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Don Vega Van Kain.9842

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Everything posted by Don Vega Van Kain.9842

  1. Here's an idea I've been saying for years, how about they just lock in your class when you que for ranked. But you're still able to change your build on said class. This nonsense of playing chicken with seeing who can hard counter who with class swaps before the game starts is absurd. Noooooo, just hush, they'll tell you, the community voted for.... I think they talk about the 5% of the people in the game who connect to the forum... And the new players they have the right to vote or not ?? For my part, even though I'm here since 2012, I've never seen a "vote" and I've never voted. I ask for a new vote (even if I'm abusing myself and I change my class everytime when it's 20 secs :p)
  2. Right :) you have summed up the build perfectly. It's shine in team fight (it's not a side noder), for the sigils, i take Sigil of Cleansing and sigil of Courage too. I've tried almost everything with this build, a very good team fighting build, good in 1 vs 1 depending what your facing (as @""Atronach.8520" said, can't handle prolonged pressure in a 1 vs1, have to kill your opponant asap and you have the power to do it) but you must temporize with heavy condi builds if u don't burst them at the begining. Can be improved. ;)
  3. Cuz ele will have then 40 weapon's skills...40, yes, you have to be a pianist but you'll become a god in pvp. In other hand, they better have to rework kits than that for engi. If they ever give ele or engi weapon swap in combat then they'd have to increase the CDs on attunements, and put all attunements and weapon swap on CD when a weapon is swapped or attunement switched. Every kit on an engi would need to be put on CD once one is equipped or a weapon swapped, and the kits would need to go on CD if a weapon is swapped. And this would just be for balance sake. So, yeah... let's not discuss in combat weapon swapping for those two classes.Wrong target ;) I explain WHY they haven't weapon swap in combat :)
  4. Cuz ele will have then 40 weapon's skills...40, yes, you have to be a pianist but you'll become a god in pvp. In other hand, they better have to rework kits than that for engi.
  5. Mind sharing the build? I suppose you're running both BM and Skirmishing to hit those kind of numbers. I'm mostly interested in your utility choices.Thanks in advance. Not at all :) Beastmastery : 2 2 3Skirmishing : 2 1 3Soulbeast : 2 2 2 Bear stance, Dolyak stance, Sic'em, one wolf pack. (you already hit hard, imagine when you activate sc'em + one wolf pack) The last slot you have take another defense (lighting reflexes for exp) Demolisher amulet (what i play personnly) or paladin (what i was playing in the begining) Large choice of runes. (divinity, hoelbrak,scholar) depending of what your facing. ;) I've make this buid from a perspective of playing the soulbeast alone without pet (yep that's how i love playing my slb) so i leave beastmode just to give my self resistance or some healing out of combat. The problem is you have a huge amount of power (always top damages dealing even with reapers and revs in my team) but not much defenses against condi build (specially mes), that's why i start every fight againt condi's with activating my healing (6 sec = 6 condition removed) after that Dolyak stance (-33 condi's duration and if you take Hoelbrak's rune , it's another -20%) but normally the fight is already done ;)....have to kill condi's build the faster you can or you'll die/run away. Otherwise, thief, war(core, bersek not sb thx to the bubble), necro, weavers even fb melt with this build. Your main defense is your attack. Ps : always swap weapons at cd to keep the nearly 100% critics.
