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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Thanks, I was just thinking that "A traitline called illusions should give stuff for... illusions." and that's how I thought of that solution. The second part of your message reminded me, CMC didn't say anything when someone asked about chronomancer. I think at this point they are thinking if mesmer stays down, more people will be happy.
  2. I would really like something like this:1000 power, 1250 condition damage, 500 healing power, 250 toughnessAdd toughness and condition damage rune to this, I could be the ultimate hybrid bunker.
  3. I'm fine with thief countering mesmer but I was thinking maybe plasma should not give aegis and stability.
  4. Actually stealthing in combat takes at most Black Powder (1/2s) + Heartseeker (3/4s) (and if they take it, blinding powder) which adds up to 1.25 seconds. With quickness (From Consume Plasma) it becomes 0.625, not that long since you get blinded and even if I interrupt them with F3 they can just Heartseeker again.
  5. @Leonidrex.5649 @ArlsTipsierAlt.9138 I love how there is absolutely nothing to discuss about this joke of a trait, so you guys started trolling the thread.
  6. Which is an indirect buff to warrior and mesmer, thanks for agreeing with me
  7. I feel like every problem in this meta would be solved with buffing warrior and/or mesmer. Spellbreaker is still the ultimate bunker killer and mirage counters lrod weaver and prot holo.
  8. I just want Escape Artist to be usable in some way, I also didn't expect it to turn into a PvE thread.
  9. I didn't know raid Chronomancer used Mirror Images and Phantasmal Disenchanter, but I'm more than sure Phantasmal Defender is never used.
  10. This trait: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Escape_ArtistThere is no reason to take this as it stands right now, make it so that taking this trait: reduces recharge of mirror images, decoy, phantasmal defender and phantasmal disenchanter by 20%. gives clones 2s of protection when shattered.This way it won't become that much of a powercreep (basically it makes never-used utilities a bit more usable). It also makes your clones not die to any AoE. This trait: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protected_Phantasms If this trait needs to give phantasms some kind of "defensive boon" no matter what, make it 4 seconds of protection and 2 second of stability so we can use it with Persistence of Memory.Otherwise if this can get reworked, make it the old Persisting Images: phantasms have 20% more health and spawn with retaliation for 6s.
  11. I have a better idea Blurred Inscriptions should reduce signet cooldowns by 10%, no other changes.
  12. I didn't know people still counted in binary, that's apparently 152922 balance patches.
  13. That would make me uninstall instantly since 90% of stuff I play uses sage lol
  14. To trigger "on swap" sigils Idk, those can be triggered by whatever weapon combination you use. Plus, there is no on swap sigils which trigger when you swap to the same weapon set.Take thief for example There was a staff/staff thief build, you don't want any other weapon but you want on swap sigils, on swap traits or maybe 4 different sigils (if you take 1 staff you can't have 4 different sigils). So you take 2 staves ez fix.
  15. Remove every thief skill, reduce total initiative to 1 and give thief only 1 skill for 1 initiative that deals 90% HP damage unblockable unevadable and recharges every 180 seconds.
  16. Thank you for the build. It has serious damage but I feel like sustain is too locked behind poison. I think a variation with wizard or even carrion amulet is also playable, since the player will have more initial sustain.
  17. I’ll take some cheese with it. Aren't you a mesmer main? Just take cleanse on shatter ez. Souce: Myself
  18. Reduce wine health by 33% Done, condi ranger is fine.
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