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HELP!!!! I CANNOT SWAP PETS IN COMBAT!!??? -A failure in communication


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I think we can all agree ArenaNet did a 0/10 job making it clear that soulbeast has the limitation of not being to swap pets in combat. I have seen 4 or so threads just like this one 


It's almost as if the soulbeast was originally able to swap pets in combat but then they removed it (most likely due to lack of judgement while on various substances) without simotaineously making the UI reflect that this is a soulbeast limitation.


There could be a number of fixes in multiple places, for instance, having a big warning on the pet selection menu that states that soulbeast is restricted to 1 pet once combat initiates. Or having a red text appear on screen when pressing the pet swap button saying "no valid soulbeast pet swap"


Maybe they can add this in a few years. I think shooting for 2026 sounds reasonable for such a fix 😄


Edit additions: Most of the top comments mentioned looking at elevated bond but I feel it's a bit strange to expect returning players to look at the first minor trait that usually says "Get new class mechanic! Get new skill type!" One would hope a person would eventually find why pet swap isn't working,  but I understand the default minor is not where returning players first look as well.

Edited by Wild.1705
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4 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

...so it’s not a failure in communication by anet, but a failure on your part to read.

1. I'm a consistant player of GW2 and keep up with the patches, so I knew about pet swap removal before it even happen on live servers. (shudders at the thought of the February 2020 game patch)

2. Why would someone read the tool tips for somthing that they perceive as a bug?

3. While many players may not think of this as some sort of error or bug, others (especially returning players) will and have done so already!

On 1/29/2022 at 10:00 AM, grommie.6107 said:

I searched Pet Switch before starting this and found nothing resembling my question: Why are we not able to switch pets mid battle any longer? I don't understand...it's part of being a Ranger...and I feel it needs to be put back in place.


On 11/4/2021 at 8:06 PM, Loopgru.1026 said:

I was away from the game when this patch dropped and kept getting frustrated that my pet was bugging out when I tried to swap- I only discovered by accident that it was an intentional change. So first off, this needs to be way better communicated in game, at the very least grey out the pet swap icon in combat and give us some error text.


About the change more broadly... I'm not a fan, but it's not a super big difference compared to previous where you had to drop, swap, then re-merge. I wish, though, that if this is going to stay you'd remove the cooldown out of combat on merge.


On 2/6/2021 at 12:13 PM, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

Thought I'd come back to gw2 and play. I noticed that on my ranger I can no longer swap out pets while I'm in combat. This kinda means there is no reason to even have this option on my tool bar because you have to wait until you're out of combat anyway. Was there some sort of balancing issue with the class? Kinda feels bad.

4. Not everyone uses the forums so many players may be frustrated by this for quite some time, such as Loopgru.1026 as quoted above.

5. I'm tryna make the game justa bit betta, why you gots to go n give me a 🤨 face?

Edited by Wild.1705
Why does the slang word "d a" get censored?
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People should be reading and understanding the traits they are selecting, not just assuming something is a bug so this still comes down to a fault with the players, not Anet.


Elevated bond in soulbeast specialisation…
“Gain access to Stances. Survival in the desert has enhanced your connection to your pet, granting you the ability to meld with them by entering beastmode.
You cannot swap pets in combat. Traits that affect your pet may affect you differently while in beastmode”


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On 1/31/2022 at 3:46 PM, Wild.1705 said:

It's almost as if the soulbeast was originally able to swap pets in combat but then they removed it (most likely due to lack of judgement while on various substances) without simotaineously making the UI reflect that this is a soulbeast limitation.



On 1/31/2022 at 10:02 PM, Wild.1705 said:

1. I'm a consistant player of GW2 and keep up with the patches, so I knew about pet swap removal before it even happen on live servers.


Something doesn't work here.  If you have been a consistent player who has kept up with patch notes, then it should be no surprise that "it's almost as if the soulbeast was originally able to swap pets in combat but then they removed it" because that is exactly what happened and was detailed in the patch notes.

I fail to understand the point of this thread.

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I for one sure would like to be able to swap pets again on my Soulbeast. They removed that because they thought all elite specs should have some drawback. I don't agree with that, but whatever. In this case, they took away fun and versatility from the class, and I can't see that as a good thing. It's not the first time, and they will do it again. We'll have to see what they will take away from the Untamed after a few months (not that it had many good things to begin with, but, yeah...)

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On 2/4/2022 at 3:10 PM, OGDeadHead.8326 said:

I for one sure would like to be able to swap pets again on my Soulbeast. They removed that because they thought all elite specs should have some drawback. I don't agree with that, but whatever. In this case, they took away fun and versatility from the class, and I can't see that as a good thing. It's not the first time, and they will do it again. We'll have to see what they will take away from the Untamed after a few months (not that it had many good things to begin with, but, yeah...)

Strangely enough there are other classes with  have no "trade-offs" . It did nothing to placate the whining in the PvP forums. 
So I would say this is another one of those small tokens from Anet devs where they have proven to be completely disconnected on how the class works. 

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It is mentioned in the minor trait for soulbeasts. The information is there, if someone looks a tiny bit into it, they can easily find out that this is not a bug.

Honestly, what exactly do you expect as communication for this? An animation of a lock being closed on your bar and a textbox saying "You are a soulbeast and enter combat right now, you will no longer be able to swap pets"?

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10 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Honestly, what exactly do you expect as communication for this? An animation of a lock being closed on your bar and a textbox saying "You are a soulbeast and enter combat right now, you will no longer be able to swap pets"?

Knowing ANet, that warning would probably flash every time you'd enter combat as a Soulbeast.

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2. Why would someone read the tool tips for somthing that they perceive as a bug?


Technically the entire reason for tooltips on everything in game is so that you can tell how it interacts with your profession. Everyone is so spoiled (myself heavily included) by MetaBattle & YouTube (Vallen & Lord Hizen) with point-and-click builds that they don't understand how the entire build hangs together.

You need to read the tool tips for literally every single skill (weapons + utility) and skill you are using to have a basic understanding of what you're doing. Past that is understanding how different conditions (cripple, weakness, etc) provide bonuses based on traits or certain skill rotations and usage.

Cycling back to the OP--the note that "you cannot swap pets in combat as Soulbeast" is very easily noticeable on the very first trait you unlock to access soulbeast and not a lack of communication on ANet's part. I don't know what more you would expect them to do to broadcast you can't swap pets in combat.

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In all honesty, how should have Anet communicate changes if tool tips are not good enough? Patch notes in the game launcher maybe? Well they give you a link to them on the wiki, but if someone is the type to not read tool tips, then they are not going to a external site to read up on any changes. Especially if it been a few update since they last played. Remove the pet swap button? Sure, but i willing to bet someone will complain about the pet swap button being missing.

Sometimes you can't account for every level of ignorance.


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