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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. The best path is the one you enjoy. Pve is the least grindy and raid wings 1-4 are very easy nowadays. It's really just the first step to clear them a few times to get a hang of it and after that its really fast. Pvp and Wvw are just grinds. Wvw is super long grind and wouldn't recommend doing it unless you enjoy wvw or have no life. Pvp is faster and theres always action. Also with pvp you can pick up a basicly free legendary backpack on the way.

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  2. They are a cloudy server, not much community that I am aware off. Been linked with them recently and it was quite a boredom. Ppted into t1 which is annoying by itself and in all that time I havent seen any raid in their discord (probably the only larger server that I have no TS or discord channels from).

    • Haha 1
  3. On 4/15/2023 at 11:16 AM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

    I think that people that complain about celestial stats are the ones that run it themselves, but simply lost in fights against other cele builds and now they qq.
    There's a lot of builds that are simply too strong and need very niche counter to kill them. Celestial isn't that great in long run, it still can get 1tapped by some random Gunflame from 1.5k range or some Grenade scrapper from stealth or other gibberish.
    It is strong on some classes and mediocre on everything else. Nerf boons to make them "short-lived-boosts" as they should be and suddenly it's meme at most, but we all know you won't nerf boons.

    Celestial doesn't get 1 tapped. Lets look at my celestial roamers baseline (no boons, no food): harb 28k hp (and if I run blood you can easily add some barrier to it to put me over 30k), druid/slb 26 k hp, even catalyst 20k+ hp (before elemental empowerment). Around 1600 toughness. Now add healing power, boon support level od boon uptime.

    And these are not some low dmg minstrel like builds that you can just walk away. I think I benched my druid at 10k+ dps self buffed (without food or utility) without actually trying to optimize my rotation at all and I never play my ranger in pve so I don't really have much clue. Again self buffed only. Yeah pve, different stats but still.  

    Yeah not all classes work and some would warrant some nerfs (hello harbinger) but if a class have access to a decent hybrid weapon it will work great with celestial 


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  4. 7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    It's like saying that since crime is a fundamental part of the system of laws, it is not unlawful.

    Thats just silly comparisson. Trolling is not illegal by itself. You dont need to draw any comparissons, trolling is practised just fine outside of internet. 

    And the same goes for face 2 face conversations or other media. If you are unable to recognise and react to trolling, people that enjoy or have other motives to spark conflict, excessive emotional reaction you're just as socialy inept as people that cant draw lines with trolling. 

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  5. On 4/1/2023 at 9:56 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    ok...where do people even get this idea of warrior being "viable"?

    Because of all the anti-melee GARBAGE in this overrated game (insta-blind, superspeed, mass AoEs) warrior has to work thrice as hard just to HIT THE TARGET. 

    How are blind and mass aoe anti melee? 

    I wont say warrior is op or anything but I meet more decent warriors that I did in a long time, pre EOD at least. Intetesting many even play zerker and both condi and power. Probably quite easy to counter pick but for general ranked some builds seem very effective because players just aint used to play them. 

    • Haha 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, TristanTzara.4628 said:

    Thanks for these replies. I've heard that early fractals can quite easily be soloed, but in order to do this then I would have to start right at the beginning, right? It sounds stupid I know, but I'm rather shy about joining a formal group (hence why I haven't done fractals yet!).

    Just join t1 daily groups. Go to LA, open lfg and join t1 daily. Do all 3 or 4, dont leave early. If you can get a few agony infusions for the higher lvl t1 fracs thats good. If you cant, thats also fine. 

    Some fractals can be soloed, some cant because mechanics. First time soloing will be a needless annoyance and lots of time spent. Just join lfg group. 

    T1 fractals are easy, fun and noone expects anything from you. 

  7. I really like group stealth. It brings a lot of good, skill-full tactics into fights. But I think group stealth should come mostly or exclusively from blasting smoke fields.  And thats why I think the gyro change was such a dumb change.

    Why only from blasting fields?

    First of all you can hear it. Sounds should be integral part of the telegraphs and blasts have distinct loud sound. 

    Second it does bring a nice group play component to it. It's natural to anyone that plays with coordinated groups but it still is somewhat skill-full coordination to blast properly and possibly on the move. You need to time your fields and blasts and you need to be careful someone doesn't put another field on top of smoke and messes up the blast priority.

  8. 16 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its garbage? This will still overcap healing on experienced groups with relative ease, since they know how to avoid attacks.

    The thing is, he is still far from experienced groups. He will need to go through T3 where things get a bit harder with more or less completely inexperienced players if he pugs. 

    To the author. If you already play scourge, maybe try also dps variants. Its ranged, its not very complicated and it has all sort of tools that can help group through T3. I wouldnt worry too much about meta preaches through T3. Its a place where things get harder but the pug groups are all over the place. Scourge can be super useful there regardless of what the current meta says. From my experience having the option to fill both dps or support option through pug T3 is invaluable. You can adapt to the group.

  9. 5 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Meanwhile from a warrior perspective it opens up a lot of build choices, I think the same would be true for guardians with Virtues.

    I dont think it would open much more variety for warr than for anyone else. But it would be op as hell for pve dps because warr has so many dps traitlines. Especially power warr and the new defense line. Strength, defense, discipline spellbreaker. 

  10. I would prefer if they just removed the buff all together. I don't think anyone will be sad to see it gone and it won't clutter the already super cluttered buff frames. 

    They can make a vendor where you can exchange the canisters for some common BL items like boosters, BL salvage kits, statues... I think this would make everyone more than happy.

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  11. I think it should be no problem.

    You can bind mount abilities separately from character controls so even if a mouse button is already taken for character action, it doesnt clash with mount action.

    I actually already do this some extent. I like to have movement, dodging skills on my mouse (right hand) so my left hand is as free as possible for other skills. 

    You can also test it. Skyscale you can anyway test in Dragonfall and you will use it before you unlock it anyway. Griffon I can't remember from the top of my head if you can test it in the game right now. It should be available during four winds festival Griffon race (not 100% sure). But I am sure you can use Griffon with 1 hand if you can already move your character decently well. It doesn't have a lot of control buttons, its just how you use those buttons.

    Just a tip for Griffon. You shouldn't use the attack (default 1) to dive with Griffon. You should use dedicated mount skill which you can just bind over some character skill button and it won't interfere. The attack dive animation is just much longer and clunky. 

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