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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 42 minutes ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

    Giving rewards on lose is a great problem for pvp, because as much as AFK is a problem there is a bigger one of people throwing matches either covertly or openly, just going into pvp for rewards. PvP is competitive mode, not another extra way of farming after finishing metatrains.

    Yp, no pips for loss, more pips for win. You solved most of the afk problem. Unless you're literary one of the worst 5 players on the bottom of the ranking this wouldn't affect players that actually play. It would also increase competitiveness at all lvls. 

  2. 5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    The problem with non-trinity in group play is that it removes dynamics without replacing them with anything.  While watching little green bars is arguably not engaging, it's at least something.  The GW2 version simply removes the ability to apply targeted healing and replaces it with area effect spam.

    The purpose of tanking is to add the dynamic of boss control.  You even see GW2 employ this in some of their raid encounters.  Without it, bosses tend to be stationary.  Consider the EoD strikes.  All of the bosses just stand in place so players can attack them, interspersed with movement phases.  In a trinity game, the tank would be responsible for moving the boss into favorable positions while off-tanks could handle other mechanics like picking up adds.  GW2 didn't add anything by removing tanking.  They just removed that dynamic and then tacked it back in in half-assed fashion where it suited them.

    I made a bot for my wow raid tanks because often you had these long tank and spank phases that were super boring. I could just turn it on and free my hand to actually do smth in between. Now I did like tanking because it was responsibility and you set the pace. So here I do agree with you to some extent. 

    As for healing. Healed only through 1 expansion. Worst experience ever. Completely dislocated from the game. Literary watch green bar(s) all the time. Gw2 healing is infinitely more engaging because its not healing. Its support + dps + often responsible for mechanics. 

    Anyway I dont think it matters, trinity or not. Its all about how mechanics are implemented. Anet can do interesting fight. But NM strikes are kept simple because they are meant to be simple and accesible (no special roles). 

    Just dont ever go into classic heal bot role. I actualy like support in this game. 

  3. Well Im fine if the group ignores the riftstalkers if they have the dps for it. What is frustrating when the group cant kill it but still just mindlessly whacks the foot while the DBS health is going up and there is like 5 players that does the stalkers. You end up prolonging the fight and get less loot (bags from stalkers).

    Its actually strange to me that ignore the stalkers meta came up as they are champs that drop loot. Usually you want to tag as much champs as possible in such events.

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  4. I never saw sneak gyro as problematic. And I dont like the changes, nerfs to it. Stealth jukes are fun. There are ways to know exactly when an enemy group is going to stealth (mark them and look at mini map when mark dissapears, listen for blast combos).

    So in my  opinion the nerfs to it are redundant and will reduce the fun in WvW squad play. The sneak gyro is not why scrapper has a permanent spot in squads. Also if you want to nerf it (which again I dont think is a good way to go) dont nerf the smoke field. You're removing the skill component and now you wont be able to hear it coming.

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  5. 27 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    I don't believe you.  You accuse me of being wrong, thus misleading and debilitating the OP in some way, then pull it all back by saying there's no right answer.  I think you're just being confrontational for the sake of it.  If you have a problem with what I say, explain it in detail.  This forum isn't the place for back-handed insults.  

    Oh my so touchy. I never said you are wrong, I never insulted you. Your options are fine but I would pick different ones for at least half the classes. And someone would pick smth third. Thats it. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    In no particular order:  

    Warrior: Spellbreaker can take Strength and Tactics to get a build that stacks an insane amount of might while also generating a massive amount of self-healing.  This regen, general fortitude, and amount of blocks make the Spellbreaker really well rounded.  If you want DPS, though, you'll go with Bladesworn.

    Guardian: Willbender.  Power versions in particular can take advantage of all the virtues with little damage loss, giving the build several pseudo-invulnerability buttons that let it power through most situations.  You might have issues when fighting certain champions, as you'll eventually run out of defensive skills to protect yourself with.  

    Revenant: Renegade, either condi or power is fine.  Biggest advantage renegade has is the only viable ranged weapon in their arsenal, which is the shortbow.  Otherwise the renegade has a good toolbox, great self-buffing abilities, and a decent sustain.  Though to note the Vindicator with the stamina sigil becomes the Bunny Lord in the overworld, but that will be nerfed out on October 4th.

    Elementalist  Um... good luck with that.  If I were to pick one, it would be weaver.  The weaver has the best sustain and defensive options, but the disadvantage is that you can only really take advantage of these abilities while wearing Marshall or Celestial gear, which makes it have subpar overall performance.  The weaver is also quite complicated to play.  There's a fire-camping Tempest build that has decent damage and ranged abilities, however it's lack of innate defenses means that if enemies get ahold of you, you're done for.

    Necromancer:  Just about any of them.  They're all quite tanky and have decent sustain.  If you want to have high damage, go with condition harbiner.  If you want more personal defense and an easier time, go with Reaper.  I usually play reaper with one hand now.

    Mesmer: Virtuoso is the low skill option.  The damage upscales really well, and the self-sustain from the condi build is downright immense if you build for it.  However, the high skill option is Mirage, which is much more difficult to play but can be downright unstoppable if you're good at it.  For reference, I used Mirage to duo the Migraine achievement.

