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Everything posted by Harfang.1507

  1. RIBA is probably your best bet given your flight restrictions. If they can fit within your schedule, I would also consider Octovine, Chak Gerent and fractals of any tier you can quickly complete. You best bet in fact is to mix them up, otherwise you risk burning out doing the same stuff over and over. P. S.: Have you thought of Drizzlewood Coast? You'll miss the cache guardians, but even then it's a great farm.
  2. Hit and miss. I am on the older side myself and pug nearly all my group content. I use the LFG tool and so far have had very few bad experiences. I gather you want to do Kaineng Overlook to unlock the siege turtle. Since you have never done strikes before, I would follow these steps. Breathe deeply and remind myself to be patient. It will likely take a few days, maybe a few weeks. Look for a strike build you could see yourself playing, apply it and get familiar with it. Watch some YouTube videos for the strikes you intend to do. Learn the basic mechanics. I recommend Mukluk, especially his 'get to the point' series, but would not watch just his stuff. Periodically scan the LFG tool under Strike Missions. I would start with the so-called 'easy three', namely Shiverpeak Pass, twin bears and Fraenir of Jormag. I tend to avoid groups advertising for specific builds/boons. Once you join, it may be a good idea to indicate you are new to this. Yes, you might get some flak, but you could also get some great help and support. Repeat steps 3-5 for Kaineng Overlook. As an aside, ask youself why you are you are in a guild that will not help you. Their reasons may be perfect valid, or maybe you are not a good fit for each other. Enjoy the game.
  3. I can get behind getting the raptor and maybe even the springer, but not the skyscale. First, the player needs to own the whole S4, something brand new players often will not have access to. Second, getting that skyscale is a whole learning experience of its own, more that the core story I'd say.
  4. RNG your choice until you can live with the result. 😉 It depends on what level of playing you hope to achieve and how much time you give yourself to do so. Your prefered game mode (PvE/WvW/sPvP) could also play a role. Unless you wish to be very competitive, there is probably no wrong choice. Path of Remembering? You might consider one of the renown hearts in Seitung Province, the opening zone of EoD. ANet has gone out of their way to remind and teach the player base some of the finer points of game mechanics: cc, combos, etc.
  5. Basic routine: dailies, guild hall and home instance harvesting, LA advanced skimmer race, a few of parked alts. Then it depends a lot on the amount and quality of time available: metas, progress story on too many alts, key farming, mastery point hunt, etc. When I get really lucky in the time I have available, group content: dungeons, fractals. Strikes when I have to, but beside its loot, there is not much I like about that game mode. I'd love to try raiding, but RL constraints on the quality of my free time and my base skill level make it unrealistic.
  6. Loot wise? Very little to gain iirc. If story and lore matter to you, sure go ahead and do you personal story. From a purely sylvari perspective, it is Season 2 that offers the most in lore. As for the boost, it's ok for an alt or for a very talented player. For the rest of us, it is a way of having too many different things to learn at once. In the long term, it is no biggie.
  7. I admit I have not done DF since EoD's release, but I frequently had the low-population popup before that. I would stick to my original map and the meta would pretty much always get through. Maybe it's because the 'DF regulars' know the drill so well they don't bother with a commander anymore?
  8. I guess I could do that myself, thank you for pointing it out. But I will not do it. Why? The conversion process and the research you have to do to figure the optimal conversion are time sinks. You will find countless videos more or less claiming "take just a few minutes per day to do xyz and you will get rich." If you add up all these "few minutes per day", crafting and playing the tp will eat up the actual fun time of playing the game. I am not saying don't do it. Ensuring one's baseline cash flow can enhance enjoyment of the game, but then there is only so much you can do without the game turning into a second job.
  9. Glad we were of help. On a down note, waiting for August maybe setting yourself up for disappointment. The anniversary sale was great for several years in row and then 2021 was . . . a wash. Nevertheless, I believe you are making the right choice. Just keep checking the website every Tuesday to see what's coming. Regarding legendaries, you do not need sPvP, only WvW for the Gift of Battle. Yes, that is a form of PvP, but if you do your research, it may turn out to be surprisingly painless with almost no direct PvP confrontation! It makes completing dailies even more efficient than just limiting yourself to PvE ones. That is, if you are into doing dailies. BTW, there is a guy out there, 'shaman' something, that apparently has a surprisingly accurate list of what will come to the BL trading company, at least outside the three big sales of the year. Boa sorte.
  10. I never sell UG on the tp, so I do not feel qualified to answer you on that part. Time is money and it would certainly be the most hassle-free approach. If you go the salvage route, yes, it is better to identify before salvaging, though again the benefits are marginal enough that some people consider it not to be worth their time. The benefit is that a portion (about 10% for Common UG) of the identified gear will turn out to be of higher quality.
