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Don Vega Van Kain.9842

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Everything posted by Don Vega Van Kain.9842

  1. Why you need swiftness when you have Superspeed while dodging (mirage) ??! I've done this JP a couple of weeks before to have the achievement (after several try i have it) and i've done all my risky jumps with dodge (to have superspeed) and all up there, on the big swirls, i've used a sword to have the ambush jump and it's done.
  2. i've read your conculusion and it's enough for me, (reading a wall in the morning before a coffee is not a good idea) You have my +1 even if i guess i wouldn't be ok with all what you wrote about classes (normal) but the idea in your conclusion is good.
  3. "Eating pop corn :# and watching the forum with all his salt, hope and despair" Maybe thief will be The only meta, sd thief vs condi thief vs deadeye vs dp thief = Thiefs wars 2 (a nice name btw) Maybe we'll see no mirage anymore in pvp, maybe Weaver can't vs many ppl anymore, 1 pet for the slb in fight .?? the second one was used just to run away =) and more and more.... I don't have any idea of how it's gonna be after the patch and i don't have any judgment till the patch fall. I just hope (really) that @net have done some good tests before, with a real pvp players and they'll be super reactive to fix any oppeness cuz in the past with just a patch with 20-30 changes, they took weeks maybe months to react, what's gonna be with a patch with a TON of changes.....will see.
  4. First off, Fire weaver will still ok in 1 vs 1 but not anymore fighting vs 2-3 ppl and stay alive and yep, the 1 dodge profession will be anihilate. Thief !!! I don't remember well 2-3 days ago, i've been in twitch between 17:00 and 18:00, 8-9 GW2 PVP streamers, 4 thief's main....maybe a part of the answer and why @net favors the thief..... at least for the moment. :/
  5. My fault cheif, I slipped, January 2019---- January 2020 :3 Annnnnnd everybody just follow.....
  6. People complain about condi mirage because mirage relies too much on overvamped quality of life (QoL) aspects and UI clutter the higher skill you get. Mirage can UI clutter with deceptive evasion and standing still, preventing proper targeting of them because their clone overlaps their model and takes target instead, punishing builds that rely on targeting to attack. Furthermore, the concept of target breaking again punishes people and forces them to click target again before casting anything. Mirage cloak being usable during stun/immob/fear makes mirage impossible to stunchain at any point if they have one evade, don't even need to use a stunbreak to do so. Scepter ambush is too long of a cast and hits too many times, resulting in near abusive levels of bleeding from a single ambush cast that is near impossible to completely dodge because the cast is... twice as long as a dodge roll, 5 attacks per clone, bleeding on every critical hit on top of its other effects that more often just become cover conditions that get cleansed instead of the bleeding. Furthermore, the ambush attacks of clones become counterplay to environmental cover and making range because clones use the superspeed of using mirage cloak to run around corners, behind walls, to charge gaps, etc., and STILL have enough time left on that ambush window to cast their ambush at no cost to its damage, resulting often in staggered ambushes akin to staggered shatters. Then, a reflect added on to the end of the dodge roll or other evade if you evade a single attack? And then an AoE daze when you cast heal? Free cleanses when you get stunned, not even when you do anything yourself? Chaos storm granting aegis on top of their other evades, blocks, and invulnerabilities? And these clones that now got buffed with evade frames used most often when the enemy winds up big attacks or big AoE's (just because the caster will likely want to dodge) end up tripling the durability of these clones and they still retain the vitality of normal clones? Mirage is hated for good reason, if you ask me. The problem just becomes Anet often doesn't seem to fully have a feel for why, so they attack some of the bigger, more vital offenses without addressing the QoL and defensive aspects that make the class obnoxious to fight and specifically punishing towards builds that don't have high mobilty and cleave akin to heavies. It's not about being able to find the mirage nowadays, it's more often about getting to click on them without having target broken, stealth, etc., giving them windows where they can punish you while you're just trying to crawl through the UI clutter. That's why mirage is worth complaining about. tl;dr mirage has too many quality of life and defensive aspects arenanet hasn't touched properly that end up making the class a pain in the kitten to fight which result in people complaining and arenanet attacking the skill effects instead of mechanics Hi :) All the wall you wrote can be resume in what i say "I think people will continue to whine about Mesmer till he lose condi's and all his clones forever." You just talk about clones and re-targeting + the amount of condi and I understand your pov but the solution is not to nerf (again) mesmer they already get gut really hard. You slightly touch the solution when you've been talking about mechanics but if we touch mechs (nerf/change), we have to buff something else to counter balance. And i can assure you, my lord, that mesmer have many counter professions which can delete him (thief, ranger, condi fb, fire weaver, scrapper) and once a spec has many counters, i think there's no problem, it's just ppl don't try to adapt theirs self and play always the same thing and want to kill (and survive) to everything with same profession/build. :/
  7. As always @net makes a weird thing and lets us bicker like hens for a long time and once it becomes critical, they back to work and tries to resolve the problem. Frankly, just make a SoloQ for the solo player base that will reward the individual skill and give people who want to play with their friends, their lovers, their dogs, a Duo, 3v3 or 5vs5 Q, that will reward the teamwork .
