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Story quests - 200 per episode

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I'm a returning player.  I am a PVE player and the reason I play MMO's is the fun of discovery and the stories..   I've always had issues trying to get involved in the GW2 storylines, the way they are presented many having to read small print conversations makes it hard for me to care about the NPC's or the story line which impacts immersion.   I don't feel what I say or do really matters.   I wanted to check out the latest stories but I like to do things in order so I have some sort of history to build a connection with the characters in the story.   I started on Living World 1 & then got most of 2 done before I was presented with a episode that was locked requiring that I pay to play it.   I get your a "free" mmo but this is STORY.   I also play ESO there you can sub or buy a DLC (in its entirety) giving you access to a new land, new story quests.   Here I have to pay per episode and it's not access to new land with other quests, its the same lands with no other quests included.    So as a returning player or even a new player, I have to pay to play or hope that they'll allow free access sometime in the future.    I came back thinking of buying the expansion but there are times I can't play due to work or health so not sure it's a good investment to buy another expansion to a came that will lock me out of the stories if I don't complete them in a certain window.   

I know you need to get money but I'd rather pay a sub or if you had homes, & real mounts to buy, giving you money for them.   Or crates like SWTOR & ESO have with a chance to get mounts, pets, & other items.   I have a house full of music boxes in ESO.   Love them, now I can collect w/o dusting.  Wish you had that here to make money & allow the stories to be open if you own the expansion they came in.

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Yea it is pretty sad that you never had time to log on for 30 seconds ever 2-3 months.

Or saw that they gave out all the episodes for free 1 every week starting back in may this year leading up to the new expansion.


But you can just play and unlock the episodes for in game gold.


Also the not opening up new maps only extend to season 2 since maps are free with core game and the rushed second part of icebrood saga.


You got living world season 3 episode 6 for free, just by loging in now and if you continue to login every week from now on you will get season 4 all episodes and icebrood saga unlocked aswell bud.


Welcome back to the game.



Also watch out for discount on season 2 and 3 ( it take away from the final price if you own episodes in the season too) in the aniversery saile thats going on every day for about 1-2 more weeks aswell.


Edit 2

So you can do just like in Eso and buy it for crowns gw2 gems and keep them forever.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Perhaps I misunderstood, but if you’d rather pay a subscription fee, why wouldn’t you rather pay less than the cumulative amount you’d pay subscribing and just buy the episodes? Unless you meant you would rather pay for a subscription if it netted you story plus other things, which I think makes your request a lot more complicated since ANet/NCSoft probably has higher level commercial reasons for their business model.

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53 minutes ago, Belleunicorn.7840 said:

I know you need to get money but I'd rather pay a sub or if you had homes, & real mounts to buy, giving you money for them.   Or crates like SWTOR & ESO have with a chance to get mounts, pets, & other items.   I have a house full of music boxes in ESO.   Love them, now I can collect w/o dusting.  Wish you had that here to make money & allow the stories to be open if you own the expansion they came in.


This is....extremely contradictory.


You're willing to pay a mandatory monthly fee for story content, but not willing to pay for story content as needed.  Either way you're paying for story content.  Why is giving money away monthly more preferable to paying only when needed?  You get the same amount of content either way.  Why is it preferable to spend more money through subscriptions than less money with on-demand purchases  for the same amount of content?


This is such a strange argument.  I really cannot identify the critical thinking behind it, if such cognition even exists.

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17 minutes ago, Rogue.8235 said:


This is....extremely contradictory.


You're willing to pay a mandatory monthly fee for story content, but not willing to pay for story content as needed.  Either way you're paying for story content.  Why is giving money away monthly more preferable to paying only when needed?  You get the same amount of content either way.  Why is it preferable to spend more money through subscriptions than less money with on-demand purchases  for the same amount of content?


This is such a strange argument.  I really cannot identify the critical thinking behind it, if such cognition even exists.

the whole things sounds fishy, they somehow played Living world season 1, and then played most of LS2 before hitting the paywall? I would have assumed they were talking in retrospect, but it doesn't sound that way at all.


1 hour ago, Belleunicorn.7840 said:

 I wanted to check out the latest stories but I like to do things in order so I have some sort of history to build a connection with the characters in the story.   I started on Living World 1 & then got most of 2 done before I was presented with a episode that was locked


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1 hour ago, Belleunicorn.7840 said:

I'm a returning player.  I am a PVE player and the reason I play MMO's is the fun of discovery and the stories..   I've always had issues trying to get involved in the GW2 storylines, the way they are presented many having to read small print conversations makes it hard for me to care about the NPC's or the story line which impacts immersion.   I don't feel what I say or do really matters.   I wanted to check out the latest stories but I like to do things in order so I have some sort of history to build a connection with the characters in the story.   I started on Living World 1 & then got most of 2 done before I was presented with a episode that was locked requiring that I pay to play it.   I get your a "free" mmo but this is STORY.   I also play ESO there you can sub or buy a DLC (in its entirety) giving you access to a new land, new story quests.   Here I have to pay per episode and it's not access to new land with other quests, its the same lands with no other quests included.    So as a returning player or even a new player, I have to pay to play or hope that they'll allow free access sometime in the future.    I came back thinking of buying the expansion but there are times I can't play due to work or health so not sure it's a good investment to buy another expansion to a came that will lock me out of the stories if I don't complete them in a certain window.   

I know you need to get money but I'd rather pay a sub or if you had homes, & real mounts to buy, giving you money for them.   Or crates like SWTOR & ESO have with a chance to get mounts, pets, & other items.   I have a house full of music boxes in ESO.   Love them, now I can collect w/o dusting.  Wish you had that here to make money & allow the stories to be open if you own the expansion they came in.

Its not 200 gems per episode, its far less if you buy the whole pack at once, which also discounts the ones you already have unlocked. Living Worlds Season 3 for example has six episodes and they cost 160 gems/ep per with the pack, on top of this that's only 48g per episode at current exchange rates which is a measly 2-3 hours of farming Silverwastes on a RIBA map or about 1,5 hours of farming newer content like HoT metas.


You're literally complaining about less than a day of work which involves just playing the game. And even if you don't have the time, most players sit with around 200-300g or more in their collectible materials.

See also https://gw2efficiency.com (Account/Material Storage) ..


On top of this the episodes have been given away for free, multiple times per episode.


And its not STORY. The Living World updates are like mini-expansions which bring many different types of content including entirely new maps (about half of all maps now are LW lv80 maps), new masteries, new armor and weapons, new stat combinations allowing for more powerful builds, new MOUNTS even, and the list goes on and on.


Trust me, you get every penny's worth. If anything, they're extremely cheap. Everything in this game is cheap, just like players complaining about the upcoming expansion costing $30 USD when its already displayed enough features to be worth more than that compared to what other games charge for the same amount of stuff.


Even now gamers are out buying games for $60-70 USD for a single night of gameplay.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Yeah the new episodes have new maps and 200 gems with the option of converting in game gold for them vs eso and the amount they charge for their many expansions and new land shortly after for like 2000 crowns is way more. Plus eso is 6 little dungeons and 6 new wb etc which is almost the exact same new content every single time to the point you are like this is a recycle of the exact format from the last expansion. I mean and they just gave us all ls2 and ls3 for free starting a few months ago and we will get ls4 so the timing of this complaint is really bad

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