look? It doesn't even smell like a finished product.
  18. A 5 month old video featuring builds that have been nerfed since, and very questionable gamelplay decisions that make me question if Muk is really plat... what is the point we're trying to make here?
  19. Oh you actually did answer this time. And it's a rather creative rehash of the terrible idea I've seen several time over the last few months. The "choose why your gaming experience should s*ck" popup with 2 choices is really creative. At that point it's not A-nets fault anymore, because "you choose this". Since I don't feel like repeating the other 10 reasons why this idea would be the final nail in the coffin for PvP, I'm coming up with a new one on the spot! Balfour selected option one, he played against platinum players all season, allthough he barely got games and is just barely on the leaderboard even after spending most of his free nights in the game. Christobel selected option two, he played against mostly lower rated players, has a way higher winrate, several hundred more games compared to our Balfour, but rated about the same because winning aganist gold/silver nets less rating. Question, why are these two on the same ladder? They clearly belong on separate ones as they are playing a different game. But they still get mixed with each other during games sometimes... so what gives, how do we present a ladder with players who are semi-separated? Good luck making rankings make sense in that world! Again, thank you for actually answering after like the 4th time, now I can mute the topic and be at peace. Good day!
  20. Standard character models is good because for some reason the game devs thought that making radically different sized races playable was a good idea. Even with just "vanilla" GW2 with relatively few and distinct animations, you couldn't tell what weapon an asura was wielding once the battle was 2v2 or anything larger. And I could agree that some animations nowadays just aren't distinct enough, while others are so flashy and large that they drown out everything else, I'd love to see most of these things (mostly PoF and EoD additions) reworked. Mechanics too sometimes, but mostly just the animations themselves. However "standard effect model setting" could only mean to color-code the models doing a certain thing. It would dumb down the game to "enemy blue, use unblockable", basicly the same what they dumbed the raid encounters down to: every time you see a color, you react accordingly. It would definitely help the newbies to dumb down all of pvp to 3-4 different colors, but I'm completely against it. It would feel kind of insulting, last time I played match&color I was like 3 years old.
  21. There are things we could be doing, but I'm so fed up with obviously harmful suggestions at this point that I'm basicly trolling. But even though I am, my suggestion is still better than yours. Also I don't know where you get this idea that gold players would just suddenly leave... average players got farmed by top players since this game-mode was invented, but suddenly after like 11 years they all disappear like it's the rapture. Solid people, solid ideas. Just to show I'm not rejecting everything for the fun of it: 6 and 7 are decent ideas. The rest however... sorry but hard pass. All of them would make PvP considerably worse.
  22. We could get it locked again, like they did 2 times already 😄
  23. Roles LMAO. I wonder, if I'm playing my "dumb" deadeye, and decide to play for far the entire game, am I a roamer or a bruiser? This game is very loose on roles, do we just rework everything and return to the 2004-ish holy trinity? Class specific MMR - only needs the remake the entire system if you want this, as you either have account based ladder or this - mutually exclusive. How would it work though, do I get to be on the ladder 5 times with each oneshot build I like to meme with? Will the top 100 be just 6 people with different classes/builds? Easy to acquire legendary - I like "easy" and "legendary" in the same sentence. It's not like they are polar opposites... no, this makes sense. It just does. Like the class specific insults too, It just goes well with the quality of ideas you present. They are very good, I like them and I'm sure they will be patched in by next tuesday.
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