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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. As someone already said, it has a hefty cast and aftercast time. You're vulnerable and can be interrupted since S/D has no access to swiftness outside plasma steal. You can't spam it to chase, since the internal cooldown on IS w/o IR is around ~15 seconds. On top of this, even the return costs initiative, so you're sacrificing damage for utility. And don't you even start comparing S/D's auto damage to warrior or revenant. Every time I see people accuse thief of their ability to 'spam' their skills, I wonder how bad a thief have they gone and lost to.
  2. They're trying to hit the jackpot in gaining both the commander and Aurene on their side. One way or the other. Imagine it'd be rather (de-)moralizing for the sides of war to see their poster boy at the helm of Big Blue's Sons of Sweiner. Not to mention the raw power.
  3. Maybe he's still stranded at Dragon's Stand, trying to figure out how to get up "that tree". Jokes aside, all sylvari commanders are destined to die an atrocious death, so maybe it's better if he doesn't.
  4. Think the most obvious way they'll go about weaver (if they do) is increasing the cooldown of some of the evade skills by a few seconds. Maybe increasing the Twist of Fate count recharge by 5-10 seconds. Doubt the damage is going to get touched. And it doesn't have to.
  5. Where was it stated? Also, common fantasy trope - if there's no body visible, it ain't dead. (Unless you're with Joko.)
  6. Idk about hallucinations, but I did spot one unnatural moose.
  7. 'A Burden', Asgeir's personal journal entry, describes his encounter and "deal" with Jormag. The area is called Asgeir's Legacy, speculated to either the site where he A) originally battled Jormag, or B ) perished / vanished after returning a second time. Asgeir describes Jormag's voice as 'home', which may allude to further fascination with the elder dragon. I suspect he may not be dead, and may actually be a future dragon champion boss. We've had this theme before, with Saul D'Alessio among others - legends thought perished.
  8. Fun fight, finished on first try. The issue is having to wait for the Boneskinner and High Shaman fights. Wish it would've been somewhat (a bit?) harder, but I suppose it's hard enough for most people as is.
  9. Imagine opening an argument for condi build with 'they have no power damage!'The burst is very visible, but it doesn't matter when they can keep reapplying burn while sustaining all of your attacks with boons, barrier, evades and reflects.Weak healing - lol, just lol.Warrior can "oneshot" any non-heavy armor class.
  10. Maybe it's about time you start handing out stricter punishments for this, Anet? You have no excuse when the score's even. In many situations, I've even seen someone leave while in lead . EDIT: Leave in this context means idling on purpose.
  11. Yeah, so many leavers/afkers/bots/quitters compared to previous seasons. It's a mess, to say the least.
  12. I could ask you the same. Burn weaver is one of the best builds currently. And revenant is the best roamer, that is true.
  13. The quality of your teammates seems to vary even more than last season, particularly more so if you compare it to multiple seasons ago. It's not uncommon (for me at least) to run into teams that are impossible to carry as a thief, going 16-0 or not. The only 'good' players seem to be AT's 4-man practising(?) in unranked at night times. Unfortunately, while these provide a game for me, my allies often get ruthlessly stomped. As for the actual question posed by OP; I tend to quit ranked after 2 or 3 losses in a row. It won't get better, it never does.
  14. This is patently ridiculous on its face. Rev spent close to an entirely year through Path of Fire being largely abandoned by high end players because it wasn't considered good in the face of PoF power creep. Then it received a plethora of buffs to its offhand sword as well as benefiting from nerfs to the over performing specs. At which point once it became one of the best builds in the gameas balance patches rolled in and that's when players looking to perform as good as possible swapped to it. The best players will flock to the highest performing specs, not the other way around. This. The game is largely about abusing the best picks and their counterpicks at the moment. Don't try and pretend otherwise, Anet.
  15. This is also the reason core thief is favored in higher tiers over deadeye. You don't have to wait for an opening as long, and reflects don't force you to wait for 5-6 seconds, which is a lengthy period of time in a thief's life. That, and being flatout countered by revenants and holosmith.
  16. Still an extremely solid duelist, with mostly favored caster and ranged matchups due to GS 4's extended block duration and Pew Pew. The lack of inherent boon removal, and the rise of elementalists and core warrior, and the continued existence of holosmith has hurt the class, though.
  17. (This is obviously a thief hate -post.) Mind you, guardians have access to shadowsteps too. Equality, am I right? You're vouching for theirs to get nerfed, too, correct?
  18. Hasn't it been a general consensus since forever that, regardless of warrior's state of balance at a given time, Rampage has always been one of the best elites in the game? It's hardly a "lately" -thing.
  19. There's a fair trade-off. You won't be dishing out any damage for a while if you spam Headshot. It's only useful in very specific situations. Any thief doing anything other dying is tilting for th enemy A spamming thief is a dead thief, which is extremely tilting for both sides to witness.
  20. Yeah if u cap 10× in a match while ur team feeds kills to other team ull get thief learn to rotate etc and the loss is clearly ur fault not the fact they can't live thru any engagements lol its priceless how much a scape goat thief class is. It's hilarious, I've been getting hate in games where I've consistently run 2 people in circles at far, and went 16-0. Seeing thief in your team triggers some primitive reaction in certain people. Remember to shout out "TEEF!" every time this happens.
  21. The amount of thief hate on forums and in-game has reached new heights. Truly depressing to look at this community at times.
  22. With some skills, such as Rush (warrior GS 5) it can indeed feel very silly. It's warranted on Pew Pew and other projectile-based channels, though, because stealth could very easily break the game otherwise. Besides, it does raise the skill cap of timing and preparing, does it not? I thought we liked that? Also, I disagree on the argument of stealth being thief's most important mechanic. Game knowledge > creativity/thinking ahead > micro mechanics > the rest.
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