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Everything posted by ZTeamG.4603

  1. I was glad to see this change. It helps to make it so that now, between this patch and the previous one, reaper shouts as a whole were buffed (previously they were mostly buffed but the unblockable one was a net nerf). Also the melee range being larger is great, 130 was too small for the shout trait to ever be worth taking.
  2. Technically, the lore explanation could be that the Ministry of Purity quashed that tradition. It'd be in line with the rest of what they do, including their attacks on Shing Jea Monastery, where the celebrations took place.
  3. Definitely sounds suspicious, but there's a lot of legit things that can look suspicious. Were they a chronomancer, maybe? Has anyone tested if the chronomancer class skill can rewind you out of moa form?
  4. Add "no target-caps week" to the list and you've got my vote.
  5. The best way to balance cele gear and boons would be to change how +stat buffs work in WvW. Instead of might giving +30 power and condi damage, for instance, it should be +___% power/condi damage per stack (with the % per stack tuned to be equal to what it would be on a full berserker in the current balance). The same goes for all other profession-specific stat buffs. That way, you're rewarded for speccing into your build's main damage stat instead of going for an all-rounder like celestial. The problem with cele is that it can use the current flat stat buffs like might to reach levels of offensive effectiveness close to the all-power or all-condi builds while still having the tankiness inherent in having all stats.
  6. Trident Skill 1 on necromancer--"Crimson Tide"--shows in the tooltip that it is supposed to generate 2% life force on hit. The tooltip preview also tells you how much that 2% is (for the testing I was doing, it was about 76 to 100 life force depending on how much my max health was reduced by blight stacks). Unfortunately, the skill only generates exactly 2 life force on hit--an amount that is basically negligible beyond level 1 and much less than the 2% it is supposed to be. As a secondary bug, the Crimson Tide effects generated by the other trident skills generate no life force. To reproduce: -Go underwater as a necromancer with trident equipped. -Ensure you do not have full life force -Review the Crimson Tide tooltip to see how much life force you should be getting -Attack an enemy and watch your life force. It will go up by 2 instead of the amount it should be going up. Here is a video showing this bug: To reproduce the secondary bug: -While out of combat, review the tooltip for one of the other trident skills. They don't generate life force themselves, but they trigger crimson tide activations that should be generating life force. -Make sure autoattack is disabled -Try one of the other skills, such as trident skill 4, on an enemy. The crimson tide activations from the skill do not generate life force.
  7. Hi @Double Tap, thanks again for reaching out and letting us know that the team was able to reproduce the bugs. Do you happen to know if fixes for this will be coming in one of the upcoming updates?
  8. I think the frogs can take a tier 0 camp that isn't defended by players on their own. I've come across the the green side camp under attack with the ring up, 2 frogs still alive, just 1 veteran scout left, and no enemy players in sight, but I'm pretty sure the other mercenaries are too weak to kill more than 1 or 2 guards.
  9. Your queue pops, and you have the bar showing your time to join the map. You wait a little bit in order to finish up a fight--you've still got plenty of time, after all. There's more than half left in the bar. So, once you're ready you click "Enter" and... Nothing happens. You don't get into the map, the window disappears, and you're kicked to the back of the queue. Alternatively, your queue pops up as you're using a waypoint. When you load, you've been kicked to the back of the queue.
  10. Not sure how long this bug has been around, but Ranger's longbow 5 skill, Barrage, can be used to shoot into areas that all other AoEs can't reach. The main area this is relevant is in WvW, where it can be used to hit siege and enemies that are well out of reach of everything else. Most of the time, this takes the form of the ranger standing with their face up against a wall and using max field of view settings to see siege on the other side. As you would expect, this is exploited quite often by some groups in WvW, it makes it nearly impossible for defenders to use defensive siege when this is being abused, and it creates an unhealthy meta where rangers need to set their camera as far out as possible and plaster their faces against walls in order to gain an advantage. I don't recall if the heavy field of view customization has always been there or if it was added in the past few years, but it definitely exacerbates the situation. I highly doubt this is intentional design given that: -As far as I know, no other AoEs function this way, at least not without exploits; even other "rain from the sky" AoEs like arrow carts (can't get much closer to the idea of barrage than that) and meteor shower DO require line of sight. -Barrage's skill description makes no mention of the ability to ignore line-of-sight. -This sort of functionality, if intentional, pushes ranger players to set their field of view to wacky settings (ie as far vertical, zoomed out, and to the right as possible) in order to be most effective in WvW, since those wacky settings provide the best ability to aim at places that shouldn't be reachable with AoEs. With the camera set as far vertical and zoomed out as possible, there are almost no places that are out of reach. -This functionality completely undermines defensive siege use in WvW, because if it's within 1860 range (1500 base range + 360 radius) of a wall a ranger with wacky FoV settings can hit it--aka any position in all alpine BL or EBG towers, many keep positions, etc. are all fair game for a longbow ranger. For one particularly egregious example of shooting through a wall and ceiling in Armistice Bastion: https://imgur.com/a/0RhAYbN Of course, this bug can be easily replicated by playing with the field of view settings and clicking on the other side of a wall in WvW while using longbow 5.
