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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Some gloves and boots have shorter and longer models, yes, but is this used for chest and leg armor too, because I can't remember one with different versions , do you have some examples?
  2. The armors that are shared with other weights are made this way, because otherwise there would be horrible clipping with all the unique medium parts, as their coats are attached to the chest armor since the beginning.
  3. I triedd different versions and all had the same outcome - group: blocked one as opener / blocked one joined later; squad: blocked as commander / blocked in commanders sub / blocked in different sub group
  4. That's interesting, because when i tested it with my alts it actually worked the way the OP described, but for you and others it didn't, so there has to be another variable in this system?
  5. I always thought, that it's just matters , if you have blocked the commander, but I tested it with my alt-accounts and currently the OP is right. As soon as my blocked acc joined the group or squad it disappeared from the lfg for the acc that has blocked it, no matter of commander or not or the subgroup. I'm not sure , if it always worked this way or, if this was a recent change, but this is a bad solution in my opinion.
  6. Have you already finished the weeklies of that maps, as the chests that contain essences are from the achievments? If no, can you list the maps, so others can see, if they are affected too and maybe and it would also make it easier to find the bug?
  7. The sclerite weapons were integrated into the black lion system, so they aren't unobtainable. Guess the vendors are just left there , if people still have the old tickets.
  8. I also think that icons might be the better solution, as color-coding is already used for class and boss mechanics.
  9. I also read it this way, but yes the wording is not ideal. I also checked the german version of the article and there they are clearly only talking about AA carrying over, so, if the official translation is right, then this would be the right way to read it.
  10. It doesn't matter, if he moves or not, as long as the attacks are triggered automatically by a third party programm, it is against the macro and the third party programm policy
  11. Yes and in the same time in the background the macro is attacking automatically without any input, so it's still a macro with the only purpose to farm more efficient which is against the rules.
  12. Where did you get this definitions from? Anets usual rule was one button = one action, and auto-clickers, which would be rather the same as a macro that spams one skill, are seen as macros too and only allowed for a very limited use.
  13. If you just take the PvP matchmaker which is built for the PvP team- and not the group-system, also doesn't work with squads at all and can't alter them, you would just have public mode version 1.1 with a added teleport to the instance, all the other problems of public mode (which also to some extent are already a problem with the PvP matchmaker too) would still be there.
  14. Just to add one thing, in fractals and WvW you would then just be a alac-healer with more defensive gear, as real tanking where you have to / can control the enemies only exists in some raid-fights and strikes. There are some raid bosses which follow the player with the highes toughness, so if you ever want to tank there, you want at least more toughness than the second highest player (usually achieved by mixing minstrel or giver into your build, depending on the stats it needs). The strike fights with tanking usually use range as aggro-system, so no need for special stats for tankiung there. Fractal mobs use an aggro table and they decide by different factors who to attack (like dps, stats, range etc.) so you can't really controll them most times anyway.
  15. It would also make it completely unprofitable for real players, as it would make it too easy for bots to flood the market very fast
  16. The PvP matchmaker doesn't care about roles and builds at all, it's completely on the players to adapt to the group, and we know how badly this often works. The PvP matchmaker only cares about rating and classes. Saying it works is very generous , if you look at all the complaints about the matchmaking. Also it can't just be easily copied for the PvE instances, as the PvP- matchmaker is built for the PvP team system and not for altering groups and squads. To make it work and not just end as bad / dead as the public mode, it would need a huge rework and some extra features.
  17. Have you changed your guild hall? Because, if the decorations weren't removed befor, they will stay at their old coordinates , no matter if they are in or outside the arena of the new hall-
  18. As 500 a day sounds far too high, are you really declining them in the guild menu, because that's the only way to really decline, if you only do it via the pop up, it will appear again after every loading screen (as far as i remember). As soon as you represent at least one guild, normally you will get no invites or they will at least be very rare, to fully block invites you will need 5 guilds (can be personal ones too).
  19. In my opinion more rewards shouldn't just be bundled into the last chest of the metas, instead the rewards for the events leading towards it should get better, so player who help to progress the meta get rewarded more and not the multi account farmers and leechers who are already a problem at some events.
  20. Also make sure that your status isn't set to invisible, because you can only see or write messages in guild-channels if it's set to online or away.
  21. As I can't remember spirit vestibule as part of my dailies from yesterday, I guess the problem here is, that there are many different versions of the dailies and so the rarer gamemode/expansion-combinations will sadly not have enough people.
  22. The weapons may not be your taste, but there are people who like shiinies, collecting legendaries, black lion skins, finishing expensive achievments, etc. Just look at the Gen 3 legendaries, if someone wants the complete collection of all skins, it's around 55k gold (and that's only , if you craft them yourself)
  23. Only the tickets from the skirmish chests are limited, because you won't get more from the repeatable diamond chests, I don't know about any cap on the other ticket sources, so no need to remove a non existing cap?
  24. The mastery points don't matter at all, the XP has the following priority: 1) active mastery bar of the region (the one you checked for training) 2) if bar 1) is full, or no active mastery-bar chosen, then the XP goes into all the other unlocked bars of the region (priority for inactiv masteries afaik is the position in the mastery list) 3) if 2) is full too, it goes into the hidden XP bar, that gives spirit shards, it's the same bar x/254.00 you can see in regions were you have unlocked everything So, if you are e.g. switch from Core with currently 253.000/254.000 to a HoT-map and have all active mastery-bars full there, the next 1.000 XP will give the spirit shard
  25. Dry Top has a 1h cycle, it starts every full hour at tier 1, then you and the other peolple on the map have 40min to raise the tier up to max. tier 6 by doing events during the crash site phase. Afterwards the sandstorm events start where the tier won't change and after 20min the tier will be reset and the cycle will start again.
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