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Direct X 12 low specs machines.

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Hi guys!!!!


Hope you all doing well.


Sorry about having  not much clue about things and thanks so much for your time. I still playing sometimes in a low spec machine ( i5, hd 4600 graphics, 8gbram, ssd, windows 10) and I was wondering if people like me will benefit at all updating direct X in the game through the d912pxy??


Obviously the game runs just ok at the moment so i dont want to lose any performance doing this. I know i need to upgrade things and hardware, please im in lockdown and the only thing I have is this PC so yeah plz dont be to hard on me.


Thanks for all your support in advance, Chuuuuuurrrr..

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DirectX 12 benefits players with CPUs that are designed to utilize multithreading. If you are using an older generation Intel CPU, you might not see any benefits.


A more tech savvy person might need to know more about that i5. There's usually another number alongside that i5 that helps identify the generation it comes from. An older i5 could be a 4 core, while a newer i5 could be a 6 core.

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The ram is bit low since that GPU uses system ram but it should work. Only way to find out is to try.


1 hour ago, decease.3215 said:

I thought they are going dx11 not 12.  Either way you should be fine.  As long as you are not running window xp

Anet is indeed going for dx11 upgrade but this is about the d912pxy mod that uses dx12 instead dx9 for the game.

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11 hours ago, Flamenco BJJ.7125 said:

Hi guys!!!!


Hope you all doing well.


Sorry about having  not much clue about things and thanks so much for your time. I still playing sometimes in a low spec machine ( i5, hd 4600 graphics, 8gbram, ssd, windows 10) and I was wondering if people like me will benefit at all updating direct X in the game through the d912pxy??


Obviously the game runs just ok at the moment so i dont want to lose any performance doing this. I know i need to upgrade things and hardware, please im in lockdown and the only thing I have is this PC so yeah plz dont be to hard on me.


Thanks for all your support in advance, Chuuuuuurrrr..

You should have access to DX diagnostic as that is part of DX9-12 software which is installed on Microsoft Windows system to run among other games.

Press Windows Start button and type "dxdiag". It should now show this app from search on your system. Use it can after some delay as it will scan your system for information on hardware and OS (drivers for input and output).

Here you should be able now to see your systems model number (if it is an OEM machine like a laptop or pre-built computer like a Acer desktop). It will also show what kind of CPU your have and what speed it is set to run at.

Here is visual explanation for what I described above: https://www.minitool.com/news/dxdiag.html

Add this information here on this post/thread so people can help you to make an estimate, if your setup will be able to improve some video performance or it is will too demanding.

D912pxy will need to use some of your CPU power to handle what is not being done on GPU (as your integrated GPU [Intel HD4600] most likely don't fully support DX12 requirements).  The same way DX11 have had different versions over time and there have been different level of hardware support on GPU. Another problem is that with integrated GPU (iGPU) they will share same cooling solution as CPU (after all it is part of CPU die) and when CPU get hot, iGPU will also need adjust speed (clock).


iGPU works to play simpler games or run heavy games for a short time, but the best solution for playing video games is to use a discrete GPU which is on its own PCB and have its own cooling (heat can be removed and neither CPU and GPU will increase each others heat the same way is when both are on the same chip and share heatspreader/cooling.

Another important fact is that how much impact you will see from d129pxy also will be depending you where in game you are and how intense that environment will be as to calculate things like player and dynamic elements like fog, clouds and movements of objects etc. It isn't just your system set up that will impact how much change in performance you will see from using d129pxy, but also the number of in game objects. Older content (and maps) tend to be less demanding compared to the latest maps, but they also have not the same design and probably not the same coding as newer content.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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If you have a desktop computer and it is with a mainboard that have PCI express for video card onboard, then I would suggest to get a use GTX 970 for cheap. I run an i5 4670K@3.9 MHz all four core with a GTX 970 on a 3440 x 1440 pixel at 100 Hz and have around 50-60 FPS when it is not to crowded places or too much action on screen. Important here is that I have a rather larger air cooler on CPU to cool it down and air flow through computer to get out hot air before it increases heat inside my system.

This without p129pxy, so it is not necessary to pay a large sum to have some better performance. FYI a large part of this is also depending on how ANet change their code as for some time ago I had drop to 20-30 FPS.

You should be able to get used video card, if you look around for a low price, but don't get fooled by people that just want use how the market for new and used cards have been increasing in price as demand spiked and there where and still are very long time to get a new card.

** I just suggest GTX 970, if you find any newer card or from AMDs version of the same to a reasonable price then go for it (but make sure that is really working when you purchase it).

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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13 hours ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

The ram is bit low since that GPU uses system ram but it should work. Only way to find out is to try.


Anet is indeed going for dx11 upgrade but this is about the d912pxy mod that uses dx12 instead dx9 for the game.

True.. But dx11 is coming next month....  Everything willbe fine.. 😃

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Hi agin guys!!!


Wow, so much support thanks!!!


Just remember that I'm a bit noobissshh, let me share with you what I found. 


After several attempts of installing d912pxy (just little errors and uncompatibility with other addons) I managed to run the game under this addon. I have to say that there is no diference for me apart of more unstable game on some resolutions ( full screen some resolutions, window full screen) and looks that crowded area work a bit smooth but no gain on fps or performance. I have the feeling that even if Hd 4600 graphics are compatible with dirctx 12 this is not 100percent true, but I dont know Im not an expert.


I uninstalled d912pxy as no really a help for my cause. Im back running the game at 60fps normal PVE, and between 45-55 fps lions arch crowded places etc...  I can share settings but i think the most important is also settings windows 10 up and setting alll your hardware appropietly.


Thanks again for your support guys, awesome work





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