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With Anet dipping outside their philosophy on support for Specter, can Ventari get redesign?


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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I forgot, what is that ancient MMO where you need to toggle your buffss every second to avoid paying for them while maintaining their effects with full uptime in order to even be competitive?

Yeah. Tablet is that. Degenerate gameplay.

Coupled with redundant, clearly uninspired abilities.

Redesign, please.

Tablet has no buffs...you are confunding spambrand with Ventari.

something that can be spamed in rotations is the true degenerate gameplay :) meanwhile u cant spam with ventari... if one does that he is still learning to play with that legend.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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50 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

The spam is the "move this here", then three seconds later "move this here", then three seconds later "move this here". It's busywork.

Thats called Tablet relocation that also is small heal arround  or close to 1k, u send the tablet to places where FB's nor scrapers cant reach(cause they are all smooshing togther and they have short arms like a trex) and tablet wont take damage, heal targets for a 8k (worth a healing skill) for the alies u want to support, since tablet wont take damage u can  send it to the midle of the aoe if needed a<nd use the dome forcing enemy range to move position.

Btw my tablet spawns at the range my cursor is to make it less confusing i had to change some configs in the oiptions to how aoe and skills behave.

It is ment to use with tactical observation, and can be used quite fast on distance, and its close to 1k heal aoe every 3 sec that can also blinds every 3 sec if tuned for that.


Note: i think we need more players with videos using tablet :| maybe ill make a video(a basic one) to show some stuff with the tablet  ._.

Edit: maybe i can show how to reduce damage from siege on walls as well with revenant and slithly deley the enemy (class does this since release tho) ._. with a press of 1 buton wich also makes existing supply more eficient since wvw walls take less damage.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Thats called Tablet relocation , u send the tablet to places where FB's nor scarapers cant reach and tablet wont take damage for a 8k heals(worth a healing skill) for the alies u want to support.

Btw my tablet spawns at the range my cursor is to make it less confusing i had to change some configs in the oiptions to how aoe and skills behave.

It is ment to use with tactical observation, and can be used quite fast on distance.


Note: i think we need more players with videos using tablet 😐 maybe ill make a video(a basic one) to show some stuff with the tablet  ._.

i bound tablet movement to a mousekey and use it periodicly... its all about getting a feel for it.. i dont even think about it anymore its musclememory. I have some kitten recordings even some 1vx but that quality is just DOODOO... if you are interested check the other video on the YT channel. but this one is just me fighting 2 known duellers.

note: its not actually me talking in the footage is my little brother talking to me over Teamspeak3.  sorry for that

to the guy that said you have to spam tablet relocation all the time to be viable... this is where you are wrong... you use it to blind people.. when you move it you aoe blind around YOU. with this you can outplay any meele class with ease.  so just spamming it nonstop to keep it on you is actually not the way to go. Please keep an eye out how many skills that Spb misses cuz he is blinded. keep an eye out at the tablet ult saving me whenever i am CCed. Most people havent played Ventari enough to even see the potential.. but it is 100% there.The sustain and cleanse it offers is exactly what Renegade is missing and it makes this build very well rounded.

Like the guy above me said there is some pretty neat tricks you can do with ventari. for example when sieging  you can keep a bubble around you almost premanently that will prevent the enemys from using siegedisablers. the permaalac is also nice but that should be obvious.

as a conclusion: Ventari is more viable then one might think... you just need to be willing to put in the time and effort and learn it. If anyone is still arguing that it needs a buff... i will gladly take that and mop the floor with any enemy roamers :DD no seriously its good already but people love their meta and anything other is not "Viable".

Edited by Sahne.6950
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38 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i bound tablet movement to a mousekey and use it periodicly... its all about getting a feel for it.. i dont even think about it anymore its musclememory. I have some kitten recordings even some 1vx but that quality is just DOODOO... if you are interested check the other video on the YT channel. but this one is just me fighting 2 known duellers.

to the guy that said you have to spam tablet relocation all the time to be viable... this is where you are wrong... you use it to blind people.. when you move it you aoe blind around YOU. with this you can outplay any meele class with ease.  so just spamming it nonstop to keep it on you is actually not the way to go. Please keep an eye out how many skills that Spb misses cuz he is blinded. keep an eye out at the tablet ult saving me whenever i am CCed. Most people havent played Ventari enough to even see the potential.. but it is 100% there.The sustain and cleanse it offers is exactly what Renegade is missing and it makes this build very well rounded.


I am a longtime Ventari player and made a post showcasing this build shortly after the cele change was made. Yes it is actually pretty competent as a roamer despite the horrible reputation Ventari has, but the legend, traitline, and class a whole has a lot of unhealthy things about it too, and this build kinda embraces all of that plus the busted stats of cele to make it all work. 


