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Everything posted by Liston.9708

  1. It was surprising that the achieve wasn’t 6 astral or stellar.... I didn’t have 6 either way, but do feel for those that made stellar
  2. I am finding Jahai to be the royal pita myself. None of the other visions required mastery just the item from mastery. Difference being wvw reward track got you the item without mastery. I did all the stories lw3 lw4, but 0 of the masteries.
  3. A trick I was told that may help, start the rift. Capture a few points. Fail. Go back to the start. Now a more clear path is drawn for you as you pass each VM orb
  4. Wiki attunement. It is very cheap ecto + +1 infusion + something from MF lady Mayimi? You will be able to wear both. Do not attune both or you are in the same boat as you are now. Way cheaper than infusing
  5. Love the visuals. Hate traversing. Meta was OK, but haven’t found a reason to do it very often. DS TD AB VB still going strong because of the currency required by legendaries. Will this Zone last or die like other zones? Might be sour taste from the mount collection speaking....
  6. Most of my guild gave up the first day on this event. I would have as well, but the event synergizes well with watching nba/tv......:
  7. Drop rate is an issue when peeps go to reddit to trade these things. Don’t need to drop like candy, but should drop enough to keep the trades on the TP
  8. I’d love to hide all armor for my Hulk toon. That said, I’d rather they spend their finite resources on something else.
  9. They already removed completion from wvw. Both sides can either do both or save gold to buy from TP which requires neither.
  10. Will probably come down to how finite the size of an alliance is as well. Not holding out hope if it is as large as the # that grouped on kain or sor.
  11. Just look at current pseudo alliances of kain, sor, and possibly ar. How has that turned out so far? Just a new way to stack....
  12. So does Mal have his alliance formed yet?
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