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Another Thread about Botting Until ArenaNet actually does something


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Just throwing another one in here with everyone else. What an absolute clown fiesta spvp is. Is it so hard to do some sort of captcha on ranked queue if the free account abuse is too hard for Anet to control? Its pretty incompetent when these accounts are going non stop beyond human limits of playtime and anet STILL doesn't touch them. It's really weird that a game as well made and big as GW2 has a dev team so willing to just let its major pvp mode go to absolute trash. Really cringe trying to bring people to this and explaining to them that the meta all the way up to about Plat is "yeah you're gonna probably have a few bots with automation that tells them to go mid/home only so you'll prob wanna play around that. Oh yeah we report these all the time but nothing ever happens and new ones constantly crop up."

I have played so many games with the same bots over the last few weeks with friends, its to a point where there is at least 1-2 bots in every single game, very often the same bots. I'd swear anet is hoping the game mode dies completely.

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1 hour ago, Morwath.9817 said:

I've played 33 rankeds on NA and seen bots only during one (my first one). People certainly are mistaking bad players with bots.

Could It be that you are underestimating how sophisticated some of these bots are?

Did you get a chat response from every other player in all those other matches?


Bots being in a lower rank means little when I have personally been matched up against players like ckod (who is generally in top 30) and in the same match bots that are so well known everyone knows their gamertag.


But I can say I don't see most of the bots from 3 seasons ago anymore...atleast on their old account name lol

Edited by Lacdanon.1483
Correct spelling
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14 hours ago, CrashTheGrey.1492 said:

Just throwing another one in here with everyone else. What an absolute clown fiesta spvp is. Is it so hard to do some sort of captcha on ranked queue if the free account abuse is too hard for Anet to control? Its pretty incompetent when these accounts are going non stop beyond human limits of playtime and anet STILL doesn't touch them. It's really weird that a game as well made and big as GW2 has a dev team so willing to just let its major pvp mode go to absolute trash. Really cringe trying to bring people to this and explaining to them that the meta all the way up to about Plat is "yeah you're gonna probably have a few bots with automation that tells them to go mid/home only so you'll prob wanna play around that. Oh yeah we report these all the time but nothing ever happens and new ones constantly crop up."

I have played so many games with the same bots over the last few weeks with friends, its to a point where there is at least 1-2 bots in every single game, very often the same bots. I'd swear anet is hoping the game mode dies completely.

But but that would mean they actually have to work on something pvp and we all know thats a big no no for them.

I actually belive if anyone other than cmc works on pvp they get fired. Which would make sense seeing how they treat pvp like the black plague.

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3 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

I've played 33 rankeds on NA and seen bots only during one (my first one). People certainly are mistaking bad players with bots.

So, at least your personal experience says 1/33 games is bots.

But, bad players are seemingly random, and bots move with a script.

Stealthily against a bot or moving to a no port spot will clearly show you the difference between bads and bots.

Also bots only deviate from paths to attack foes.

Certainly you are not as adept at spotting bots as you believe, and it is understandable as you are back from break.


Don't think I forgot about yuooooooooo quaggan.





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Complete newcomer to pvp here. What are the ways you recognize bots?

I’m assuming the ranger that tried to rez me while three enemies were finishing me off was a bot, and not just an incredibly clueless player. What are other tells besides really pointless rezzing?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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13 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Complete newcomer to pvp here. What are the ways you recognize bots?

I’m assuming the ranger that tried to rez me while three enemies were finishing me off was a bot, and not just an incredibly clueless player. What are other tells besides really pointless rezzing?

Bots use default armor and physical appearance. Bots go on set paths and don't deviate from them at all. Bots stand still well fighting. Bots die fast and and don't use down skills. Names tend to be pretty generic. Bots don't respond to any attempt for team work.  There are just so many give a ways. 😐

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7 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

Bots ain't "sophisticated", bots don't either make mistakes people do. They repeat same patterns which can be easily spotted and abused.

Im a returning plat player.  The bots are blatant and common all the way into gold 3 in NA.  Results may vary but pvp lobby is in agreeance and memeing on all the names that constantly come up. Weird that youre trying to downplay an issue thats so prevalent.

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2 minutes ago, LordCanti.7124 said:

Bots use default armor and physical appearance. Bots go on set paths and don't deviate from them at all. Bots stand still well fighting. Bots die fast and and don't use down skills. Names tend to be pretty generic. Bots don't respond to any attempt for team work.  There are just so many give a ways. 😐

Thanks. As a new pvper there’s a lot to take in.

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Just now, CrashTheGrey.1492 said:

Im a returning plat player.  The bots are blatant and common all the way into gold 3 in NA.  Results may vary but pvp lobby is in agreeance and memeing on all the names that constantly come up. Weird that youre trying to downplay an issue thats so prevalent.

Im not trying anything, just sharing my OWN experience.

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Also, just for context, I know Anet is typically pretty neglectful in general of these forums, but its such an unreasonable thing that I think there should be visibility for other people getting into the game. It's crazy to me how bad it is right now and how hilariously useless the report function is in game. Their should be visibility, and if ArenaNet cared about new players OR retaining old players, it's a smart idea to dedicate even a little effort or accountability for sPvP (and WvW but thats a whole other thing, and yes, there are bots in WvW too, and its pretty annoying to see).

I understand that priorities probably lie with PvE, but i'd think they be embarrassed about how prevalent botting is in this game and how impactful that is to people trying to enjoy a competitive game mode. It's a terrible look, and it's certainly affected perceptions and population over time.

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2 hours ago, CrashTheGrey.1492 said:

I understand that priorities probably lie with PvE, but i'd think they be embarrassed about how prevalent botting is in this game and how impactful that is to people trying to enjoy a competitive game mode. It's a terrible look, and it's certainly affected perceptions and population over time.

The perfect way to sum things up.


I also added to the unofficial merged thread.

Thank you for your insight and contribution on this issue.

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