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Everything posted by Mathias.9657

  1. aside from the steal change, what killed dp? Well condi aids for 1 being buffed to extreme, steal change hurt d/p by a ridiculous amount. It changes initiating fights a lot and requires you to be in someones face basically. (a hit and run spec, far more so than the condi aids which can just dodge while doing dmg for days with psn field etc.)
  2. This condi c-word is really boring. I want to actually put skill in GW2 again. pressing 2 then dodge/4 on shortbow isn't that exciting. You don't need to nerf it into irrelevance, we all know you won't because you love super braindead gameplay but can we actually have some good builds again? At least I could still be viable before the atrocious swipe/steal change... lmfao what a horrendous idea. 10/10 whoever thought that 1 up.
  3. I can't imagine why an unwatchable mess isn't 9000x more popular on twitch ...
  4. I will say something nice to the original devs who made GW1: I love you for the best game ever.Also I hate you for abandoning the franchise, its core values, and design.
  5. When WoW releases content its new dungeons, raids, open world stuff because it knows what its community is varied and they need to touch on everything. Yes its all time gated trash grind, but still, is content.ANet just focuses on open world ONLY. Which means... everyone rushes through that crap in 5mins and then there is nothing really added to the game. Even WoW content patches are far more content than living world stories. Might not be the same quality, but still. You could argue that because of vertical progression their content lasts longer and is more repeatable, but that doesn't change the fact that they at least try to appease every one of their players who can be anyone from a hardcore raider to a freaking dude obsessed with pokemon battlepets. In GW2 if you aren't into open world living world stuff minor patches then you are completely screwed. Blizzard caters to casuals, but that's not all they cater to. ANet should take notice, because this new shadowlands expansion is making huge changes and will make this game even more dead. And I want GW2 to continue, but ffs with this ... never gonna happen bruh.
  6. This happens every once in a while. It'll be fixed but who knows when. Then it'll happen again.
  7. until Anet return Mesmer Profession back to who they are called to be, nothing will ever change. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer&ved=2ahUKEwiEgsCwupXmAhUDWN8KHUXpAWQQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw31LL8-R2A2q-CCX9y8n5R8&cshid=1575237896054 Anet biggest mistake was changing Mesmer Profession identity. So now we are witnessing the consequences of it and Anet can't stop it without returning them to their root -once you start messing with someone's identity, prepare for Chaos- Yeah but in GW2 every mechanic is basically the C-word by design. There is no way hexes (on top of condi) would be viable in the game LOL unless they change condi to be an appropriate and balanced mechanic like in GW1. Except for blind.. serious fk blind in GW1. I hated mesmers even back then because I was a huge RA/TA player and SoM trash build that every scrub played really pissed me off. I mean that's like the condi mes of today, mesmers are just garbage players who depend on the most C-wordous of builds. Mesmer is literally just the highest form of being a garbage human being in a game possible. Even worse than cod campers with claymore and shotty. Hexes were ridiculously strong in GW1 too , not on the level of GW2 condi/power but pretty dang annoying and extremely effective both vs melee & caster depending on build. The difference being it took an entire group to focus a single target down in that amount of time, coordinated over voice comms. In GW2 a single person can do it. 10/10 design LUL. So glad we dropped that trAsH group play mentality from GW1, right ANet?
  8. I am not aware of fall dmg trait changes but I can tell you my experiences with drastic changes like this in other MMOs. 1) It is a stupid idea to remove fall dmg reduction traits unless you add it to a mastery or some such. If for example in WoW my rogue had its light footed trait removed or pandaren got their bouncy trait removed, it would just feel WRONG. Players are already used to these mechanics, taking it away is bad.2) I remember when Rift removed fall damage and it felt so freaking weird and made 0 sense, I don't care if we are in a fake fantasy world, 0 fall damage just feels bad when you are jumping from insane heights. We don't have to reach witcher 3 or skyrim levels of oops I scaled a 10 ft cliff on accident now I'm dead and lost all my progress destroys keyboard but fall damage has a place and so does reduction methods. I get it, we have glider, mounts, and can even jump off our mounts to glide. But really, what is the point of this change? Its like WoW's needless addiction to pruning everything, just stop, BEFORE it becomes a problem. Flavor isn't bad.. neither is player choice. What the hell is a fall dmg reduction trait hurting? Is this another spaghetti code thing where we have to remove something to add something?
