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Please add Memories of Battle to the Skirmish Chest choices


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20 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know you like GW2 Efficiency, Infusion, and it is great for lots of things, but player statistics is not one of them as GW2E's stats are based on a ~350k users when there are 16 million registered users of GW2.


I recall people posting images with bank tabs full of emblems, and that was over a year ago.


Am I concerned about a subset of players all of a sudden being able to afford 1-2 new legs? No. But I know that there are people with large hoards who if all of it was offloaded at once could do things like wipe out the Mystic Coin market. Which is why the vendor is the best idea, with daily, weekly, and if I had my way a monthly tab.

For reference for those that did not read the vendor thread I suggested being able to trade Emblems and Gifts of Battle for Memories of Battle, Skirmish Tickets, Mystic Coins, and Mystic Clovers. I put clovers and coins because while clovers a nice and needed Coins are used for things other than legendaries.

I'll ask diamond rank players I know that almost exclusively play in squads in WVW. My point about gw2e reflecting a more hardcore subset of the playerbase still stands though ; likewise with respect to the daily/monthly vendor caps as opposed to liquid gold.

edit: since I'm not ingame , looking briefly at gw2mists weekly stats the highest I've seen is 4K kills for this week (so 40 emblems of the avenger) meaning a year which is 52 weeks is ~2K emblems. The vast majority are below 1K kills in a week (around 500 emblems a year).

Edited by Infusion.7149
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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Just assigning gold values to Emblems would result numerous players all of a sudden become massively wealthy in game which would shock the in game economy. 

WvW players becomes wealthy 2021🤣
WvW players😂
Since the beginning of the game WvW is gold sink and you worrying WvWers to be wealthy, you worry too much😁

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4 minutes ago, Norbe.7630 said:

WvW players becomes wealthy 2021🤣
WvW players😂
Since the beginning of the game WvW is gold sink and you worrying WvWers to be wealthy, you worry too much😁

Don't get me wrong, its wealth they should have been making this entire time, but getting it dumped all at once is something that Anet has to take into consideration.

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4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Don't get me wrong, its wealth they should have been making this entire time, but getting it dumped all at once is something that Anet has to take into consideration.

I won't tell them that lol, they'll be offended.
Lets do experiment: Ask WvWers in your team chat in WvW maps "What is Gold?"
Show me the answers I'll show the answers on my side.

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I'm glad, besides the 1-2 blatantly selfish trolls arguing for artificial scarcity for the sake of their own wealth, we all agree Memories need to be easier to get.

On 9/29/2021 at 5:17 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Lets say you want to craft a mistforged legendaries armor set, conflux and warbringer. I.e. the legendaries you would want from wvw.

Per wiki pages, that is 8750 memories and 15500 tickets. Lets call this 43 weeks, so you would have to be getting ~200 memories a week (similar if you are crafting a set for each armor class). The chests give you ~100, the reward tracks probably give you 50 (assuming 20 something hours played to finish the diamond chest).




I know I'm short on memories and not tickets, waiting to craft conflux of the above.

Just the TP price per memory should tell you, you don't get enough from rewards.

⬆️ I'm facing pretty much the exact same problem


13 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You'll note that the shards of glory are in the daily chests.




At minimum the disparity between getting Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle should be eliminated. This is just common sense. Badges don't serve the same function as Shards, but it's Badges we get in our chests. PvP has zero built in cost for gear/siege/consumables/etc but still rewards gold whereas we get none. It just doesn't make sense. I implore any devs reading to get around to fixing the disparity with the alliances/wvw rework at the latest, ideally sooner rather than later.

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Putting a 1g value on Embelms isn't gonna result in inflation lol. A Legendary Spike costs 30s; Emblems should be at least that much.

Over the past year I have killed about  25,000 players and taken 3000 objectives. That would be 250 avengers and 30 conquerors. If each were 1g, that's 280 gold.

280 gold. That's like 2 weeks of daily fractals.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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17 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Putting a 1g value on Embelms isn't gonna result in inflation lol. A Legendary Spike costs 30s; Emblems should be at least that much.

Over the past year I have killed about  25,000 players and taken 3000 objectives. That would be 250 avengers and 30 conquerors. If each were 1g, that's 280 gold.

If you did 3x more than I did, and I only did dailies every day, you'd have 110 more gold than me.

So yea, no.

I can do PvE stuff in 1 day and make more gold than you stockpiled for a year,

But I'll just complain here at forum to make WvW requirement easier for PvErs like me so I can get out of this stupid WvW mode, I don't want to buy your memories of battle in TP to make you rich you WvW plebs hue hue hue

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1 minute ago, Norbe.7630 said:

I can do PvE stuff in 1 day and make more gold than than you stockpiled for a year,

But I'll just complain here at forum to make WvW requirement easier for PvErs like me so I can get out of this stupid WvW mode, hue hue hue

I think you were trying to make a strawman somewhere but got lost. What are we talking about again?

