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Yeah, 2 years on our worst momment, but how do you deal with it? (PvP)


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1st: What's the class against you struggle the most? do you have some tricks to deal with them or just avoid them?

2nd: What's the class that you consider ""easy"" to deal against?
3rd: What's (or was) your favorite build?
4th and last: Still playing warrior or just quit/rerolled?

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I'll answer from the WvW side of the house.

1) For me it's thief, mostly because I'm part deaf and can't hear it's audio cues. Makes fighting a stealthed character even more difficult. Whenever I run a Sentinel or Celestial build though the thieves either get stomped or they run way, so a win for me either way.

2) Necro. CC -> DPS -> CC -> DPS repeat as needed. Not too many Necro roamers in WvW bring Wurm and Spectral Walk doesn't help too much if they are getting chained CC'd. Scourge can be more difficult from all the 0 cast time barrier and 0 cast time fear.

3) Pre Arc Divider nerf glass cannon Berserker. I miss downing +5 people at a time. It was rather powerful and needed to be nerfed though, and it just shows that warrior only functions on the level of other classes when it has broken damage numbers.

4) Still playing. Though if Anet keeps screwing over warrior I may start spending more time on my Reaper and Soulbeast when I finish the EoD story on my warrior.

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2 hours ago, artharon.9276 said:

1. necro

2. ranger

3. heal/shouts core or tactics spellbreaker, for pushing opponent and a bit of range, condi/bow berserker

4. rerolled, going to stick with engineer (for both pvp and e) for a while or I may level a revenant because I want to use my leggy 2h sword.



Try Ranger or Reaper out if you want to make more use of that 2H sword. Next best GS weapon sets in my opinion, though Vindicator does look fun.

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I'll also answer from WvW perspective.

1) For me it's good Holosmiths (and even some Scrappers). I feel these specs have way more survivability and/or dps than me, with all their barriers, reflects, blocks etc. They're just simply outsustaining (or sometimes simply outbursting) me. Might just be a learn-to-play issue, idk.

2) Agreeing with @Lan Deathrider.5910 here, it's Necro for me. I often just chew through their shroud while cleansing / outsustaining their damage. Outside of some teleports they're low on mobility so they cannot really get away either. (Really good players are an exception of course, I've been wiped couple of times by good necros, but it happens rarely.)

3) Lately I often used a hybrid Celestial Berserker bruiser build with shoutheal (Discipline / Tactics / Berserker), using Bow and Sword / Warhorn. I really like its playstyle, lots of heals, cleanses, party utility, with okayish dps and mobility. Fares surprisingly well in lots of smallscale fights. My all-time favorite was the pre-nerf / pre-rework Power Berserker though, with the old Arc Divider, old (fast) Headbutt etc. I also really liked some early iterations of Spellbreaker too, when Full Counter and CC's still did damage.

4) Still playing, but recently moved the Celestial gear to my Renegade and started playing with it since yesterday, to get a feeling on how different it is (and if it's that more easier / overpowered than my Warr).

Edited by Zsoak.5409
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On 12/7/2021 at 12:11 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Try Ranger or Reaper out if you want to make more use of that 2H sword. Next best GS weapon sets in my opinion, though Vindicator does look fun.


I have both ranger and necro, hated necro tbh but ranger is sweet, especially first two especs, I can feel the anet's passion there. And then we'll be getting the untamed. I can't look at that ugly animations/vfx colour.  Makes me wanna puke.

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48 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


I have both ranger and necro, hated necro tbh but ranger is sweet, especially first two especs, I can feel the anet's passion there. And then we'll be getting the untamed. I can't look at that ugly animations/vfx colour.  Makes me wanna puke.

Soulbeast with LB+GS is one of the better and more fun ways to play. Give that a whirl next time you get the itch and see how you do.

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On 12/7/2021 at 1:49 PM, Zsoak.5409 said:

I'll also answer from WvW perspective.

1) For me it's good Holosmiths (and even some Scrappers). I feel these specs have way more survivability and/or dps than me, with all their barriers, reflects, blocks etc. They're just simply outsustaining (or sometimes simply outbursting) me. Might just be a learn-to-play issue, idk.

2) Agreeing with @Lan Deathrider.5910 here, it's Necro for me. I often just chew through their shroud while cleansing / outsustaining their damage. Outside of some teleports they're low on mobility so they cannot really get away either. (Really good players are an exception of course, I've been wiped couple of times by good necros, but it happens rarely.)

3) Lately I often used a hybrid Celestial Berserker bruiser build with shoutheal (Discipline / Tactics / Berserker), using Bow and Sword / Warhorn. I really like its playstyle, lots of heals, cleanses, party utility, with okayish dps and mobility. Fares surprisingly well in lots of smallscale fights. My all-time favorite was the pre-nerf / pre-rework Power Berserker though, with the old Arc Divider, old (fast) Headbutt etc. I also really liked some early iterations of Spellbreaker too, when Full Counter and CC's still did damage.

4) Still playing, but recently moved the Celestial gear to my Renegade and started playing with it since yesterday, to get a feeling on how different it is (and if it's that more easier / overpowered than my Warr).

Throw in Sig of might when you fight a holo/scrapper. Can make a big difference.

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WvW Roaming Experience (Spellbreaker/Warrior as a whole in general)
1: There isn't really one that I can choose to say I struggle with most in general, but for the most part I look for other roamers to fight. So it varies.

Good Thieves - You won't ever actually down a good thief, especially in open field. You can scare them but most of the time they'll reset and capitalize on your lack of CDs, and since you don't have much in the face of counter pressure afterwards. If you have terrain and LoS you could pull some trick things. 