  11. I fully agree with that analysis even if I disagree with the conclusion--for myself. What gems are for is fun and convenience, not short-term profit. Buying trophy-boxes at 1 gold a pop brings me roughly 1.5 gold off the tp. Will that ever pay back the gold spent on the ~2.1k gems? Maybe in a couple of years. What I really bought is the convenience of never running out of tools. The VM is gravy.
  12. I do not believe there is one right answer, if any. I do have an opinion, but it is largely based of what I normally sell and my experience of what seems to work best. Whatever edge I may or may not get is at best marginal. I will say that I am less wont to set my price higher than the lowest asking price in the daytime than during the night. Acquire your own first-hand experience is probably the best advice I can give you.
  13. About that . . . I had visual on an underwater chest in Seitung province yesterday, and it was not showing on my minimap.
  14. Conversion is a hassle in its own right. If I were to convert my spirit shards to gold I'd quit playing and do that full time. Just not worth my time. Look at your wallet and material storage as capital. Turn their contents to gold when you need the liquidities.
  15. Another thing to keep in mind: in some cases, the chest spawns so far from your location that you need to get to it and then loot it manually. The chak gerent meta in Tangled Depths comes to mind there.
  16. I asked that question a couple of years ago. The answers ranged from 'do not tip' to '[insert extravagant amount]'. There was no consensus, but a frequent and sensible answer was to tip whatever you can afford, considering how much money you typically make per hour. 'Tips are welcome' is good. Complaining about lack of tipping in /squad is crass. For HP trains through HoT, I will donate the unidentified rares to a good commander. For a daily, medium-difficulty JP, 10 silver. Searing Ascent? Gold!
  17. As a rule, I am not a fan of jumping puzzles, especially when I happen to tackle them with a big male norn. I was pleasantly surprised by the Jaya Bluffs one. You have to carry a bundle to activate the check points, which prevents you from cheesing it with a rewinder. Annoying, but fair given a mastery point is at stake. It is in a wide open space so camera angle is not an issue. You don't need to look up AyinMaiden (bless her!) for the path to take. Most importantly, if you fall through, it is no biggy: just mount up and return to the last check point to reacquire the bundle. That last one is the best feature. Is it worth a mastery point? Compared to most of the older jumping puzzles, not at all. Compared to how easy it is to reach, commune and acquire most of the EoD ones? Certainly.
  18. I cannot further check my theories. First, the bug has not reappeared since I applied the solution. Second, today's patch notes suggests ANet has fixed it.
  19. So I tried it last night, but in a slightly different and easier version. It worked. Next order of business will be checking whether the log out and in is necessary. 1. Swap vindicator traitline for something else, a core line, Rene or Herald to a different template tab 2. Log out, log in 3. Reapply vindicator and assign skills (remember underwater) Switch back to the original template tab
  20. Thank you, Ustaf.2953, I will certainly try that. One thing that I find realy strange is that I played vindicator for several days without noticing any bug, then BAM! this thing got on my radar. I believe I noticed/fell to the bug more or less after reaching New Kaineng for the first time.
  21. If you are keen on completing meta achievements (e.g., PoF Act 2, or War Eternal in S4), you will probably have an easier time recruiting people to help you out by doing EoD earlier than later. I would not be overly worried about how 'new' stuff is. HoT metas are still some of the most popular in the whole game years after release and even S3 and S4 maps can get quite populated if their respective dailies (on a 6-day cycle) are on. PoF has not aged as well, but I still see reasonable activity in its core maps. It is unclear from your description how much post-core Tyria stuff you have done. Got gliding? Basic mounts? Griffon? Skyscale? I'd feel really left behind without those in EoD.
  22. You need to farms those mastery points. Plus, doing your dailies give you a bag of three spirit shards, and some of the log-in rewards can be turned into spirit shards.
  23. There is a cycle. I have an app (GW2 Companion) that even tells you what is the next day's dailies. I am sure there is a page on the wiki that covers that, but I could not find it.
  24. I feel for you. I used to get downed a lot out of nowhere and it still happens to me a little more frequently than I would like to see. When alone, there is often a telegraph, but it may be more subtle than in other games. In group play, especially big meta events, it is often lost in the fireworks of everyone activating flashy skills. Another factor may be the kind of gear you are using. Most of the better players seem to look at combat like a dps race: dead foes don't dps you down. Based on that they often go for berserker gear that fits that mentality. Nevertheless, until you get that good, it may be a good idea to have some vitality or even toughness mixed in, like marauder gear. I personally find that staying mobile is a great help. Staying in one place is asking for a big target sign to be put over your head. BTW, there are a lot of people in the forums that can routinely solo champions. That is not necessarily representative of the actual player base. Most players will get completely chewed up by champions if they dare tackle them solo.
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