  11. In addition to the no downstate weeks, I'd love to see a "no offensive target caps" week. Keep the 5 person caps on healing/boons, but offensive AoEs/melee attacks have no target cap (or something like 50). THAT would really force a change in the meta for a week.
  12. which ranger skill summons trebuchet blueprints on my corpse? those mag rangers keep killing me with it!1!1 (/s)
  13. @Double Tap Hello, thanks for looking into this. It can be a little weird to reproduce since you have to be out of combat in shroud for the Voracious Dive tooltip to show. In addition to what Uete mentioned above, I have a video here showing me going through the reproduction of the bug (and showing the difference when in and out of combat). The first ~5 seconds are where I show the Voracious Dive tooltip showing up when out of combat while in shroud, but every activation of the skill is Gathering Plague (just gives weakness in the absence of enemies, does not interact with the targeted enemy). I've heard from one user that maybe it isn't bugged in the EU server, but I have no way to verify that. I'm on NA and as far as I know this bug has been here since EoD launch. Thanks again for looking into this! Steps: -Go underwater and enter harbinger shroud while out of combat -Mouse over shroud skill 4 to see the tooltip. It should show Voracious Dive -Shift+Click shroud 4 and it will link "Gathering Plague" in the chat -Activate shroud skill 4, preferably with an enemy targeted (and if you can, a condi-inflicted ally beside you). The activated skill will be Gathering Plague and it will do nothing to the enemy. -Go in combat (or go out of shroud and reactivate it while in combat). -Mouse over shroud skill 4. If you are in combat, it will show Gathering Plague. Hope this helps! EDIT: I was wrong about the skill icon being different, it is the same skill icon as Core Necromancer's underwater shroud 4 (Gathering Plague, the skill that activates in place of Voracious Dive). The tooltip is definitely different, though, and the activated skill doesn't match the Voracious Dive tooltip.
  14. No, I like having my mini with me in WvW Keeping minis on (especially the more visible minis) is a valid strategy to assert dominance over enemy players. Also, I hate to break it to you, but minis are not the reason ViP loses blob fights. Maybe back in the days of 18 second stealth pushes you could make a case for minis giving away zerg positions, but nowadays stealth is so short that anyone half awake can tell where the stealth pushing zerg is at.
  15. The way I see it as someone who both frequently fights mag and was matched with mag for the previous rotation, the hate for mag is just indicative of a bigger problem with the WvW playerbase: most people, both general players and commanders, don't bother learning to play in a way that works outside of zergs and gank situations. Mag is generally just a cloud of roamers looking for fights instead of a coordinated zerg trying to cap stuff, but their way works so well because they're literally the only server that consistently fights that way. Every other server tries to zerg up even when they don't have nearly enough people to be effective, so most groups end up with a group of 20 charging into a group of 30+ and, predictably, instantly dying. If the group of 20 was a bunch of skilled roamers on self sufficient classes that clouded the larger group instead, they would end up whittling the larger group down and driving it off or killing it since the zerg can only focus 1 or 2 people of the cloud at a time--and those people can then fall back/get to safety while everyone else pressures the tail. Due to target caps being so low there are a few exceptions with the unkillable 50+ superblobs that BG and Indo run, but even they take 15 minutes on lord to either get a keep or run away when against a cloud of half their numbers (and that's when they're trying to focus the lord and actually cap it, not when they're trying to farm kills). Tbh I enjoy fighting mag because they don't run from even-numbered fights like the other mostly-T1 servers (granted, mag will absolutely gank you if you charge at a group of them alone), and I also enjoyed being matched with them because their server is pretty much a roamer paradise where you can count on most of the allies you run into to be effective in a smallscale fight. What really needs to be fixed in this game mode is population imbalance and raising target caps in general so that population imbalance isn't as impactful--it's not fun to be stuck in T1 where BG perpetually wins by simply outnumbering the other teams, and I can't imagine karma-training against groups half their size is particularly fun for BG either. TL;DR: most people's problems with mag can be summed up as a skill issue
  16. A bigger offender is the nearly invisible ele wind dome (Veteran Wizards use it). It blocks projectiles from a wide area but doesn't even have a ground indicator to show where it is--you just have to hope you can see one of the small strands of wind flying around near the outer edge of it. CPC is one of only a couple projectile denial skills necro as a whole has (the other being reaper shroud 2, which is basically nonexistent projectile denial), so if your projectiles are being blocked by a necro then anyone who has seen the skill before knows what's going on. If you want to tone down the projectile hate, remove it from the classes like guardian and ele that can spit out projectile hate for days.