Scrappers - It's kinda dumb in wvw fighting scrappers that camp in nades or mortar kit and superspeeding around spamming 3k crits and higher behind them while trying to pressure them with attacks that'll hit for less than 300. Feels bad. Normally if they try to superspeed zoom away I don't chase or I make it hard for them to hit me with aoe. 

Terrormancer/Immortal Necros - Trailblazers. Don't think I need to say anymore than that really.  Try to avoid but if I'm feeling for the long drawn out fight, basically try to CC lock them in DS. and chip away at it and kite when i need to, to avoid AoEs.

Firebrand Condi- Mainly for 1v1s, recently it's one of the more obnoxious builds I've faced since it's instant spam blinds + burn. Anet took the counterplay off mantras having to be recharged if they used them too quickly. Trying to connect your main combos if you can is what does it for me, but you'll still get heavily pressured by big burn damage. 

2: Brainlet Rangers/Reapers/Warriors.

3: I used to run defense Spellbreaker, but my forever favorite is Strength Spellbreaker. Love the theme too much and boon ripping is something I've always enjoyed doing, not to mention active dodging over big brick sustain I felt was more skill based, and keeps me sharp. 

4: I main warrior still(it's still my go to for roaming), but I'm a multi-classer, so i shake it up every once in a while session. Before I was a warrior main I was a 10k+ hour guard main (I liked playing old school medi guard and Medi trapper). Still sticking with warrior despite how handicapped it feels against other classes.

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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On 12/6/2021 at 12:32 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

1st: What's the class against you struggle the most? do you have some tricks to deal with them or just avoid them?

2nd: What's the class that you consider ""easy"" to deal against?
3rd: What's (or was) your favorite build?
4th and last: Still playing warrior or just quit/rerolled?

1.) I have issues with bunker weavers, some superspeed scraappers and condi ranger, not particularly because they are overpowered but because the kit I use for dealing with -everything else- has issues dealing with those specifically. I used to have issues with condi mesmers and very smart thieves, but since torment no longer punishes me for just not interacting with the mesmer when I feel I don't need to and there are rarely prudent thieves about, I haven't had particular trouble with those two.

2.) I can fight most classes, and don't think any of them are particularly easy matchups without seeing how the person using the class plays. I can fight a reaper that doesn't know how to kite and have a wonderful time, or fight a reaper that does and have the worst time. 

3) That's a secret.

4.) Still playing berserker. It's bad, no doubt; but I love the design of it and  it fits my type of playstyle very well, so I'm not going to re-roll just yet. I do play other things though.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 12/6/2021 at 6:32 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

1st: What's the class against you struggle the most? do you have some tricks to deal with them or just avoid them?

2nd: What's the class that you consider ""easy"" to deal against?
3rd: What's (or was) your favorite build?
4th and last: Still playing warrior or just quit/rerolled?


Speakin as a core defense war spvp


1) d/p thief. Tricks include heal right as they disengage, to force them to either reengage post haste or allow it. Smart use of jumps and assembling lots of Hits at one Moment to deal with blind. ( like returning blade Trail, dodge trait, zyklon axe, Whirl, Axe AAone or one-two to anything, wasting Throw axe  can also be good as its super quick) Alternatively things like swap into anything if blind is most recent condi.

Berserker Stance can still be worth as it helps in all of wars bad matchups even if it appears to be weak at first.


2)Power  Necro, Reaper, Scourge (not core condi)

You essentialy dont need to think too hard. The bigges issue is Weakness . Fear is a joke as you can weaposwap to get out. ( Cool that Berserkerstance essentially is a stunbreak vs Fear and ignores weakness and chill for quicker kills.


3) core defense war axe/shield GS ofc


4) Warrior only, when you dont play a lot using just one build is such a blessing.

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1) Anything in the hands of someone far better than me. If skill i not an issue, it's just what I got equipped and how it can counter the enemy. Say, I don't expect my power Zerker to do better vs a Mirage than my SpB. Builds I've hated over time are: condi builds in general, too much sustain for them to achieve peak dmg, builds that use multiple forms of PBAoE which essentially renders player targetning useless (mantras, some necro skills, shatters, primordial stance etc. Thieves are either easy kills for me at this point or will stomp me. 


2) Usually anything that run Berserker stats and I have the tools of tanking their burst.


3) Rn Gunflame only


4) I still play cause it's fun and the class I know how to play the best so meh

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nothing new, as a former warrior main and knowing alot of OG warrior who competed in high level and who just quit the game altogether.

you need to be ready to be irrelevant for years and years and only to be viable for like 3-4 months and get cried about and get nerfed to irrelevantent again in pvp for years and years.

trying to compete in high level while maining warrior is basically impossible since 2013, no team will want you nor care about warrior. only if u r thief/rev/engi/guardian/necro. even ranger and ele and mesmer see more play, tho they do also suffer from being irrelevant to a lesser extend

Edited by felix.2386
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1. I Personaly struggle the most against thiefs and Rangers (specialy valkyrie or condi ranger). Thiefs cause they got 3 options to unblockable cc ya for near no efford plus have many blinds stealths and dodges. Ranger cause that one build could eat litterly all my burst skills and still being half life while it is able to 2 shot me by a simple gs/pet comb.


2. Most of the time necro or engi since one of them is ezy to cc shane and the other one is simply glassy most of the time.


3. Axe shield/gs core warrior (without rampage of course)


4. Still playing warrior (was in top80 with it last season) but warrior is terrible imo the only way to win a Match is to hold 1vx and hope your Team dont get farmed anyway. If im too Frustradet that i dont kill anything (since warrior is nerfed to hell damage wise) i sweap to thief from time to time)

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