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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. Imagine caring about someone's rank after the PvP's hay days.
  2. So you effectively want to 'ranger' (see patch notes for GS and sword) one of thief's coolest mechanics? No thanks. The solution is not removing mechanics until all that remains is bare bones that even new players get bored at. Also, this "free teleport" costs initiative to use - which could otherwise be spent on actually dealing damage. The attack chain, outside Crippling Strike, is nothing to marvel at. EDIT: So some genius bumped this up, huh....
  3. Ur laughing at the still most broken spec, while their complaining on the forums about the few nerfs their actually laughing behind their screens that these are the only nerfs they got lol Yeah Holo will still be quite competitive. @Razor.6392 Poor form, I know you are just here for the gloat, but it's been a long time since people claimed that Holo was balanced. With nerfs to other specs it's climbed the ranks by dodging significant nerfbats for the last several patches. As I said before, Holo will still be a good spec. It might actually be more fun with a 300radius Forge #5, because it may actually take some timing and finesse to get big value. Holo is balanced in that it’s like A tier in every catagory. As long as your good at cc chaining holo can win almost every 1v1 I just wanna see it less op in team fights and give a few range nerfs cuz there’s no point in dragging every class to C tier with the intent on balance1) That's not how you make a believable case. Player being able to do good at one thing = win every 1v1. Seems balanced, fo' sure. Holo is too forgiving with their numerous ways of setting up a burst, breaking engages, and sustain via heat therapy and water fields. Unsurprisingly, a lot of qualities mirage got flack for in their time. 2) The point is not dragging everyone "to C tier". The point is making sure every class has strengths AND weaknesses - in layman's words: NOT having an A in every category, as you so nicely laid it out.
  4. It's nothing about figuring it out, this build overperform so much of how easy it is to play, it requires absolute ZERO brain to play actually, it is the lowest form of skillcap that is possible. THAT is the reason why it should get nerfed, you can't tell apart a good or a bad thief with that build whatsoever. Mirror MU? Whoever gets the jump first wins. Incredible. Kitten. You can always tell a bad and a good thief apart. Particularly so, with condi thief. Just like with mirage, part of the complaints - if not majority of them - are pure L2P issues. Stop spamming and start paying attention. Otherwise, I fear we may be playing a different game. Ye delusional at its finestYe I suppose it's delusional to assume people still playing any semblance of a brain. EDIT: especially on NA servers.
  5. While I am not sure I was the reason, they fixed 2 of 3 long lasting bugs I reported, Elixir U and Power Stab. So I guess they took them as exploits or it was just pure coincidence. They actually implemented a Dragonhunter bow 4 change I was suggesting a while back as well. Credit where it's due, when it's due, I suppose.
  6. Fair enough to be an extent; but I have to add: this is Anet, and I could totally see them making this change "just because" it was "thematically" more fitting. As such, unless directly stated, I am hesitant to call the skill function 'unseen' on the devs' part.
  7. Does mesmer still have a weapon that hasn't been nerf?The axe is bad, but the other weapons are worse.The axe should at least be able to attack the target behind it. Doesn't this go directly against core game values and design?
  8. Power Stab could be casted, cancelled and recasted for longer evade duration. It is obviously an exploit, it only happens with channeled autoattacks. Don't worry, I got the definition of "exploit" from gw2 wiki.Link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exploit ps: Exploits don't need "feedback" except reports. They aren't discuss materials for players. If you consider how the skill functions while the cancel is performed, it's difficult to see how it fulfills this part of that particular description; "the misuse of a software feature or bug in a way that allows a player to generate in-game benefits without the risk or time expected by the game's designers." Greatsword's extremely telegraphed without quickness, and Power Stab has a massive startup animation and aftercast.
  9. They will also be fixing a big exploit with elixir u in this patch, it has been there for a very long time as well. I don't care if Ranger is the worst class, an exploit is an exploit, game balance is irrelevant. Power Stab is not an exploit. Check your terminology.
  10. It's nothing about figuring it out, this build overperform so much of how easy it is to play, it requires absolute ZERO brain to play actually, it is the lowest form of skillcap that is possible. THAT is the reason why it should get nerfed, you can't tell apart a good or a bad thief with that build whatsoever. Mirror MU? Whoever gets the jump first wins. Incredible. Kitten. You can always tell a bad and a good thief apart. Particularly so, with condi thief. Just like with mirage, part of the complaints - if not majority of them - are pure L2P issues. Stop spamming and start paying attention. Otherwise, I fear we may be playing a different game.
  11. Imagine comparing a flatout bug to a feature that's been in the game for years, with many similar skills sharing its traits. OMEGALUL.
  12. To be fair, warrior has some of the best traits and low cooldowns to make up for it. And let's be honest, their cast times aren't that bad, safe for a few skills like GS4 and D2.
  13. There's not a single class more hard-countered by terrain.
  14. This. People are mad they can't just OS thief and continue on a 5v4. Too used to spamming skills in a mindless rotation instead of actually stopping for 0.2 seconds to think.
  15. How many classes can you reliable fight while staying still in a small circle, anyways? That's not this game works, and it's not how it was planned, either.
  16. It's a good +1 in unranked, but nothing thieves wouldn't do better in a serious game.
  17. Because mesmer is generally unfun to fight with its ability stealth, break targets, clones + distort, and general kitten-wittery. With engineer, most of the attacks are highly telegraphed, so even if you think they're OP, at least you know what happened. Seems like someone didn't want to learn how to fight against Mesmers when they actually were overperforming and broken XDMeanwhile, Warrior simply stomps all its 1v1s while having more passive sustain than any other class in minor traits without any trade-offs. Go figure.Warrior stomps all 1v1s. Uh huh.
  18. They're always going to choose the builds that require the least amount of thinking or reactions. As much as people complain about yolosmith, you do have to have decent reactions and decent timing to have the most impact. Bots lack a sense of timing and smart reactions. Bots play scrapper, havent you see the scrapper bot bunker build that takes two to kill? and it just mindless goes far and attract people wasting time. it's doing more then most gold players.Scrappers and scourges seem to be the 'bot-go-to'. There were more than A BUNCH last night. Ridiculous.
  19. Mesmer, because they have numerous 'get out of jail for free' -cards, whereas most classes only need to fuck up once and they're done for.
  20. The two hardest hitting ones (Maul and WI) require the target to stand almost still and watch two massively telegraphed attacks hit them. But ye, let's pretend all other hard hitting skills in this game require more setups. Yes, let's pretend they cannot be used from Stealth. Let's also pretend Maul doesn't have a measly 4-second CD. Anything else?
  21. This. None of these skills really requires setting up, yet hit as hard as a full-on trap combo by DH. That's just silly design.
  22. Guild leader (and my occasional duo) calls me butterfly. Race: Sylvari.
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