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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I'm pretty sure this is a bait thread.

    For what is worth, they could add some presets for control and other settings. With some explanation. Not really keybinds, although 6-0 is just useless for combat skills. But a more efficient setting with quick cast ground targeting, no silly double tap to dodge and no useless on screen effects.

    On the other hand not being able to click is an effective lesson for people to learn to key bind and it doesn't take long to train yourself to use full key binds (just stop clicking, make yourself not click anything ever again and your muscle memory will develop fast, its much lower effort so if you can click you can use buttons). But just making it default would enrage many players and maybe make the game unplayable for some players with disabilities. 

    • Like 2
  2. If they wanted to add material sink, they could straight add research notes to crafting vendors for the price in materials. 

    Or made them tradeable on tp and players that like to spend time behind crafting benches could make some gold and us that dont value gold as much but value playtime outside of crafting could just straight buy them. 

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  3. All they needed was add 1 good boss fight at the end and call it a day on the meta. And expand the map into something worth exploring. 

    The second part of the meta is just horrible. 4 identical bad events of collecting the same stuff over and over again and then again for the boss fight. You barely interact with the boss, it doesn't do anything threatening, we might as well leave it there and let it be a tourist attraction. 

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  4. EOD is full of annoying busy work. One thing I liked with gw2 was reduction of useless busy work compared to other games and here they go and fill the whole expansion with it. 

    Research notes, jade batteries, protocols, fishing stacks. Just let me play the game. If I have 1 hour to play, Im not going for the game that doesnt respect my time. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Sylvari.2953 said:

    Yeah, I miss the days when Istan was rewarding (Palawadan + Great Hall). The events were short and started at certain times so I could work or rest my eyes between them. Of course it got nerfed into the ground. 😞 I'm not fond of the long, tedious metas that start at random times because I can't plan around them (and finding good meta maps for them is annoying).

    The only nerf I know of is that you can only loot chests once per day. One daily run is still as rewarding as it was. Maybe I missed something. 

    I think they nerfed Akili though. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    But the Jade Tech Protocols are really powerful and I would advocate for not only using these always in Open World but modifying your build to take advantage of these buffs.

    Thats actually another aspect I dislike about them. They completely invalidate some traits. Why bother with a trait that give self boons if these provide everything. 

    Yeah its ow, it doesnt really matter. But ow is great sandbox for playing with some fun builds and often a trait that you wouldnt take in group because you have pocket FB becomes better in solo ow. Yeah you can not stack up on these but gimping yourself on purpose kinda defeats the purpose of min maxing a build for a specific situation. 

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  7. Or maybe you start on one of south ABL spawns and your goal is to claim garry in a limited amount of time. 

    You would need to claim camps for supply. Towers could function as a supply line defending structures, scouting, maybe even add waypoint upgrades for supp cost. Keeps would need to give huge perks like trebs, free golems, friendly npc spawns, dragon banner. 

    Could be a very interesting dynamic game mode if its balanced well and offers different strategies. Great, unique idea. 

    Champs and all npcs would need to be greatly buffed with some more interesting abilities. 

    It would also need 2 modes. Normal for pugs and cm mode as a challenge for guild squads. 

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  8. I would harmonise all boons at 600 radius like Herald has. 

    Its not that I really dislike stacking meta. Its just that each class has it a little different which can be annoying. And it doesnt really add much to class identity. 

    Its really annoying on my fb when there are party members that just always stand outside of range.

    • Like 1
  9. Will "ai" make development easier? Yes. 

    Does it guarantee better games? Not at all. Imo the best recepy is either a fresh, creative idea which you wont get from "ai" or a polished game based on a franchise with huge following or mix of both. 

    Right now I dont see any big mmo in development that would jeopardise gw2's casual niche. If anything, the big ones in development seem to go in completely other direction. Im not really following so much though. 

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  10. 14 hours ago, loregnum.3619 said:

    It's clearly manipulation going on. Case in point:

    I sell some I had saved on Monday night of this week right before reset for something like 84-87s and someone or some people then cleared out a bunch after me to where the lowest was 89s. Within maybe 3 minutes after reset, the price was down to I believe the mid 70s because someone went and put a sell order at I think 77s when the lowest sell before they did that was still in the 80s and then the usual of people doing the stupid 1 copper less thing after that. To use your words, why would someone throw away gold just for the sake of it? If things are selling for 84+ then why on earth would you list in the mid 70s? 

    Because supply is high and if you beleive the price is going to fall further you play it safe and list a bit cheaper. 

    If youre selling large quantities you dont want to list at a price that might not sell. Because if you would need to relist at a lower price youre also losing the TP tax, so you might aswell insta sell.

    When price was steady after the jp chest nerf I was listing high because I was certain it will sell. Now I am listing lower because I think it will further fall. I expect a drop to about 50-60 silver. Then still a slower decline in the future like all legy mats. Unless new sinks come. 

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  11. I find wvw and pvp skins much better than Envoy anyway. Most of my looks use at least a piece from those sets. 

    I dont care if that 3rd tier comes already as ascended and there is no additional leggy tier. More shine would ruin it anyway. But thats my opinion. 

    In the end these are also pvp modes. This is generalising but many pvp players play for thrill of winning and not shinies. Shiny bloated stuff only deteriorate experience because you want maximum visual clarity. This is also why I usually prefer lower tier, clean, sleek armor to higher tiers that usually just add some shiny parts on. 

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  12. It will drop naturally like all the legendary eod mats are and probably still will. Especially a. s. s. and runestones because a large supply comes from just logging in. 

    Maybe people are just selling while price is still high. I know I did sell my stacks because hoarding at these prices right now is wasting gold. 

    • Like 2
  13. I think the best solution is buffing selected bosses in raids and fracs where power creep hit the hardest. 

    Also open world metas which might be even more important for overall appeal of the game. Dragon stand for example is suppose to be this epic, end of expansion fight. And it just gets killed in first burn phase. Matriarch gets burned in one exposed. 

    • Like 2
  14. 12 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Yes, sure. Which is why half of the Classic servers are completely dead and there are population issues in most of the remaining ones.

    Wotlk classic has right now over 350k online players (live data) in the west. That would put it on no. 4 largest games on steam right now in comparison (again live data). Oh and all of the bigger games are f2p.

    If that is bad for a re-release of a 15 year old game, I don't know. I would be more then happy with that.

    Didn't they just open a new batch of vanilla servers? Would they do that if it would be a flop.

    I wonder if gw2 comes anywhere close to that. Probably not even close, but I don't really know.

    • Confused 2
  15. Clouds only work if they heavily outnumber the boon ball and if the boonball is not a real boon ball and is lacking supports. 

    That is why many guilds will avoid t1 because there you often have huge clouds and not much organised groups to fight. 

    If you are killing boon balls with clouds, it just means you have huge numbers and such large boon ball would just run over the enemy ball. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Phoenix.4593 said:

    For the casuals, try-hards are toxic gate keepers.  

    How can anyone gate keep anything? Where are those try hards standing in front of instance entrances keeping you from entering? 

    Nothing against tiers but we already have emboldened, normal and cm. And early raid wings are very easy nowadays. 

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