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Condi should not equal power burst damage


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1 hour ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Sure, sounds like you need it.

In your +1700 posts, have you ever complained about the skillless spam fiesta this game has degenerated into? If so, why are you getting your panties in a bunch over adding mechanics to the game to break up such degenerative gameplay?

Your sugestions don't "break up skilless spam fiesta". It would just add completely unneccessary defense for free to a game which already struggles with defensive powercreep and slow and stale fights. Free immunities would make many builds basically unkillable, which is absolutely terrible. Players are supposed to die in PvP.

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6 hours ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Yes it does, especially on cleanse and stun breaks. Stun locking should never have been a thing to begin with and Immunity on cleanse should only prevent the reapplication of conditions, not immunity to condition damage that wasn’t removed by cleanse. And let’s face, the game is really bad atm so it can’t really hurt too much making changes like this. Lol

They solved that problem already by removing like 75% of the damage value off any skills that crowd controls in PvP. For the condis, sounds like you use your cleanses at the wrong times without understanding how these builds work.

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10 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Right, this is all basic ranger stuff--but the thing here is Maul and WI, and even Rapid Fire are easy to dodge.  So you noobstomp some people; you mention yourself the build isn't strong, and I agree because if the other player uses any defenses you lose.  

This is not the case for condition damage which can tick 4k+/s with easy re-application, and if they dodge any part of it (which is usually much harder) you don't have glass stats so you can just run around until they lose via attrition.  

That's the entire point though, is it is too easy to build tanky with conditions.  I'm all for restoring the glory of confusion and torment if they get rid of the crazy defensive sets that condition builds have access to.  That way, at least they are normalized with power in needing to run glass, instead of having 3k+ toughness, and in some cases lots of healing power or boons too.  

This is not the WvW forum. sPvP builds do not have marginally better access to raw stat based defense than power, but basically only in the form of carrion amulet. I'm all for adding more stat variety to sPvP though and then balancing around that. 

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7 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Your sugestions don't "break up skilless spam fiesta". It would just add completely unneccessary defense for free to a game which already struggles with defensive powercreep and slow and stale fights. Free immunities would make many builds basically unkillable, which is absolutely terrible. Players are supposed to die in PvP.

Having to actually time your attacks is a good thing. Right now, it’s just dump as much damage as we can without thinking and see who comes out on top…


7 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

They solved that problem already by removing like 75% of the damage value off any skills that crowd controls in PvP. For the condis, sounds like you use your cleanses at the wrong times without understanding how these builds work.

Removing CC damage doesnt stop stun locking.

I run condi builds in both pvp and wvw, so yeah Im fairly familiar with how they work. 🙄

Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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1 hour ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Having to actually time your attacks is a good thing. Right now, it’s just dump as much damage as we can without thinking and see who comes out on top…

You already have to time your attacks properly. When playing against somewhat decent players at least ...

Free immunities just promote mindless spam of defensive abilities and facetanking. The exact opposite of skillful gameplay. Stun lock, condis, dmg - non of those things are an issue on a general level and those skills/traits/builds that might be problematic need to be adressed on an individual basis. Your "solutions" would cause way more problems than they would solve.

More defense is the last thing the game needs right now.

Maybe stop mindlessly mashing your buttons and cc and condis might become a lot less scary ...

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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5 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

You already have to time your attacks properly. When playing against somewhat decent players at least ...

Free immunities just promote mindless spam of defensive abilities and facetanking. The exact opposite of skillful gameplay. Stun lock, condis, dmg - non of those things are an issue on a general level and those skills/traits/builds that might be problematic need to be adressed on an individual basis. Your "solutions" would cause way more problems than they would solve.

More defense is the last thing the game needs right now.

Maybe stop mindlessly mashing your buttons and cc and condis might become a lot less scary ...

Offensive/defensive all we have is the mindless spamming of abilities, skillfull gameplay has taken a backseat to that. So what’s your solution? Nothing right? Let this game play out like it has been doing for a last few years? 

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On 2/11/2022 at 4:28 PM, anjo.6143 said:

I wont teach or colaborate for condi garbo spread, but for instance, I just plugged a c.thief build and played, 22.489 dmg in 5 seconds on a warrior dummy (he evaded and blocked some hits). And I can keep doing the dmg, over and over, cause it is easy and cheap, you wont have cleanse enough to deal with it.

In this meta, you can do that amount of damage, while having more hp (amu) and few sources of avoid it

I am pretty sure you already got destroyed by argument... but... did you really jump ingame and test the possible condidamage on something that doesnt cleanse.... and seriously thought you produced a valuable argument for a discussion?

There is room for discussion... but your approach is just straight up not right... Those dummys DONT CLEANSE! so using them for a Power vs. Condi debate.... is just borderline stupid.

Why dont you get a few friends and make them tank certain builds power/condi , or something like that... just to get a general feeling for how much pressure these builds can put out.... But even that wouldnt be valuable information as the whole topic is far to complex to just say: Condithief does "this" damag and power does "this"damage...

You on the other hand  are coming around the corner with: i did 22.489 dmg in 5 seconds on some Random AI that doesnt even use cleanse... What is that supposed to show?

i can get my fullpower-oneshot-SLB and hit straightup 19k maul into 24k Worldlyimpact on these dummys in under 1,5 secods.... I can hit MORE then 22.489 damage in 0,0 seconds.. just pressing Worldlyimpact... But that is still no valuable argument for the power/condipower debate.

I think the best indicator to look at is the total ammount of Condi/power builds and how often we see these ingame!

just  2 out of the 10 top builds are condi at the moment! You very rarely see anyone playing condibuilds when you are going higher then plat 1 games. With a bit of luck you encounter some Fireweavers,condinecros and mayybe your occasional Miragemain... BUT THATS IT.  Condis in spvp are fine... I think anyone that complains about condis in spvp has never seen some full trailblazer-condibunker in WvW 😄


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Edit: The guy i was referring to deleted the posts that i am answering here... i didnt even know that was possible 😄 or it was a moderator that did it.. but there was a post between my two posts here.


been playing since the very beginning 😄 my oldest character is close to 10 year aniversary ❤️

I love how i am telling that 5 seconds is not a burst and that there is builds that have just a fraction of the TTK that you are complaining about... and you are like :  I doNt ThInk yOU uNdeRSTAnD thIS GaME😡

lets take a look at what your are producing here....  Still my favorite post in this whole forum! Brainfarts like this will forever show how much understanding of this game you truly have ❤️

On 2/10/2022 at 2:48 PM, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

I find condi very unfair to use in a competitive. You can dodge power hits all day long but you cant dodge a condi tick.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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