  9. We're long past scrubs playing the game, we aint getting any new players, pvp is dead with only our small community of sadists. Can we remove this cancer and just let people respawn on death? Its less aggravating , hell increase the spawn times if you want. Make kills count for more points which has been suggested for literal years.. I know yall at ANet have a rock hard on for conquest but ffs no one even revives anymore cleave is insane and powercreep at its max its only used to bleed ppl out which isn't fun for the receiver and yea I know that fully while I do it too.. but you designed it that way -_-
  10. Get rid of necro aids and they won't be focused.. honestly its because they're strong af. If you just leave one to freecast your team is fucked. Their 'balanced' lol is needing support or at least thats the original intention I believe.
  11. Like really dude in an average game I'm not even kidding 99% of my shit is block/evade/blind/vuln for real are we even playing a pvp game or is it just a fuckin absolute troll. This is why it feels so bad. Everything hits like a truck but if you miss you do 0 dmg and gotta dance around like a lil fairy like dude GW1 got so much swag on this pos game honestly. Step your shit up girl cuz this is literal embarrassment lmao I honestly wanna get mad but at this point its just funny to me like Its literally driving me insane to goofy levels. I feel like pve just because my god damn attacks will actually connect to my target, at least most the time. Is there really any specific reason for everyone to be immune to your dps other than dps is too high? Can you not balance support properly? Are you googoogaaaggaaa developers pressed too hard huh? Awwwww I feel for you xD
  12. why would anyone who actually wants a skill based game play this mess? Because it's the best MMO combat out there by far. Everything else about the game just happens to suck but we're too addicted to quit for good. This. All. Day. Long. Someone please help! Point me to another PvP mmo with even half the potential of GW2.The original Guild Wars that they so readily ignore because they prefer this abomination.WoW arena is still really popular, downside is endless gear grind but still far more enjoyable than circle wars.I play HotS and ESO for pvp / pve. ESO has open world with even better quests and reward for discovery where GW2 failed as well without obnoxious amount of enemies with CC etc.GW2 is only worth hopping in from time to time, otherwise it destroys the soul and may cause cardiac arrest due to high blood pressure.Best combat is no longer true, any braindead toddler can excel with passive spammy gameplay. What is so good about it now? Pretty much every MMO followed suit but at least other MMOs have proper game modes despite horrendous class design which is just a thing I guess in gaming these days that seems to be popular with devs.
  13. Complaining works. There's two overtly nerf scrapper threads. That's hardly "SO MANY". Does that mean that the dozen ele mains left should complain more to see if we can get eles out of the pits of hellnerfs? Because I can do that, i must do thatI would like to play my ele again. Need more cry threads I approve.
  14. yay new cancerat least in gw1 we grouped before queue so we could meta vs meta.another season of hardly playing xD was cool just to hop on my tempest for a bit tho I haven't played that class in forever so we're going full on WoW mentality now, great
  15. It could have the worst features ever and I'd still buy immediately if it was Cantha. I want that beautiful music and visuals. I can dream..
  16. Can I be allowed to see things in open world pve with an option to completely obliterate the seizure inducing effects? I really don't care about other peoples 10 thousand skill particles.
  17. Nope mes will remain cancer so pvp is antifun its just the way they want it
  18. More money from dailies, but I have 3 accounts and honestly it's a pain in the ass having to log into 3 every day when you just wanna play so needless to say I have 2 accounts that do nothing lol.
  19. Never got a pre drop from anywhere, played since launch. I will never create a legendary outside of the pvp backpiece. I mostly pvp and had all the mats in my bank, all of my progress towards it was completely passive so no boring grind needed.
  20. How about an options in graphics settings to disable others spell effects so I can play the game without seizure inducing clutter.. Has been a major issue for me since day 1 especially in pve so I mostly just stick to pvp even though it's still horrible there I mean team fights are a clown fiesta of aoe and you can't see anything at all. So much for reading enemies skills with visuals lol xD at this point you may as well just add cast bars.
  21. GW1 does not need enhanced graphics, just a team of developers. GW2 team don't care about the original GW and probably have no clue how its mechanics works. All the original devs left for some stupid zombie game I remember seeing them leave ANet like every other week on gwguru.. That game was totally abandoned by all its devs for whatever reason. It's really a waste of top tier mechanics, if GW existed in current esports with how big streaming is now it would be #1 pvp game guarantee'd. Too bad all GW pvpers had to move on to LoL or w/e moba for decent pvp.
  22. Even their bikini armor would have buttcape because its all ANet is capable of designing
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