  17. Here's a video showing the bug. Whether starting in or out of combat, it's always Gathering Plague that activates (aka just giving yourself weakness and nothing else when no allies are around).
  18. So, I found an annoying bug with the prototype position rewinder that VERY SPECIFICALLY happens in the area where the Wyvern Patriarch spawns in Verdant Brink. This bug must have come as a byproduct of something in a recent patch, because this is the first time I've seen it happen and I normally use the rewinder in this area when grabbing the floating airship cargo. Basically, most mount endurance uses (springer leap, griffon flap, etc.) and dismounts used while in this area will erase the position rewinder position. It does not rewind you, it just removes the set location. It seems to mostly be mount things that result in a change in your vertical position, but I'm not sure. Falling too far from the set location on the Patriarch's perch will also erase the set position. The rewinder works as intended on other maps and even in other locations within Verdant Brink, so this bug may be related to being at a very high position on the vertical axis. This bug was likely introduced some time in the past few weeks, as I have used the position rewinder in the past to make for easier floating airship cargo collection in this area. For reference, I have included a video showing the problem. The main thing to keep an eye on is the buff bar, where you can see how the set point is cleared for the different circumstances.
  19. It has been a problem since EoD's release. At first I thought they just gave harbinger a worthless underwater Shroud 4, then I later ran into the Voracious Dive tooltip and realized that they somehow never put Voracious Dive in the game despite having the tooltip for it. I made a thread about it (also about how Shroud 3's movement doesn't work underwater) back in July, but I don't think it got much attention: That doesn't make the skill work. That only gives you the tooltip. If you activate it, it is still gathering plague.
  20. The problem isn't really harbinger, but celestial. Harbinger has no good answer for projectile denial (a half decent tempest invalidates the spec) and struggles to stay alive in any stats other than celestial/trailblazer. Plenty of other classes in cele gear will dominate non-celes. Harb elite and Harb Shroud 5 could use nerfs, but a run of the mill celeharb isn't more oppressive than, say, a cele specter or celemech. Plus, harb has a lot less mobility than most others. What Anet really ought to do is just decrease celestial equipment stats by 10 to 20% in WvW. That would bring most of the overtuned roaming specs in line.
  21. Shroud 4 underwater doesn't exist in-game. The tooltip for it ("Voracious Dive") will show up while out of combat and underwater, but the skill still has the Core Necro Underwater Shroud 4, "Gathering Plague" as a placeholder. The tooltip in combat is for Gathering Plague and both linking and activating the skill will show/activate Gathering Plague, not Voracious Dive (the water version of Voracious Arc).
  22. When underwater as harbinger, there are a couple different bugs with the shroud skills: Shroud 3, Devouring Cut: this skill is supposed to move you 600 distance. It works fine when out of the water, but in the water the movement doesn't work. Instead of moving you 600, it will barely push you forwards a bit (often making you move slower than just normally swimming). This problem seems to stem from something related to how underwater momentum is handled. As-is, this skill is only worth ever activating underwater if you are already on top of your target--which, for a movement skill, isn't ideal. One potential fix would be making the underwater shroud 3 different from the on-land one, then make the movement function like Trident 3 (the movement of which works well). HarbShroud 3: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devouring_Cut Trident 3 (example of an underwater movement skill that works on necro): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Foul_Current Shroud 4, "Voracious Dive": So, this bug is especially interesting. The skill shows the icon for the skill "Voracious Dive" (EDIT: the icon is the same as Gathering Plague, it is the tooltip that is different), but the tooltip varies by a few factors and the actual skill used is the same one as normal necromancer shroud 4 when underwater. The tooltip for Voracious Dive describes a skill that matches the spirit of its on-land counterpart, Voracious Arc. It describes a shadowstep attack to the target. When you Shift/Ctrl+click the skill to link it in chat, however, Gathering Plague (which is the underwater shroud 4 for Core Necro) is the skill that links. When you activate the skill, the functionality is that of Gathering Plague--if you're not near allies, all that happens is you give yourself Weakness; there is no mention of weakness in the Voracious Dive tooltip. The tooltip that shows is sometimes Voracious Dive and sometimes Gathering Plague; it seems like Voracious Dive might only show while out of combat, whereas Gathering Plague usually shows while in combat or just after using the skill. There do not seem to be any circumstances in which the Voracious Dive skill actually activates--instead, it is just Gathering Plague. HarbShroud 4 underwater: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Voracious_Dive Bugged HarbShroud 4 underwater, Necro Shroud 4 underwater: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering_Plague
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