  6. GS/ Axe,Axe with one of the Highenest damages in the game and i know i'm the only one i play it (from Gold3 to Plat2) I have perma something like this but ferecoty and power (power depending to might, in the pic, it's 14 stacks and the build is a might generator and ferocity can drop to 238%, everything else is perma)
  7. I dont think its nessecary. Imagine doing that. You would screw up an entire skill for the whole class, making it completely garbage and nerfing with that the Skittenper even more than the holosmith, even though the holosmith itself doesnt need any of such nerfs. Holosmith itself isnt really overpowered. Is has sustain, compared to the other lether-wielders. Its doing decent damage too,while being in the Holo-form. But if many people are complaining because of the holo being too good, just because they cant survive its attacks until the photon-forge overheats, then its the fault of them taking berserk gear instead of sustain gear.... its not the holo thats the problem here. Even if it would be too good, removing stability wouldnt do anything regarding to that. Lol yeah holo is completely overstacked and needs nerfs 100%. Ur holo is fine and that people are at fault for running zerg stats is kinda funny no offense.This is a good change.You're completely right about Holo but in other hand, it impacts severely Scrapper who become a half profession after severals patchs with which the developers try to cut the oppeness of scrapper to having as result the actual scrapper. If they want to nerf HOLO's stab then they have to cut stab from "Crystal Configuration: Eclipse" not from Elixir U. This is a BAD change....
  8. Nahhhh and nahhh just speak about ur self, better up the speed than the damage of hammer auto and u just lose 8 sec of +10% damages with Elixir U nerf (stab = more damages for scrapper) ....can't be happy with this..... for the moment. Will see. And really i don't understand why ppl so excited about weapons swap for engi ??? how many weapons engi have ???? maybe it's a plus for WwW and PVE for sigil stack but pvp..... (for elem in other hand ...it's a huge help, 40 weapons skills :astonished: )
  9. Man, you just say " i'm good with thief, holo and weaver but bad with warrior" nothing else =) don't be upset, i'm bad with war too ;) (even if i play core war now with all my alt accounts) As a weaver, you frgot "Warrior's Cunning" (gonna be nerf soon) ;) (unless u still playing tempest as me)
  10. Playing a staff support tempest in pvp AND without a static team u masochist :D Nice vid anyway ;) love how your mates runing away from ur healing XD
  11. I don't know if ur in pvp or Wvw but you can get them easily there. If you don't like pvp, you can just follow a commander 1 night in wvw and u'll get a lot.
  12. Tell you a true story, one day, a ranger piss me off with his near 0% healing in fractal, i've take my Tempest, add Minstrel's stuff and till now...everytime we have a problem with healing in fractal, i switch to my tempest and mates don't have even to dodge anymore (Insane healing, the best burst healing in the game imo), all they have to do is to focus in hitting mobs. Other thing, with tempest you don't have to be near your mates all the time to burst healing ;) a big + with pu groups who runs everywhere. Ps1: Ppl take Ranger for others boons, his healing isin't that big compared to tempest BUT if u have a bad ranger, you lost boons(not the passive one)s AND healing.Ps2 : use the same build and the same stats in Wvw succefully.
  13. Hmmmm.... i'm not joking....really.... i play DE (strictly in WvW) and Slb (35% of my pvp's matchs) so i know a little bit what i can do or not with this two.... Otherwise, i don't understand all what u write about the futur and the better days (and i don't see the relation with deadeye) but u seems really to beleive in it so i'm with u bro :) cheers
  14. Frankly, the guy panicked :s , it's all, he don't use his longbow cc in the DE till 22 sec, take him 12 secs to use sick'em (to force DE to use his Elite), he fall (and just then use rapid fire...in nothing), forget to use F2 to get swiftness when he was running at end and i don't know if he has smokescale or something else coz he stay in raven all the time, as a longbow Slb, u can (HAVE TO) DELETE a DE. Deadeye do too much damage but he's super squichy.... I realized something else, the dude use "TAB" to target next opponant :/ very bad against profession with detargetting like mesmer, thiefs.... (he target the thief, then a mob scale, then a mob defender....... PS : Even we're in a "Nerf Deadeye" Thread, ppl speaks about mesmers :D .... @net !! pls do soemthing with.....................ppl :D
  15. Hmmm...comming from a known engineer's main confusing me. Nerfing (again) an engineer core skills to nerf holo ???? i don't play core engineer but my scrapper will heavilly be impacted with this change. If they want nerfing Holo then they have to nerf HOLO's traits, mechs and skills, nothing else (why not nerfing Eclipse's stab ?)
