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how would you change the meta?


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Nerf core necro and scourge in a way that doesn't hard nerf reaper, remove stealth on trapper rune and add something different as a compensation and lastly hard nerf rangers vine, both the hp of the vines and the seed trait. Just those few changes would have a significant positive effect on the games pvp/wvw modes.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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You are not being honest in the argument. I think by this point it's clear.

I do not find DH's oppressive, that is you putting words in my mouth like you have been doing. Then you just claim a bunch of your opinions as if they are fact, but they are not. They are just your opinions. Not only that, but you're just spewing absolutes, and still low key attacking my pvp experience. This is not how you disagree.

For anyone that doesn't see :



Dh is VERY good at one single thing. Killing bad people. It excels in blowing up unaware people, and luckily for us. That's about 90% of the people playing this game. 


The implication here is if you get killed by a DH in PvP, you are a bad player. The person playing DH is.... perhaps a good player? IDK actually. So 90% of pvpers are bad players. Luckily for us? (so I guess I'm a good player now? Idk your metrics of what makes a good player vs bad player, you seem to be all over the place)

Then he follows with :


I find it funny you're playing power mirage actually, as I only ever duoQ with one and we duel a lot. DH farms power mirage, it's not even close. There's nothing you can do at equal skill level. This might be why you find them so oppressive. 

So now the connection is I'm a bad player who dies to DH's. Very sly, but like your other tactics, this one won't work either.

First off, the person who introduced the word oppressive in this entire convo, was you. Up above. I never said that, never even implied DH was the problem, never implied DH was ruining pvp, all I said was 3sec ICD To trapper, being a fair compromise, and how that rune single handedly changed DH's identity in pvp. That fact, that all that value and power, comes from one rune, is my issue. Not DH. It's the source and easy access to value and power in the form of spammable stealth AND superspeed. Which is tons of mobility and utility and such a huge advantage in pvp.

If you knew anything about Power Mirage you would realize when playing one, every class becomes oppressive. I only have one dodge bro, no sustain outside of oasis heal, and limited condi cleanse. (2 from jaunts, 1 from sigil)


I play it tight every game vs every class. I have succeeded and failed vs every class, and every build. I've been one/two shotted by DH's before, and I've also 1v1'd them. I bet you will just say those were bad DH's though, more moving of the goal posts.


This is the toxic attitude of pvpers I am talking about. Goal post after goal post. First it's Mirages can't do anything to DH, then if a mirage kills DH, it's that DH is bad. Then if a Mirage kills 100 DH's, those DH's were bad. At what point is the Mirage or Player considered good? Replace Mirage and DH with any class, same example.


Your own perspective is 90% of players in pvp are bad. Like bro what type of attitude is that? Do you show up to work and tell yourself 90% of your co-workers are terrible at their job? How do you get anything done that requires teamwork?

The reality is power mirage is one of the only few classes that is actually balanced, having legit weaknesses that can be exploited and countered. So I do have a very fair sense of which classes and builds are overperforming atm vs which ones aren't.

You are not arguing based on reality anymore, and it's disingenuous so this gonna be my last response.

Final thing is add 3sec ICD to trapper rune yo hahahaha, let's reveal those DH's!!

Edited by Waffles.5632
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8 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Nerf core necro and scourge in a way that doesn't hard nerf reaper, remove stealth on trapper rune and added something different as a compensation and lastly hard nerf rangers vine, both the hp of the vines and the seed trait. Just those few changes would have a significant positive effect on the games pvp/wvw modes.

Why remove trapper runes , and not change the stealth mechanic ? 😛

Stealth has more whines than conditions 😛

In lower lvl , condtions players  are not so skilled and die , while the top necros are too few 😛


😛(i love the mid range -away- from -Necro-shade- node-Ele spec-mister CMC

So the EoD roamers must hunt the new mid range Ele+Necro +Mesmer, and protect their Hot/Pof Bunkers ?)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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28 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Why remove trapper runes , and not change the stealth mechanic ? 😛

Stealth has more whines than conditions 😛

In lower lvl , condtions players  are not so skilled and die , while the top necros are too few 😛


😛(i love the mid range -away- from -Necro-shade- node-Ele spec-mister CMC

So the EoD roamers must hunt the new mid range Ele+Necro +Mesmer, and protect their Hot/Pof Bunkers ?)

I never said remove the rune, I said remove the stealth bonus and add something else in its place. 3 secs of stealth + superspeed is too strong of a sixth bonus imo, especially when interacting with multiple low cd skills.

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7 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

I never said remove the rune, I said remove the stealth bonus and add something else in its place. 3 secs of stealth + superspeed is too strong of a sixth bonus imo, especially when interacting with multiple low cd skills.

Lets allow other classes to equip them too

If they stealth , they run away from bases and the  only tank that is bothering the community  is necros

The company can  create a rock/paper/scissor scenario , but the Rock will a 1x specific class (Necro) and not multiply


(you should revisit the cast times/damage of only Cores.. so they stop crying about Powercreep , in 1 year )


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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I think that instead of removing the trapper rune, Anet could start creating new runes that could unlock the potentials of weak core specs and especs. As a result, it could look like a standard set of runes for everyone and a set of highly specialized runes. In this form, balancing could have a certain wholness.

At the moment, almost all the core specs and especs have their own identity, which can be furnished with details from runes. Let's be honest that standard specialized runes do simple things and are rarely a good choice.

Edited by DomHemingway.8436
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22 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


*sip tea*

Idk man, I have it on good authority that hammer zerker is OP due to its 7 stuns and people just don't play it out of reverence for its overwhelming might.

The problem with your arguement is that you are making the equivilent claim that a burn guardian sucks just because a cleanse scrapper turns up on the other team making an otherwise op thing useless, so would that make the cleanse scrapper op? well a minion bro turns up and pretty much invalidates that scrapper as he won't have the damage to deal with all the minions which means of course the minion bro is op and then a flamethrower turns up making the minions useless and the cycle just keeps going on and on of every single build being useless because this one other build makes it so...


Countering something that is op with something else that is op does not make the initial thing any less op... a build can very easily have 1 extremely op mechanic but also be countered by another op mechanic, for rifle warrior it is generally mobility but those mobile builds often don't do too well against bunkered up enemies as they will just be wasting their time, unable to actually break through, on the off chance they sacrificed to be a mobile glass cannon, they usually have issues with a cc meta to which the flamethrowers start appearing.


My point is not that rifle alone is op but rather there are a lot of op mechanics in the game and if the enemy team does not specifically have what they need to deal with them then the game simply ends in a steamroll the result is that nobody has fun, the winning team do not feel challenged and the losing team feel cheated.

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You know that people will start @@crying that Core in not on par with the rest of the expanions and something about Powercreep and blablabla ?

Choose one spec from whatever expansion that has the most counterplay   and that becomes the default Core spec .

It's better than waste more times to bring Cores up ... and unintenionally buff other things

(they get less reward , from that spec , if they dont have the specific expanion)

Edited by Solitude.2097
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