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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 1 hour ago, TristanTzara.4628 said:

    Thanks for these replies. I've heard that early fractals can quite easily be soloed, but in order to do this then I would have to start right at the beginning, right? It sounds stupid I know, but I'm rather shy about joining a formal group (hence why I haven't done fractals yet!).

    Just join t1 daily groups. Go to LA, open lfg and join t1 daily. Do all 3 or 4, dont leave early. If you can get a few agony infusions for the higher lvl t1 fracs thats good. If you cant, thats also fine. 

    Some fractals can be soloed, some cant because mechanics. First time soloing will be a needless annoyance and lots of time spent. Just join lfg group. 

    T1 fractals are easy, fun and noone expects anything from you. 

  2. I really like group stealth. It brings a lot of good, skill-full tactics into fights. But I think group stealth should come mostly or exclusively from blasting smoke fields.  And thats why I think the gyro change was such a dumb change.

    Why only from blasting fields?

    First of all you can hear it. Sounds should be integral part of the telegraphs and blasts have distinct loud sound. 

    Second it does bring a nice group play component to it. It's natural to anyone that plays with coordinated groups but it still is somewhat skill-full coordination to blast properly and possibly on the move. You need to time your fields and blasts and you need to be careful someone doesn't put another field on top of smoke and messes up the blast priority.

  3. 16 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its garbage? This will still overcap healing on experienced groups with relative ease, since they know how to avoid attacks.

    The thing is, he is still far from experienced groups. He will need to go through T3 where things get a bit harder with more or less completely inexperienced players if he pugs. 

    To the author. If you already play scourge, maybe try also dps variants. Its ranged, its not very complicated and it has all sort of tools that can help group through T3. I wouldnt worry too much about meta preaches through T3. Its a place where things get harder but the pug groups are all over the place. Scourge can be super useful there regardless of what the current meta says. From my experience having the option to fill both dps or support option through pug T3 is invaluable. You can adapt to the group.

  4. 5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Meanwhile from a warrior perspective it opens up a lot of build choices, I think the same would be true for guardians with Virtues.

    I dont think it would open much more variety for warr than for anyone else. But it would be op as hell for pve dps because warr has so many dps traitlines. Especially power warr and the new defense line. Strength, defense, discipline spellbreaker. 

  5. I would prefer if they just removed the buff all together. I don't think anyone will be sad to see it gone and it won't clutter the already super cluttered buff frames. 

    They can make a vendor where you can exchange the canisters for some common BL items like boosters, BL salvage kits, statues... I think this would make everyone more than happy.

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  6. I think it should be no problem.

    You can bind mount abilities separately from character controls so even if a mouse button is already taken for character action, it doesnt clash with mount action.

    I actually already do this some extent. I like to have movement, dodging skills on my mouse (right hand) so my left hand is as free as possible for other skills. 

    You can also test it. Skyscale you can anyway test in Dragonfall and you will use it before you unlock it anyway. Griffon I can't remember from the top of my head if you can test it in the game right now. It should be available during four winds festival Griffon race (not 100% sure). But I am sure you can use Griffon with 1 hand if you can already move your character decently well. It doesn't have a lot of control buttons, its just how you use those buttons.

    Just a tip for Griffon. You shouldn't use the attack (default 1) to dive with Griffon. You should use dedicated mount skill which you can just bind over some character skill button and it won't interfere. The attack dive animation is just much longer and clunky. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

    I wonder if this could be due to a requirement for the enemy to have "done something" in which case the smaller the attacking group the more likely that they have all "done something" in the process, whereas a 50 person blob can arrive, and 45 of them haven't "done something" yet. 

    Thats possible, yes. The SMC reds were all killing guards. There are lots around smc. 

    The zergs and blob participation probably gets highly dilluted on those 2-6 guards they encounter. 

  8. I dont see a pattern unless its related to specific buildings. 

    Example 1. 3 way zerg fight all around klovan. 30 Blues destroyed wall, we wiped them and their siege. Red blob comes from other side, goes for the gate, we kill them eventually. It lasted over 3 events, 50+ players killed, 0 defense credit. 

    Example 2. Our green garry gets attacked by 30 guild blob. We eventually kill them on inner gate. No defense credit. 

    Example 3. Yesterday we defend SMC against a few random reds. We were much bigger. Gold participation every time. 

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  9. Its purely aesthetic so its really hard to say something is overpriced. People buy all sorts of things purely for aesthetics which might seem completely useless to me. 

    Also as long as they sell, it's hard to say it's overpriced.