  16. Hi, The nerf of Chaos vortex is good (it's always overperforming with all his conditions annnnd i've been "Forced" to play staff after the nerf of the axe)Why an other time nerfing a core skills (Elixir U), nerf HOLO (Eclipse) stability.....Thank you for the nerf of Warrior’s Cunning (even if it will be much appreciate and simple to do : 7% damage bonus against targets above 90% AND targets with barrier), will see for rampage.Ty anyway for sharing the infos with us :)
  17. Nice to see someone that appreciate :) You seems happy witth your ranger stuffed and ok to go, i guess you play mostly with him no ? I have 5 accounts and 36 Charcteres, have i to buy another(s) gear template for all of them ? a build template for all of them ? it took me 10 min to not buy anything....
  18. Hi,I will not add more comments on what's ok and what's wrong with Build and Equipment Templates (already 6 pages which resume the situation well) I'm here just to say that i buy some gems a month ago waiting for it, make a huge amount of gold aside for conversion and yesterday.... i've bought nothing, too distraught and disappointed. PS : a point i've noticed, what happen if i delete a character ? all i have bought as templates for him will go with ?
  19. You probably have a problem with ur build if u die too fast to condi with core guard.
  20. Basicelly, the idea is not that bad but it comes with a lot of bad ideas in the same path like why stop at stamina bar ?? i beleive also that showing the utility skills in cd of the opponant can help ? no ? weapons skills as well ? why not showing the cd of his passive too ? as you say "it gonna help when to time your skills or when you have to bait a dodge instead of just chucking your skills and hoping some of them randomly hit"
  21. Queuing : make a Solo queu League who will reward people as a person who made the effort to be better than others and a Team League (5vs5) who reward people for their organisation and coordination as a whole team, no more duo who benefits just for some people (not the majority) and of course forget about 4vs4/ 3,5 vs 3,5 ideas.... MMR System : i'm sure in the past time when we've been a considerable number of ppl in pvp, the MMR system was good but now excuse me but it's a disaster, once you do your best to win 5-6 matchs in row, the system consider that you're able to handle the next match and as i except for supposedly balancing the odds, make your profile who are hypothetically "High" with 4 "Low" profiles VS 5 "medium" profils, mathematically maybe it's sound good but it doesn't take in charge the human's factor, weren't machines and losing 7-8 matchs after that it's not funny, not at all, it's juts push people to play 1-2 game per day and that's it to assure their ranking or playing at least Duo Q to limit the risks and who is unhealthy for solo Q players who are the majority in pvp i think. Ps : As someone says here, someone from your team have to play the game more and more (not for the same reasons, i don't think you don't know how work the professions/compt. u created) but to know what people think about the changes you made/will make, here, in the forum, it's not even 5% of pvp population and it's always makes me laugh when someone says "community have voted in forum"..... maybe as real life you have to force people to connect to the forum to be sure you'll hear the voice of everyone :D
  22. :D really u still argue for something and u won't even hear what i say, I DON'T speak about losing or winning, I don't speak about fighting a war or a choya, ur defending mirage tooth and nail as a whole profession when i just make an observation taht if mirage want, u can't know who's the real one for a while, it JUST THAT. :D fewwww PS : a personal remark, why runing off meta ? coz people expect you to play meta, it surprises them and builds off meta who work,there's a ton ;) and playing meta again and again like 80% of people is just....boring.
  23. ok, i'll go with a normal fight so u can undestand my point of view : Starting a fight with staff 3 and 2 (clones generation + evade), go scepter + torch then torch 4 (3 sec stealth), blink teleport behind the enemy scepter 3 then dodge + A (ambush) and signet of midnight.... just torch 4 + signet of midnight = 5 sec stealth...... And as i say again, not everyone can handle it and i don't call for a nerf just calm down, mirage is squichy and he need his clones and evade(dodge) to survive.
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