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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I've made it to platinum with condi hard this season quite easily and this is high rating for my skill. Also running the curses/blood trait lines although a bit more aggressive to what Zex Anthon posted and with a pistol instead of scepter.

    Imo a very strong and easy build for solo queue spvp. It might not be the most specialised build out there and that is maybe why its not as popular in high level plays.

  2. You can start t1 fractals without much if any advanced knowledge how to max dps. Those are easy and meant as an entry level. You can also do most strikes the same way.

    Maybe just try out on the test golem how much dmg you actually do. Just to see in which ballpark are you. If you are above 15k dps (just something from the top of my head) with all boons you're pretty much good to start any content including first raid wings. Maybe youll get flamed but from my experience that shouldnt really happen. Just dont join groups that have experience requirements. The more youll play, the better you will be. Running arcdps to check yourself will help so you have a real encounter benchmark where you stand so you can improve and go for harder encounters.

    As for rotations. Some professions are very forgiving and most dmg just comes from auto attacks and weaving in a few big abilities. Some are demanding and missing rotation can be a big dps dip. I'm sure youll find some low effort builds out there for the profession you like.

    Also often rotations look scary on paper but are very intuitive in reality. If you play for 10 years you most likely know your classes well. You might be better than you think. 

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  3. I think Wod was overnerfed, especially the change from 100% to 33%. Wod was super strong, meta defining ability and I can see why tackle it. But I think it went the wrong way especially with the above nerf.

    Yeah it could get really annoying if your enemy had substantially more bubbles than you because you were constantly dodging bubbles and tracking SPBs. For that reason I think the area and duration nerfs are in order. So it becomes high skill, high reward ability. Now they are just making it irrelevant.

    Their reasoning baffles me. "Players are afraid to enter bubble so we will make it irrelevant so players will just walk through it". Thats just silly. Make it small, make it short lasting but if you get caught in it you will get punished hard.

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  4. Join you server and link/host discord or TS. On the more active servers, comms often advertise in advance when they will tag up. Also you will get access to voice chat squads that are way more fun and also often run hidden tags so you cant see them on map. 

    Ask in /t for discord links. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Helgaley.3619 said:

    Players aren't great at fixing problems, but we're very good at identifying them. It's Anets job to fix those problems, but they seem to be making them worse. They also don't need to consider every idea that comes up, but there are always going to be common trends that Anet can work with to make changes that would make the majority of players at least content. 

    If the players identify something as a problem and offer a number of suggestions on how to fix it, Anet should be able to take that feedback and combine it with whatever data they have on hand to create a solution that actually works. For example, the boon ball meta in wvw has been problematic for years, so the solution in this patch should not have been to nerf boon corruption and strips. Quickness and alacrity are also problematic buffs that have become mandatory, but the solution is not to just slap it on every specialization without any consideration as to whether it even makes sense. 

    No, we are not good at identifying problems when it comes to balance because we dont even have the data. And that's the basic requirement to be able to identify anything. 

    The boon ball meta is a problem for you. I don't mind boon ball meta because I mostly play in WvW with my guild and we are mostly doing open field fights against other guild boon balls and I enjoy trying to get the best squad composition that gets most out of boons. Could there be a different meta we would enjoy? Sure. But I dont see it as a problem, its an interesting cooperative concept that I dont get to experience in other games I play which for me is fun.

    So you see we have 2 completely valid takes on the matter. But we dont have the data on how many players enjoy what so we can't really propose the best objective solution. I can also say that I am on several WvW discords with hundreds of players altogether and don't remember complaints about boon ball meta. And oppose to that I see only a few players complaining in forums. And I can't even tell how much these forum players play WvW and what their communities are like and how committed they are to the mode. 

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  6. Rally happens when an enemy you tagged dies while youre in downstate. This will immediatelly revive you. This works on all classes. 

    Warrior has an unique downstate 3 ability which will revive you for 15 sec. After 15 sec you will immediately die, no downstate. If you kill an enemy in those 15 sec you have a chance to survive. This can be guaranteed with a trait. 

    You want to use this downstate 3 ability when youre sure noone will revive you or you wont rally off enemy you tagged dying. But it has quite a long cast time so dont wait to long. 

    In pvp and wvw there are some additional restrictions. 

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  7. In general the last thing I want is for the devs to listen to the players for balance. Most players fall into biased or just plain bad (to be clear I dont exclude myself from these groups). Just read class forums. And most vocal are usually the worst. 

    That doesnt mean they should not read proposals especially when it comes to game flavour, gameplay style.  There are good proposal somewhere in all the cesspool. 

    Ive been playing different multiplayer games for over 25 years and without exception all the forums were mostly biased QQ and balance was always "the worst" even if the game was regarded as one of the better balanced. 