    I don't really buy mount skins often. Bought a few and got a few through playing. And I hardly use them. I find the base skins much higher quality. The base skins, animations, effects are just really good. The skins from store just seem lower quality to me. Its either animations that don't fit the rig so well or the effects that seem a bit off or over done, sounds... 

    The only thing I miss with the base skins is more dye channels. 

    If the price seem steep to you and you decide to buy it make sure you preview the skin well (keep in mind you will look at the mount's butt 99% of the time). You could be disappointed.

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  10. I would stay away from guardian because it has low health pool is dependant on active defenses and mostly melee.

    First that come to mind are pet classes.

    Ranger can build itself incredibly tanky while still have decent dmg. Power Axe/axe is a nice ranged option that can do nice dmg with little input. You have a nice backward dash utility for easy reposition. 

    Necro is notoriously tanky with pets. Ranged. Low mobility though. No straightforward teleports. 

    Mechanist engineer power rifle is the staple of low intensity, has a golem pet that you put on auto cast and go to lunch and nice teleport for reposition. Also rocket boots, 2 long range dashes. Very good option. 

    Mesmer, well maybe staff mirage. Mirage has a big advantage maybe. You can have one long range teleport and three short range on lo cd. You can reposition a lot just with teleports. The problem with mes is first you need to get to mirage elite spec. Mirage also has insane amount of evades. 

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  11. This is for open world. For raid and strike tanking this is irrelevant.

    Condi rev, I like herald. Demon/glint, mace/axe and staff. Trailblazer gear. I guess dwarf or centaur also work or are useful in some situations instead of glint.

    You can tank and sustain anything. You can pull 5 enemies to you. You can pull enemies in a line with axe 5. You can knock back enemis with staff 5, you can knock back enemies with glint elite. You can chill enemy groups (glint utility works great, aoe, ranged) , you can blind them with staff. 

    If you take dwarf you can taunt but I think its single target. 

    You can take conditions from friends and transfer them to enemies. 

    I also like tanking in mmorpgs and other games and this spec controls like crazy. It only works on enemies without defiance bars up to including elites though so its more of a fun build than something competitive. It works also in dungeons and fractals on trash mobs but again fun, not optimal. 

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  12. The complaint is probably only really relevant for hearths. Because there arent really any kill x mobs quests and events in the game otherwise. And getting max, gold participation in an event is super easy as long as you just do something.

    Hearths are not really a big part of game play later on and the focus shifts more onto more and bigger open world events. 

    They increased the exp gain by a lot lately. Yeah leveling is super fast. But don't worry, leveling is just a small part of open world experience and once max level you will enter a huge amount of content where exp is pretty much irrelevant. Also lvls themselves are not really important because your characters scales down with the zone. So you never really out level a zone. Loot is also always relevant because all the materials are relevant. Its probably just something you are used to and bothers you from other games.

    They wont change 10 years old concepts that are now a really small part of the game. I would recommend you just forget about levels and exp because gw2 is really a game that lets you forget it and just lets you play. 

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  13. If you have a revenant you also have an option of alac cdps renegade. But on the other hand as an engineer there is also quick scrapper. Both are just fine if not more.

    You can't really miss with any of those 2 as both classes have probably the best variety in the game. If you take mech be prepared to be asked if you can alac heal pretty much all the time though. People are just so used to having HAM lately.

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  14. 18 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Playing espec is always going to be a better choice, however.

    Not in spvp in some specific cases. Core guard probably the best example. Top dog support basically up to last few patches when it was arguably outpaced by tempest. Core ranger, necro and thief also emerge and outpace their elite brothers and sisters from time to time. 

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  15. You probably already know but in case you dont. The squads for meta are usually formed before the map resets which you can see on wiki event timers. The meta is probably not as populated as in the past because there are now so many of them but it's still done quite regularly.

    And you can always form a squad for yourself on the lfg. Just call it meta taxi and do it early enough to get players (about 15 mins before reset). You dont need to lead it. Usually players will tag up once they see lack of commanders. And even if you dont complete the meta, the escorts are easy enough and each stage on each lane will spawn pods.

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  16. One of the few things I liked on this map was that the meta was fast and it wasn't a sluggish grind fest like Drizzle.

    And people who have no clue always cry about profits. Always.

    People cried for EOD metas even though they were super profitable. People cried for EOD maps in general even though you could make and can still make a ton of gold out of them quite casually.

    And people cried over this map even though it was super profitable but only one time per day deal. Which I think is fair. A small nerf on the profitability was warranted I think. 

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