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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. Nade engi is elevated by the amount of projectile hate and superspeed every engineer spec has access to.
  2. I am sure I speak for many when I say we don't want to see "GW2 alive". We want to see it thriving. This is the reason for people's qualms and complaints. Some people are satisfied with what they have, and that's fine. But just imagine the amount of content and updates you, too could be having if the game was going stronger. Someone wins, everyone wins. Sounds familiar, doesn't it.
  3. Fair, and I tend to agree. 1) It's easier to balance deadeye's strengths and weaknesses with this limitation in place. 2) It gives the spec a distinct feel and trade-off. 3) It actually keeps the design space a bit more open for current traits.
  4. Hide in Shadows is probably the best actual stealth skill to use for some staff cheese. But, again, it's just very situational. Works best to surprise an unsuspecting zerg, but firebrands and scourges will outsustain you anyways, so ideally a 3-5 man squad with a single pocket b-- support.
  5. Yes, I'm 100% positive (more) venom share is superior even while solo and running Thieves Guild. It's just a superb burst you get.
  6. Venting for the sake of venting seems a tad unconstructive. I, too, combat self-made strawmen on my freetime. It makes me happy!
  7. Lot of those deadeyes are free food for the rest of us. Not only are they running glassy gear, but they aren't well-versed at comboing out their rotations. I am genuinely surprised at the amount of roaming reapers I see. Maybe they're all just Holts fanboys?
  8. The hyperbole really sells it...!! No mention of reworked traits, skills or gear. That'll show 'em thieves! Oh wait, there are other classes who rely on stealth, too...
  9. Impairing Daggers has the slowest projectile speed I have ever witnessed, on top of a massive cast.
  10. I see very little deadeyes. Mostly soulbeasts, dragonhunters, necros, mirages and grenadiers. Thieves in general are somewhere in the middle. Few people roam solo, though; oftentimes, there's a firebrand or scrapper babysitter.
  11. Same goes for all the "high-end" mounts: rollerbeetle, griffon and skyscale. They all become immensely better when fully mastered. Griffon is the "better" mount, but skyscale is more convenient.
  12. You do realize the explanation is right there. But, ah right, the average text analysis ability of a forum-goer here tends to loom around 0.
  13. At this point, I'm trying to figure out whether you're playing dumb or not.
  14. Nice strawman. It's not about mine being a bad argument. it's about YOURS being a NON-ARGUMENT.
  15. 1st, last I checked, d/p still costs initiative. Do you even hear how ridiculous some of these arguments of yours sound? 2nd, thief is hardly the only class with "jail free cards" - they'd be utterly unable to compete if they, in fact, hadn't one! If you've played most of, if not all, the expansion elites, then you realize this sooner or later. It is delusional to keep on claiming otherwise.
  16. Same rules still apply: cast times (safe for Shadowstep), daze and root kitten over thieves like any other class. Saying "never die" just implies you've never played against good players. Because that is a very bold claim.
  17. One of the short stories, can't remember which one. Could've also been mentioned in Ghosts of Ascalon.
  18. No, he literally already has more cubs. We just ain't seen them.
  19. Logan's yet to make it to the fatherhood stage, so Rytlock's got that over him in multitudes. Maybe Mordremoth had the right idea.
  20. You know, I think this here has a seed of truth in it. Thief truly is a unique class in the way it plays. There are no strictly cut-out rotations or skill combinations that play out the same each and every time. Playing thief in PvP is about improvising, always has been. This throws people off, and many people fail to adapt, both mechanically and mentality-wise.
  21. Spectre might change that, and this argument still isn't a justification for a roamer state on any class. Now, obviously many people here want to completely gut thief. Then you got some folks who want to shift around power, rework and redo some unhealthy interactions (or lack of, thereof) and promote high effort/reward gameplay.
  22. Just standardize every stealth attack to reveal you upon use, similar to Death's Judgement. That yields plenty of balancing leeway. I simply do not see Anet doing a major re-design to thief and stealth, not with the current resources and staff. For thief, there's a clear tradeoff for stacking self-stealth, already.
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