  8. Log-in rewards, dailies, laurels.....it's the easy way. You have also the wood farm. You can do more and more better (and having more and more gold) One of them, if you just do 1 match in pvp with it and you try hard (you have to), you can won your game (and it's done for the daily) or having at least 2 stats and you'll have to do just 1 other achievement to have your daily done (a Vista, Gathering) all this in ~10min max (and don't forget, pvp don't need gears, you can start directly) + reward track (can have a lion's key) + match rewards (can have 15 gold each X games)......a lot of golds. You can also do the masterpiece, i will not going in details ;) but you can do some group activity that you can manage to do alone with your alt accounts = double rewards. I have 6 accounts and i do all of this :) pvp game ~ 1h10, group activity ~ 15 min, that's make 1h25 of farming "accounts" per day for me.
  9. It's getting worse to worst, man, i've told you to take your drugs.... :/
  10. Exactly, different way to play = different Q. Counter strike, DOTA, Lol don't have the same population than GW2 nether the same gameplay and popularity, compare the comparable.
  11. Here, i agree with you 100%, a primary solo queue and give the ones who want to queue as a team what they want (5 vs 5, 2 vs 2, 3,5 vs 3,5) We can't make an organized team as mannschaft play against the 10th team of the 3rd division, it's not about numbers, it's just logic.
  12. Dude, If I had been told that one day I'll give you a Thumbs Up, I wouldn't have believed it.
  13. Not really important but i just want to know, is there a convention that all mesmer's main must have a skritt's avatar ? :3
  14. Good job ! I run something exactly the same (1- 2 diff) both in WvW and Fractal/Raid. People still underestimate the tempest and follow the meta blindly even if the tempest have one (maybe The) of the highest burst heal in the game.
  15. According to Metabattle, Engi have 7 meta builds, Thiefs 6 meta builds and mesmer ??......just 2 meta builds (core shatter basiclly the same as power shatter just adding mirage) and ppl still cry about mesmer....... I think people will continue to whine about Mesmer till he lose condi's and all his clones forever.
  16. Karka's event when they attacked the lion's arch, if i remember well it took more than 2 hours of intense fights and i've been here an hour before with all my friends (when all of them only have eyes for GW2) and a final battlle vs the ancestral Karka with nearly 1-2 precursor as a gift for everybody at the end of the fight =) (yep, there was a time when Anet was generous) :/
  17. None, i can't even tell my friends that i still play Guild wars 2 :/ I love the game (maybe cuz of gw1 legacy or the time i spent in) but i know that ppl around me will not.
  18. Your alt account is almost all the time queued with a high ranked player in a duo so if you can't even play solo with your alt account just.....you know.
  19. Thank you :) Even Anet admit that Duos in a 5 vs 5 game mode is a problem.
  20. Hi, i have the same issue but with 5 accounts (3 EU and 2 US) and my main. I have a theory about it so i want to know if your Alt and main accounts are in the same server or not ?
  21. I dont play in Guilds yet I also want to enjoy 15 vs 15. Which is why not having a queue for this mode will leave it dead like all the other custom maps. Well, imo it's a DeadBorn mode with or without queue, how many pvp guildes are there with more than 20 regulars contants ppl who connects every day ??? And queue, it's took sometimes 5 min to queue with 4 ppl in each team so 14..... unless anet change the queue algorithm. Maybe i'm wrong, will see.
  22. You're probably right but most important, you have a real problem with young cats.....
  23. was a big light beam and granades i think. big light beam? are you sure there was no holo on their team?Prime Light Beam is the only skill that fits the description, not a core engi skill, but it still cannot 1 shot people unless hp is already low additionally, Elixir X is not available to non core engiDon't bother your self, it's just an old meme core engi build with grenades, indeed you can 1 shot ppl with it if they don't react to you but in other hand, super squichy, no cleaning, really nothing, if only 1 power build guy focus you, he can obliterated you from the match. PS : i know just one engi which reach Plat1 with a modified version of this build, but he's good at kitting. an asura engi.
  24. We can add people as freinds, can we have please the ability to sort them in groups, per exp, i have 150 friends and i want to do some fractals, it will took time to find my friends who loves doing fractals, in other hand, if i can sort my friends and put them in groups (pvp, fractals, raids, weird ppl....) it will be much much easier and faster to find them and making groups instantly :)
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