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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Better AI doesn't necessarily mean harder combat. Can be just more engaging and a bit less predictive. For example Destiny 2. Bosses mostly work like most mmorpg bosses and these encounters still follow the same pattern of learning and mastering the encounter puzzle until it becomes farmable. Some might cover to force you into melee or just avoid being shot down from great range but mostly they are on rails.

    But the most basic mobs do show some semblance of AI. Ranged enemies will hide behind covers, show their faces just to shoot you and duck back. Melee mobs will dodge attacks to close on you. These mobs are mostly 1 headshot kill but their behaviour makes the encounters more believable.

    Now Destiny is a shooter and not directly comparable. Twitchy fast gun play is what such game has to enforce and this means dodging fast mobs.

    Mobs constantly dodging out of aoe fields would just be highly annoying in gw2. Maybe a mob here and there would be fine though.

    What could fit would be mobs with larger abilities arsenal that would counter your abilities to force a change of tactics. For example you have a melee mob with shield. You attack it with projectile, he will block and force you to either come melee or use unblockable. These could also serve as a bit of a learning of mechanics. The game has some of that but it's mostly triggered independently of your actions. For example mob will start healing at 50% hp. If these would be a bit more reactive, things could be more interesting.  

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  2. Firebrand. Foremost because of the aestethics, its spells look the closest to a priest, paladin type. Mine also matches that with white, silver armor.

    It has those strong long cast or channel healing spells like empower. 

    Also it can do everything you would expect from a healer support. All the preventive and reactive tools in the book and even retained some of the unique buffs like healing effectivness increase. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Except, IIRC, they wanted to be able to keep their infusions?  I thought I had read that somewhere along this trip.  If so, then could it really be considered HC?

    I don't think its a strict term. If its cosmetics it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. If its convenience or power I think it should be deleted. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    What is described in the OP does not come close to what I would consider, "hard core."

    Taking longer to get where you are going is not hard core, it is what obstacles you have to overcome along the way that makes that distinction. When watching a movie where the protagonist catches an international flight do you find yourself wishing that the movie had its run time increased by twelve hours so that you can experience the full travel time?

    The "hardcore" in this context usually means when you die your character and everything with him dies and is deleted.

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  5. I would probably play it a bit. Not much though. And I dont really see the point of locking way points. I don't think it would add much to the game. What would need to be locked is all the account bound stuff and just make everything character bound. So when you die you loose it all including bank which should be also character specific.

    But yeah I find the concept fun for a little while. You really need to utilise everything that game offers to get far. GW2 severely lacks any real community outside of end game content and even there much less than other mmorpgs. This would definitely have real communities because grouping would be so much more desired. 

    I would even think about leaving downstate in the game. Perhaps a nerfed version where you can't self ress, can only be ressed by others.

  6. On 4/30/2023 at 6:24 PM, aspirine.6852 said:

    Anet wont do anyting about it. Besides banning the people mentioning that the blub guild on piken does this on RBL all the time.

    I know some of the blub's and I highly doubt they would ever exploit. They do like to play RBL a lot. Are you sure they are not just hiding a thief or mesmer in there?

  7. Yesterday we managed to 2-man t0 Ascesion Bay.

    2 catas at south wall, we each manned a cata, destroyed outer and inner walls.

    We both killed a bunch of pesky guards and cleared the lord area and the lord himself and stood in the circle. 

    We got Silver participation for taking the keep. 

    What do I need to do to get gold? 


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  8. I have 14 alts and I only do story 1 time. All alts have the same access to maps as my story character.

    Also there are no prerequisites to start a storyline on any character. For example I did the vanilla story on my warrior, LS1 on my engineer, LS2 on my ranger, Hot and LS3 on elementalist... Again I only do story once. Only chapters within specific storyline have prerequisite of completing previous chapter on the same character.

    All the long term useful items that you get from story are account bound as far as I remember.

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  9. 6 hours ago, pfuetzi.5421 said:

    If there is truely no social contract at all, players are as free to join any groups they want (because the game allows it) as are commanders to kick whoever they want whenever they want (as the game allows that). I hope everyone agrees that that is an undesirable perspective...

    This is how the system is designed, I would say that is  current desirable perspective. I am ok with it. I can join any group, comm can kick as he sees fit.

    3 hours ago, pfuetzi.5421 said:

    Social contract is tricky indeed. That's why I said it is interesting what everyone expects and discuss it. It is a good method to reflect one's own behavior (that is what the TO did with his thread btw). It can also be used to explore where we as a community want to be and why. For example, do we want to change the role of commander in way in order to achieve certain goal. For example you could argue that commanders "should" be more inclusive and explain more, so more player are inclined to do harder content. Or on the contrary, you might argue, it should be expected less from the commanders, e.g. other players can explain the encounter and organize the group, in order to encourage more player to tag up. Pros and cons.

    We as in everyone have no right to change the role of the commander. At least what the role represents now. Commanders are independent and their obligations are to work within the games rules. Do the Anet gods alow scaming? No as far as I know. No social contract needed. The foot soldiers have no right to dictate rules or expectations for comms. They can buy themselves a promotion and command in their own way. And if they do that, their opinion might have some merit. But not as long as they are only pressing join button and not advertising their own squad.