Unfortunately, Ventari does not perform as well as an actual support, which is where the legend could use some more love in terms of its performance in WvW. It would be a shame if ANet chose not to try to make the legend perform better as its primary intended role for the sake of a build like this (which has plenty of counterplay, mind you. And when you get outnumbered by a couple competent players who know how to exploit its weaknesses, the shortcomings of the build become much more pronounced). Ventari does get too harsh of a reputation and has more value than people tend to say, but its lack of presence in WvW should make it pretty obvious that it is not where it should be in terms of effectiveness as a support. 


To be honest, I don't think it needs that much help, and I think that Ventari is only half of the problem. I also think that Vindicator will greatly improve its presence in the WvW scene, but IMO Ventari could still use some love in terms of reactive speed and reliability, which are ways that wouldn't really boost its ability to self-bunker with builds like Cele Rene. Make it easier to adapt to fast-paced and high-movement fights. I have always said that you can really see how bright Ventari can shine while attacking structures and while in chokepoints, but I would like to see some of its potency better adapted to other contexts.

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17 minutes ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:


I am a longtime Ventari player and made a post showcasing this build shortly after the cele change was made. Yes it is actually pretty competent as a roamer despite the horrible reputation Ventari has, but the legend, traitline, and class a whole has a lot of unhealthy things about it too, and this build kinda embraces all of that plus the busted stats of cele to make it all work. 


Unfortunately, Ventari does not perform as well as an actual support, which is where the legend could use some more love in terms of its performance in WvW. It would be a shame if ANet chose not to try to make the legend perform better as its primary intended role for the sake of a build like this (which has plenty of counterplay, mind you. And when you get outnumbered by a couple competent players who know how to exploit its weaknesses, the shortcomings of the build become much more pronounced). Ventari does get too harsh of a reputation and has more value than people tend to say, but its lack of presence in WvW should make it pretty obvious that it is not where it should be in terms of effectiveness as a support. 


To be honest, I don't think it needs that much help, and I think that Ventari is only half of the problem. I also think that Vindicator will greatly improve its presence in the WvW scene, but IMO Ventari could still use some love in terms of reactive speed and reliability, which are ways that wouldn't really boost its ability to self-bunker with builds like Cele Rene. Make it easier to adapt to fast-paced and high-movement fights. I have always said that you can really see how bright Ventari can shine while attacking structures and while in chokepoints, but I would like to see some of its potency better adapted to other contexts.

yeah the build has one big weakness... projectilehate.

i think you summed it up pretty nice.

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It can be generally agreed upon that if Tablet had someway to be tethered to the player, it would be much better off than it is now.


The AoE is really small compared all of the 600 radius support in this game, it wouldn't be game breaking in the slightest.


My suggestion has always been that when first generated, the tablet sticks to the player, if manual controls are taken with Ventari's Will, it will not follow the player until Project Tranquility is used again which would require Energy Expulsion or legend swapping back into Ventari.

Not having the player to constantly use the healing skill trades it's ability to use Runes/Traits that can be constantly used for the tether as well as not being as potent for healing compared moving the tablet manually.


The utility of Ventari is really really strong when properly wielded, but also with players that work with you. Although the last part can be easily alleviated with tethering.

Edited by Shao.7236
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On 1/24/2022 at 4:39 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

With the thread title referencing specter, I wonder if one QoL change could be to make moving the tablet work with ally targetting - namely, if you press 6 (or whatever you rebind it to) while you have an ally targetted, it'll automatically scoot over to that ally?

Targeting allies in this game is just unintuitive. I'd much rather have the Tablet just follow you around and summoned/recalled to your side with the same button.

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4 hours ago, Yasai.3549 said:

Targeting allies in this game is just unintuitive. I'd much rather have the Tablet just follow you around and summoned/recalled to your side with the same button.

The whole theory behind the tablet is that it allows you to send your source of healing over to wherever it's needed without needing to go there yourself. Some sort of 'tether to self' mechanism might be appropriate, but it shouldn't be the default.

One could potentially keep the current functionality if you don't have an ally targeted, but have it scoot over to the targeted ally if you have an ally targeted when you hit the heal skill hotkey. It might not be what we're used to in GW2, but it'd make it a lot easier to heal/protect a specific ally if you could select a low health ally on the party/squad interface and send the tablet right to them.

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9 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

The whole theory behind the tablet is that it allows you to send your source of healing over to wherever it's needed without needing to go there yourself. Some sort of 'tether to self' mechanism might be appropriate, but it shouldn't be the default.

One could potentially keep the current functionality if you don't have an ally targeted, but have it scoot over to the targeted ally if you have an ally targeted when you hit the heal skill hotkey. It might not be what we're used to in GW2, but it'd make it a lot easier to heal/protect a specific ally if you could select a low health ally on the party/squad interface and send the tablet right to them.

Why can't Ventari just blast heals then. You don't see other classes having this sort of issue because they aren't forced to use a proxy to heal.


Honestly the main reason Ventari Tablet sucks is cos the "on demand" isn't represented well with the dumb tablet pushing minigame. 


The quickest fix is for the Tablet to teleport instead of sliding.

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