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Everything posted by Excursion.9752

  1. Guess I am the only one that does not like it haha!
  2. All jokes a side the question is will the content provided make me want to keep playing. I've been taking a break from GW2 for the past few months mainly because as a veteran player I have ran out of things to do that interest me in the game. In my opinion ANET has been focusing on the wrong target audience. While they try to make their game easier for newcomers to jump in they are making their veterans disgruntled. Do I have the answers? No, but I do know how I personally feel. I've always thought all weapons should be usable by all classes since GW2 Vanilla. So the movement to this now seems like an after thought. Where is my carrot in this expansion? I have 3 Full sets of legendary armor w/all trinkets. To me this expansion feels like a living world quarterly update.
  3. Blizzard was just recently put through the ringer for a bad patch. I think anet may be doing a similar move but with relics. It really is time for game makers to actually listen to their players and not remove functionality they once had. Times have changed and people have options. So many games to play out there. Do not give people a reason to go try them. They may never come back.
  4. All anet needs to do is Make a mystic forge recipe that requires items you get from having crafted 6 legendary runes. Anyone who has already crafted said items should need only to talk to Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs to claim their items. My opinion is since having passives is not a new concept, only the word relic is, the recipe should not need any items from the new xpac. I would like to see a recipe like this: (in my mind 1 legendary rune residue would come from crafting 1 legendary rune) 0/2 legendary rune residue 0/2 legendary rune residue 0/2 legendary rune residue 0/1 Bloodstone Shard
  5. suddenly the whole world makes since after that lol!
  6. You must have over 30k AP to experience the game properly. I mean why even try at all right?
  7. Just anet trying to ramp up those EoD sales again. Hoping people will buy more accounts to park there! I'm just kidding of course but it does make one wonder.
  8. Covid Regulations, they are still quarantined!
  9. As I sit here trying to remember when I played through nothing really great came to mind. My typical day of playing rarely makes me want to play in EoD areas. If it wasn't for me trying to make new legendary items I can't say that I would be there at all. I like one of the new specs The new mount is okay for memes. Jade bots are mediocre when you remember to equip them. These should have been account bound like gliders & mounts. Fishing., also should have been an account bound thing... I was not in their target market for this so I don't have much good to say about it. I understand what they were trying to do with research notes but it is tedious and not fun. Love the game but I didn't care much for EoD and sorta sad the new release today continues in the same area. I was hoping for something new.
  10. Oh gawd yes! That's the kind of loot that makes you thankful you're a prime member....
  11. In my opinion, for what its worth, I hate it. I know some people like it but I am not one of them.
  12. I am always for more storage. Mainly because I am lazy. I have to be in the right mindset to want to craft or refine. 99% of the time that mindset eludes me.
  13. I am all for adding everything accessible via the mastery traits to everyplace in the game including core. Why not we can already use mounts and glide why not everything else? If anything it lets people, who are new, know what is to come and look forward to obtaining a new skill all while giving a new view to an old map for the veterans. It has always seemed pointless to me to have some of these masteries when they can't be used everywhere. Was there really a need to master it in the first place for just a few areas? At the time of release yes, back then the reason was to help with mobility but ever since we got mounts most things have become trivial.
  14. Idk about useless they work as a pretty good movable chair and comparing to most other chairs with the same ability and they are faster! Also what better way to show you dabbled in WvW than hopping on your Warclaw to strike fear amongst all the other bank sitters in DR!
  15. Unlocks like the warclaw are to steer people to try other content. I used to complain about having to unlock some of the legendary items because of how you were to get them. But I sucked it up got through it and actually enjoy some of the new content it took me too. There are plenty of guides and guilds that help with stuff like this. If you're not willing to put in the effort both in and out of the game then you do not deserve the reward. Watch videos, read the wiki, do literally anything but complain in the forums. Your efforts would best be used plotting a game plan on how to achieve your goal.
  16. You know what was more annoying? Back before mega servers and every server had its own instance of maps. You could almost pick any low level zone and be completely by yourself. I will take the prompt any day over that.
  17. I think we all want one. But more than likely are going to have to come to terms with it on your own. I'm trying too. For me I think these modifications were made due to it over performing in most areas in the game. While I don't disagree that it was over performing, I think the changes gutted not only the damage but the fun of playing the profession. Rifle 1 and now the 360 mech range is clear statement of what they were trying to do/did.
  18. I agree with this. Its clear they were trying to nerf a very specific build. Rifle Range 1200 (lets not forget Rifle 1 changes) Mech Range for buff 360. Its so nice to use a range weapon like a melee weapon. Seriously... Could we get some better Mech AI that actually keeps your mech where you want it. Most the time it goes off to no mans land for no reason.
  19. i was referring to the damage we have now with the animation that we used to have
  20. I am having a hard time with the new rifle. Feels off.... I feel like my character is broke. Bring back the old 3 shot with less damage please.
  21. Truth. I cant tell you how many times my mech loses track where it should be and it dashes off and gets lost.
  22. First off Welcome! My rule of thumb is to re - gear every 10 levels by purchasing things from the trading post. Not the top tier expensive stuff because you don't need it. Instead just buy blue or green items to keep yourself moderately current. Don't worry about yellow or orange gear until you max out at 80. You will get plenty of drops along the way that may be upgrades so just swap as you go. Just remember when you hit 10, 20, 30 and so on that all your items need to be at least that level. Its been a while since I've done this but I believe there is a filter in the trading post that will only show you items for a specific level and armor type if you enter it. Good Luck have fun and focus on the small goals and learn to play the game without jumping to far a head. Most of the toxicity in this game that one could experience generally coming from playing content that one is not ready for ex Raids or High level Fractals. There is so much in this game to experience before focusing on end game content. Enjoy the ride and build a good foundation and all will come to you in time.
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