    Setting up specific expectations for comms would not encourage more players to tag up, it would do the opposite.

  10. I really appreciate all the core improvements youre delivering and working on. It can be ungrateful job because its development thats not invested in new shiny content that sells. But it should pay off in the long run. The game still has lots of potential if you can keep resource balance. 

    I would still have some proposols though. 

    UI and LFG. Im not going to write specifics we are all aware where its lacking its been written a thousand times. 

    Pvp and wvw. New or more drops are not really content updates. Dont get me wrong, wvw drops rewamp and weeklies are nice. But a little bit of love with some new real content would go a long way. You really have awesome, one of the best foundations here with great mechanics, deep build crafting and just great combat feel. Also the most fluid large scale pvp combat engine that can handle so many players I've ever played. It would be such a shame to waste it. The options to reduce visual noise you announced will also improve the modes a lot. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

    Harb is only better than scourge if you can cope with the hp loss and loss of area threat. It is probably better at small-scale roaming/duelling as it has higher burst, but you have to hope you're better than your opponent as necro can't stunlock to ensure their hits land.

    Youre comparing one of the strongest (harb) and one of the worst (scourge) roaming/dueling builds out there. Harb has one of the most insane CC with their shroud 5 (many will tell you its completely OP because of its instant animation and it can single handedly secure kills), a daze on shroud 4 and then it depends on weapons. Many play with pistol where you get another stun and staff where you get fear and if you really need more you can pick some more fear on utilities.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

    Ok, so not totally new but its been over 6yrs so yea, Im rusty. Now, I looked up proper build and all that for roaming and its fun, but wholly &%$^ how do you all fight so fast? I mean sure, NPC mobs in pve are slower and all that but kitten people, you all just off the charts! And i read the guides and such as to what to do, cleanse, cc, kite....all that stuff but for the most part its me screaming OH S***!! and spamming buttons.

    Ok lets get the basics first.

    Do you have everything keybound and can use the binds/skills without thinking what they do?

    Does dodging come naturally to you and can you reliably and automatically assess if dodge is needed or  you can just move out of danger? Do you use double tap to dodge? Stop now and use a dedicated key.

    Can you move, use skills and look around completely independently from each other at all the times? 

    Are you activelly looking at your character boon table and target frame and are aware what boons/condies and other class effects are present.

    Once you can answer all of the above with yes you have the basics and can actually start diving into the counterplaying specific classes and meta and all that stuff. How to get to there? Play the game and don't slack on the things above.

    • Haha 1
  13. If there was an option to disable skyscale mounted players visibility I would use it. 

    Trains have become complete visual mess. Combat was always a visual mess and now traveling with a train is also. 

    And yeah they for sure deteriorate Hot HP trains. Because no mount required trains use specific gliding take off points, mushrooms... Its really hard to see sometimes with skyscales. These trains used to be good learning for traversing TD and Verdant. Commanders often ask please no skyscales but many players dont listen. 

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  14. 8-12h per week is close to what I can dedicate to the game. I do it over more days though. Maybe some weekends a bit more. 

    I never felt that I need to grind for anything. Doesnt mean I don't grind. I can and do play pretty much all content and the grind I put in is completely self imposed for shinies. With this kind of schedule over 5 years I got me full legendary for some characters (2 armor sets) and a bank big enough I could just craft/buy a few more on the spot. I also have a full bank tab and half of my mule character's inventory of random ascended from drops which I will probably never use because legendary.

    8-12h per week, especially clumped in 2-3 days (which means you can afford longer gaming periods which is great for raids for example) seems like a decent amount of time. I have a problem that I have little kids which leads to interrupts often so I really dont like to dedicate myself to raids because there is a decent chance I will need to bail in the middle.

  15. On 4/19/2023 at 5:06 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Just to be clear, you set your power builds to Cele and felt that they did better? I tried that as well and they were far less efficient to roam with. Mind you I am not saying there are not Cele build options but replacing them on the power ones did not work as well. Same with some of the Condi ones. 

    I think noone advocates that just slapping cele on an existing build makes it better. 

    A hybrid build is needed. But those hybrid builds that can utilize cele gear are just insanely powerful. And most classes can utilize such builds. 

    I would agree that a good cele build just shrugs to almost anything power or condi specialised and the goal is pretty much to stalemate other good cele builds. 

    There are some decent power builds out there but pure condi like trailblazer? I really dont see them anymore. Basicaly cele have become the annoyance trailblazer used to be only in mega overdrive and much easier to utilize for more classes. So it makes it much harder to balance via class changes. 

    This is purely dueling pov, maybe small scale roaming but definitely not squad play. 

  16. The fight is a complete mess and kinda embarassing. NK is not much better. You get yourself stuck behind head spike and spam for 3 mins. All mechanics are 100% ignored and if you fall behind you have a hard time catching up if in combat. 

    Belly phase should be mandatory and it should actually attack someone, not just swim forward and do random abilities in frontal cone even though noone is there. 

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