    Thief:  This one is hotly debated, because there's a lot of different ways to play the thief.  For example, the large amount of dodges afforded by the Daredevil can make it incredibly hard to kill.  I use Daredevil to evade-tank the Sand Giant for fun.  You can run either power or condi with Daredevil.  Deadeye is less mobile, however the stealth spam lets you walk by (or rather, roll by) most enemies without having to deal with their nonsense.  Rifle is immobile, but offers incredible damage at 1500 range, killing most enemies before they get to you.  Rifle also has limitless projectile destruction, meaning it can solo ranged champions with ease.  Specter has the most statistical bulk and self-healing potential, while also not being locked down to any type of playstyle.  I guess with thief it is up to personal preference, but I'd wager that Daredevil is the strongest objective choice for what you're looking for.

    Engineer:  You already know this one.  Though don't knock Scrapper too much, for it's self-barrier has let me solo dungeons with it in the past.

    Ranger: You're on your own for this one, as I do not play ranger.  That said, I believe the answer is "any," since the pet can take aggro and solo most content for you.


    I disagree with most of what Bloor Red Arachnid wrote as being "the best" solo option. Which just means there is no right answer. 

    If I had to pick one its condi Herald/Demon. Even though the rune of tormenting was nerfed together with some other nerfs its still practically un killable.

  7. She should use boosters and food and utilities that give xp. You can buy spirit banners, maybe hero banner for her. 

    The only other advice I can think of is just play at her pace and dont care about your lvls. It shouldnt matter anyway. Dont upgrade your gear but buy get her good gear if there is power disparity that bothers you.

    Youll hit lvl 80 eventually, very fast relative to all the content out there. From there on you have a huge amount of content you can do together without caring about lvl disparity.

  8. I liked Bangar.  Bangar was great; charismatic, cunning, cruel but not over the top, the end justifies the means. He had clear motives that made sense from his perspective. And then he gets surpassed by stupid Ryland just for that one o snap moment. And from then on all went downhill. I think it would be much better and wouldnt take anything from Ryland's struggle if he just stayed the naive soldier (which he never surpassed anyway) and Bangar would run the show till the end of the season. And by running the show I dont mean becoming Jormag's champion but possibly even exploit Jormag itself. 

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  9. In my opinion they could easily just replace torment and confusions sources with bleed and burning. Especially torment. Both were implemented to add depth to competitive but it just doesnt work in this environment where we have condition spam which is answered by cleanse spam. No one is going to stop moving because of torment. And rarely you will delay casting because of confusion.

    These 2 could maybe work if they weren't conditions but special effect not subjected to condi cleanse. Very scarce but powerful. The counter play could also be a bit more creative.

    For example you get tormented, special effect, big dmg if you move, no or low dmg if you stand still. No stacking, short duration, scarce. To avoid dmg you can stand still and wait it out. But you can also remove it by applying swiftness or super speed to yourself.

  10. Well op I fully agree with you. User interface is very important for accessibility and this one is severely outdated. Pretty much all aspects of it. And yeah we are in 2022 while I played games in the 90s that had better community building tools. 

    Guild boards, better LFG, raid/party frames. Either not in the game or severely lacking basic functionalities. Player, target frame, boon/buff icons, just travesty. Unorganised, hard to read on high resolutions, no customisation.  

    They tried to improve the mouse icon visibility. And botched it, tried to fixed and its still botched. Really Anet? Where is QA on this, I would be ashamed to put something like that on live. 

    If they are unable to make changes they should just scrap it and build it a new on the top. 

    • Confused 4
  11. Sneak gyro was never really an issue. Yeah its really nice utility but its only an added bonus. Veil for example is arguably better and can be used for stealth on the run which now wont be possible or at least much harder to pull of with sneak gyro.

    Scrapper strength is in super speed, cleansing and healing. Yeah they made wells stationary, but they also did this - "Gyroscopic Acceleration: Superspeed is now applied on the first pulse of wells instead of the final pulse". 

    I think the nerfs are sensible. With the buffs to tempest those 2 might be closer to competitive picks.  

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  12. That is why I only have my FB for fractals and dont really intend to gear up anything else (maybe if Anet actually started to make more fractals in the future). On my FB I can cover 2-3 critical roles and will be probably always one of the most sought after professions. Im not going to gear up something else that might get very little play time or even shelved at some point. I could go for only +9 AR infusions but that would actually make my other characters worse as they are now. 

    Its a shame because in 10 man modes I can take pretty much anything a group needs or I feel like playing. In fractals its FB (well guardian). 

  13. If I'm reading this correct, according to [fast], Chak gerent meta, 100% participation, only 8 caches at the end gives on average 2.86 g. And you will open more caches, so you will get more than that.

    While I think rare drops are good for the game, personally I dont really care if they give you all the shiny infusions as tonics as long as I can turn all those effects off on my screen. 

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  14. 6 hours ago, RadiantWolf.2058 said:

    Honestly, I wish it was 16+ too. Look at the difference between GW2 and FFXIV.

    To me the higher rating doesn't mean "yay more swearing and edge" but it does mean adding more grit and texture to the world. Characters would be able to feel traumatized and the weight of horrific things could be felt in the story. Right now it feels like something awful happens then the main characters make jokey jokes, link arms and skip off into the sunset (with a couple exceptions). The setting deserves to have a bit of grit.  The Elder Dragons are already NIGHTMARES to look at.

    I dont think the rating is the limitation here. Like you said, horrific things happen. For example Rytlock kills his own son at the end of IBS. Thats as traumatic ending of a chapter as it gets. The rating is not an issue here.

    They probably deliberately dont want to delve on it too long though and keep light and cheerful tone of the game which suits more players and keeps them playing longer. I know I can take only as much trauma and grit before I get exhausted. You see this often in TV series. Something really bad will happen at the end of the episode and the sequel just completely shrugs it off in the first few minutes.

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