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  8. On 6/11/2023 at 10:10 PM, jul.7602 said:

    Balance is a narrow term describing the mathematical probability of defeating your enemy conditioned on some set of variables. When that probability approaches such that probably of defeating your opponent is the same for any set of build, you can say that the combat is perfectly balanced, conditioned on the choice of build.

    Sure that is balance. But that is also a very bad game design at least for rpgs. Because that pretty much means player made builds are irrelevant and might as well completely remove them.

    No, not all builds should be balanced. There should be good builds and bad builds and up to players to figure out what is good and what is bad and synergies between builds. And there should be a large enough available variability to suit different play styles.

    As for your solutions. I think they are bad for the game. It's just dumbing down the game and makes roles in a squad less distinguished and make different CC type abilities more homogenised. I'm fine with fine tuning stability and CC sources and/or spreading out stability sources in a squad (Spb frontliner with better stability source). But just giving everyone anti cc kit without any investment? Nah. Most if not all classes can already build heavily in anti CC. But the beauty of cooperative playing is in role specialization and not homogenisation. Homogenisation just takes away another skill factor. Group composition, communication and coordinated play is skill and it feels very satisfying when your group is well coordinated. Even the little things feel very satisfying when you get 30 people to move, dodge, bomb, blast... at the same time.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:


    Why not? There's already some massive splits between how mechanics work in PvE and PvP modes, we can easily add skill speed and cooldowns on top of that.

    Most SPvP builds already do not have access to both those boons at a decent upkeep. Some do not have access to any of those boons at all. So, i'd not worry about it too much. WvW boonballs would get affected, but weakening those a bit would not necessarily be a bad thing, don't you think?



    I wouldnt split the baseline tempo between pvp and pve modes. At least as far as quickness is concerned. We already have lots of CD splits so alac is not really an issue. 

    It would just feel bad for pvp compared to pve. I think its also important that the base feel is consistent. 

    I dont think it would be the end of the world for pvp if these 2 would be baseline. Yeah balance would suffer initialy, but that can be fixed over time. Much easier than other solutions and it wouldnt make your char worse compared to pve. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Might alone is around 30% dps increase. Fury adds 25 to 30% (depending on build) crit chance, which on power dps is about 60-70% dps increase. Considering those are multiplicative, not cumulative, those two boons already add over 100% dps increase. And then you factor in alacrity and quickness (with, again, multiplicative effects)...

    Yes, it is around +200%

    Keep in mind defensive boons are actually even crazier although harder to quantify. But at least there is still skill factor involved for some of them not just mash 1 or 2 buttons for 100% upkeep.

    Also alac is just as effective defensive boon as it is offensive. The value here is completely insane.

    If we compare this to the strongest offensive group buff in WOW. Bloodlust/Heroism give 30% haste for 40 seconds but you can't reapply it to a target for 10 MINUTES. So 7% uptime (more if the fight takes less than 10 minutes). This spell had a lot of controversy and nerfs in the past for how strong and essential it is.

    In gw2 every boon is completely crazy compared to that. 33% dmg reduction, 25% CD reduction, 25% critical chance... All the boons are completely out of hand in this game.

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  11. I wont judge the change until its out, I think it has the potential to be good and give even more versatility to qdps Herald. It would sucks if it would be reduced to AA build with upkeeps but we dont know how hard it will be to keep quick up.

    BUT if this means the boon share range is reduced, this is a huge nerf for me. That 600 range is the best feature of Herald qdps and something I think should be baseline for all boon shares. 

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  12. Your suggestion would make it worse for many applications. It would be nice if it would cancel with the second press of a button though. But in the end its just skill issue. The more you play, the better you will judge the animation locks, ranges of skills and it becomes natural.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I just tested it with a friend. Infusions are still visible, as I stated earlier. The claim they can be turned off now is false.

    Besides, there are other, more urgent things, that should be toggleable: jade-bot minis and sounds, the Cyberscale's sounds, Virtuoso daggers, etc. 😉 Infusions are actually fine -- there are very few players who use 18 Queen Bee infusions or run around as a Hulk double and annoy the heck out of everyone. 😄

    Hmm it seemed to work for me yesterday but had to relog. Unless I just happen to meet only players without infusions. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    Hides legendary projectiles too, I don't mind seeing the cute Charr next to me's flying cats in Dragon Bash.

    I did say it'd probably "be like FFXIV's or less" and it is in fact less than FFXIV's 😛

    Can I get some on/off hotkeys?

    I should be grateful for this (and I really am) but Anet can we also hide legendary projectiles on ourselves? I dont like how they overwrite class unique animations. 

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  15. I also dislike this new friendly aoe circles. A dot would be just fine, allthough it bothers me the least on Vindi dodge. They are also incosistent. We got them on Spectre, Vindi, Ele dagger lightning 5 maybe some more. Why? No clue. Its not like we have a ton non ground targeted aoe or cleave abilities and we always did just fine. 

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