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9 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Putting a 1g value on Embelms isn't gonna result in inflation lol. A Legendary Spike costs 30s; Emblems should be at least that much.

Over the past year I have killed about  25,000 players and taken 3000 objectives. That would be 250 avengers and 30 conquerors. If each were 1g, that's 280 gold.

On the other hand if I did nothing besides do dailies every day,. I would have 730g.

So yea, no.

I have 5 or 6 stacks of avengers (I forget at this point). Considering I play a lot of Firebrand, I'd suspect people could farm quite a lot more of them. Just saying your low numbers aren't a good representation lol

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2 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

I have 5 or 6 stacks of avengers (I forget at this point). Considering I play a lot of Firebrand, I'd suspect people could farm quite a lot more of them. Just saying your low numbers aren't a good representation lol

Yea I know; I don't play that much, but how long did it take you to get it? 1500g or w/e still isn't that much.



1 minute ago, Norbe.7630 said:

Nope I'm in the right forums😉 I love entertaining once in a while the PvErs who comes by

Not really sure how emblems having a gold value makes anything easier but ok.

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16 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Not really sure how emblems having a gold value makes anything easier but ok.

No not emblems, delete those, they're useless.

It's memories of battles we want to be 1 gold each. Make it harder to get. Law of supply and demand.

PS: Bring back the rank 2k requirement for the sublime one, the inferior legendary is good enough for the PvErs who do dailies in WvW. 

Make the sublime more WvW exclusive.

By the time they made it to rank 2k they have all the materials they need for their legendaries. And non of these kind of requests would even exists, dumb anet.

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6 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea I know; I don't play that much, but how long did it take you to get it? 1500g or w/e still isn't that much.

I've only used 2 but also I haven't played for tags since I got UD before Emblems were a thing. I feel that I could even be on the low end if they were worth enough to farm. 

I mean, it could push people to be better fighters to get them kills but more likely it will be a few groups kill trading like old school Thursday ktrains. (edit: if it was worth it over pve)

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15 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

I've only used 2 but also I haven't played for tags since I got UD before Emblems were a thing. I feel that I could even be on the low end if they were worth enough to farm. 

I mean, it could push people to be better fighters to get them kills but more likely it will be a few groups kill trading like old school Thursday ktrains. 

They could always put a cap on it how many you could earn per day. It was always kind of strange you got so many when you only need 2 of either. And we probably don't need to ask, since they cap mostly everything.


17 minutes ago, Norbe.7630 said:

No not emblems, delete those, they're useless.

It's memories of battles we want to be 1 gold each. Make it harder to get. Law of supply and demand.

I wish you could delete them without having to type.

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7 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

They could always put a cap on it how many you could earn per day. It was always kind of strange you got so many when you only need 2 of either.

I always assumed they had a plan for spikes and emblems but never got around to it. 

Since this thread is about Mobs, a conversion recipe could work. 2 emblems+spike+Mob=more mobs. 

Or just a gobbler that spits out mobs. 

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On 10/1/2021 at 6:33 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

So what you are saying is "I never use my hoard so why should other people get better rewards?"


You do realize that a few people being just fine is not a reason for leaving rewards as they are. Very Marie Antoinette of you. Can we expect you to lay out cake at spawn for everyone?

Putting in a daily/weekly vendor that trades the useless emblems and GoBs that pile up for more useful things like MoBs, Clovers, and/or Coins is a useful and fruitful thing for the game mode. Just because you sit on your hoard and do nothing with it does not mean that others even have a hoard or that there isn't a demand for better rewards for WvW gameplay.

all i say, legendary gear is mostly timegated by a lack of certain materials, and legendary weapons by the gift of exploration. therefore, if ur not willing to spend days in pvE searching a billion of interest points, u won't get these.


so, i do not "not use my hoard", it's in the constellation more of not really useful. in that time u can collect a ton of ascended gear parts, who worst case fill your bags once you finally reforged some things into legendary armors. but before?  yeah, zero use for many months. idk.


does this "cake" thing even work in Wvw? i kinda doubt that. maybe does.. like kraka thing, tho also nearly nobody uses that.

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Are you seriously telling me nobody uses the karka potion? It was quite common when people were more serious about match or fight outcomes. +150 toughness is quite a lot, nearly on par with brawler (+225 toughness) or durability rune (which is +175).

It takes roughly two days of casual play  to finish HoT mapping especially with hero point scrolls from WVW so I don't understand this idea of a "billion interest points". There isn't a good reason for someone whose main mode is WVW to be making gen 1 legendaries anyway since those aren't accountbound.

Just because you want to use ascended doesn't mean that it de-legitimizes anyone's efforts toward full legendary gear. For one if you want to use cosmetic infusions or +5 stat infusions (WVW or PVE fractal ones) in more than one template you need legendary rather than ascended gear if the stats on the armor or trinkets are different. The recent beta events made me quite thankful for having gone for full legendary at least on revenant.

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