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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Are those the people who go mid and complain when the team is playing sides?
  2. GW2 can definitely use a tutorial for basics and then for advanced stuff in PvP (not about rotations and roles but about the game mechanics).
  3. Complaining about burn guard in 2020
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104052/double-dagger-condi-soulbeast-top100-footage
  5. EU also plays condi herald for some reason, especially before nerfs, I remember talking about it with you It was always bad after 25feb patch imo Edit: Yes I know, but that's for plat+, I was talking about below that
  6. Condi herald is bad idk why everybody is complaining about them. If anything is too strong on revenant, it's power herald on a decent player's hands.
  7. Why should shiro/glint be able to duel lol it's a roamer. Reminder: The main counter to power herald was sidenoder condi mirage but it was forced to be a roamer class. At this point in time power herald stands with no sidenoder counters.
  8. It's top in raids, useless anywhere else.
  9. Below gold mesmer clones +1 better than revenants, just saying.
  10. Man, chronomancer is evading nerfs again
  11. Deadeye counters my build and unless they go "almost oneshot" with d/p + rifle (pure damage memes) I can easily kill them. It really feels bad to play in pvp. However, it'll be very annoying in its current state if it gets buffed. Hopefully they don't buff it directly and give a rework instead.
  12. Revenant be like "E V A D E D" Jokes aside, this seems like we might have some reworks coming soon.
  13. What do you mean "just"?Logic and common sense starts from plat.
  14. Just dropping this here: Warrior: Greatsword F1 still needs to be tiered in damage depending on adrenaline bars. Other than the hammer rework that will probably come in the future, I'm giving the microphone to warrior mains, since the class is strong but it has no place in current conquest meta. Guardian: Very similar problem to warrior, it's a very strong class but you can just take renegade or tempest. Revenant: It's strong, has 3 builds in current meta (shiro/glint, jalis/kalla, shiro/kalla). I honestly don't know what to nerf in revenant except for banning specialization stacking. Meta aside, there are still very bad skills in shortbow and spirits should be usable on and from no port zones. Ranger: Am I the only one who finds sidenoder core a normal build (except 999 modifiers)? I have no problem with them having the most versatile weapon, ranger always had good weapons (even offmeta ranger weapons except torch are better than some weapons in other classes). Druid still needs buffs and soulbeast is useless when you can just get a power herald instead. Oh also protection on dodge needs to go or at least be 50% nerfed. Thief: There is literally no way condi thief is as strong as it performs lmao. Engineer: Hard Light Arena and Purity of Purpose OP. Mortar is fine but any engineer walks with 30 boons on them. Necromancer: Before I say anything, shroud-on-death should be reworked. With this out of the way, I want to say "shroud damage reduction should be 25% instead of 50%", but nobody decent bursts necromancers while they are in shroud. I honestly can't think of a nerf. So, microphone is on you now necro mains. Elementalist: It's fine except aurashare should share auras with 25% reduced duration. Maybe FA resetting Overload Air should be looked at. LR should not be able to crit and be on interrupt only. Oh also, I had 1500+ ferocity and arcane thing critted for 1.1k lol. Mesmer: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/103709/mesmer-bug-list-thingy
  15. In the original Skyhammer I would put all DH traps to the entrance and use the hammer all match...
  16. Unless something changed We get the preview in friday evenings.
  17. I want a PvP game that gives the freedom and character customization of a MMO and then I’ll never play an MMORPG again. Some are coming out with pve now Ughhh why is the gaming industry so hung up on PvE? Final Fantasy is a pve focused game, one of the most succesful MMORPGs. People really love PvE (:
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