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Some Call Me Tim.2319

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Everything posted by Some Call Me Tim.2319

  1. I completed the 2nd level. I should have access to the level 75 recipes now.
  2. It's the same character that I unlocked the homestead with. It's the only one I use for pve. 🙂
  3. I have completed the Initiate Handiworker Crafting recipes Mastery Line but it still won't let me create the level 75 recipes that are in my list. It still says I'm a Novice and not an Initiate.. ???
  4. I have level 75 recipes in my list.. I just can't access them. It still says I'm at level 74 and won't let me create the level 75 ones. I also don't have any others that grant any sort of xp to uplevel.. As I understand it that's what the mastery line is for. So in other words even though I have completed the Initiate Mastery Line it still says I'm a Novice... 😞
  5. I have the mastery completed for: Initiate Handiworker Crafting recipes Supposedly that's supposed to unlock the level 75 to 149 recipes.... but I still can't access them. Is there something I'm missing here???
  6. I saw nothing different other than the usual difference between assigned server names and the ones that showed up in the friends list etc
  7. I’m a vet from the early years of wvw. I actually enjoy joining and supporting a tag that is obviously new. Often they want some advice but mostly I just follow quietly unless they’re doing something real insane. You gotta learn somehow and trial and error is the best.
  8. Anet let the thrill of wvw die a long time ago. Alliances won’t do anything to make things worse. As for comments about allied guilds keeping out the casual players I know there are many like me that don’t give a hoot. I lost the desire to deal with the stress of comp fights a long time ago. I was born to roam and havoc. Nothing, for me, will change. I’m an old timer… now and then I latch onto a squad and actually comp up and run with them for an evening. It’s all my choice and I love it that way. That’s MY endgame. The rest is cybernoise.
  9. The BP squads typically tag down by 8:00pm PST for the most part. Sometimes run up to 10PST. None are full 50 people groups though unless open and running wild.
  10. lol. Yes I’ve done that many times, wishing there were more rangers with me!
  11. lol…. So I’ve gone from playing an average of 4hrs per day, for the first 9 years or so of gw2, down to maybe 3hrs per week. I really can’t imagine Anet being able to do anything positive enough to change this for me. Flying mounts in wvw would be nothing more than joke. It could, however, cause Rangers to be more of a thing since it would be fun to shoot people down. Otherwise it’s nothing short of pve trash.
  12. * rubs eyes as he slowly wakes up from another afternoon nap * huh? Whut? hmph * rolls over ..zzzzzz*
  13. Totally agree with this. My thoughts are that the tag would change automatically depending on squad size. 🙂
  14. What “should “ or “shouldn’t “ be is irrelevant. People play the way they want, when they want. It isn't a school team or even a public team sport. Yes it’s a game that many people play and often share a common goal, but some are here just to roam. Some are here to havoc. Some are here to run in a squad. There is NO SHOULD other than you should do what makes you happy. End of story.
  15. of course…. I’m talking about times when there is no other siege continuing to hit. Frankly SMC is the only thing I never repair since it’s always being hit. Also, when I’ve been repairing and call for help it sometimes gets a response. Not typically from the large group since they have moved on. It is what it is and I didn’t mind doing it before when there was at least some return on effort. Now I just decide ok and keep up with the squad and can always backcap later if it flips.
  16. I get more bored with pve than wvw. 🤷🏼
  17. Guilds, and individuals, absolutely have the right to run any way they wish. Just as I have the right to run in wvw any way I wish. However, if I want to join a squad then I make it a point to ask them and see what conditions they have for joining the group. If I’m willing to meet those conditions then they let me in. If not then I head off to continue to do my own thing.
  18. Totally agree. Much of the time I see people come and defend then leave without repairing beyond a few supplies. I find myself just leaving along with the group if I’m in the squad because my pips will wind down by the time I finish repairing and catch back up. So short sighted of ANet! Another example of a few people crying causing changes that hurt much more than they help.
  19. You don’t need to be buffed to kill npc’s. All you need is a build that already exists that gives you killing power and a bit of protection. Big damage takes camps down fast, at least for me. It’s so easy to take down a camp solo that it’s hard for me to understand people that I sometimes find dead under camp guards. 😖
  20. Meh… I kill mechs regularly with my Untamed killer
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