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Anyone else feels underwhelmed with the preorder?

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Serious talk. I enjoy the new xpack and the content so far. Story is solid. Didn't try new classes/strikes. But as for maps and story, 9/10. 


But, the weapon skim from the preorder pack turned out to be a 30silver yellow weapon when the xpack dropped. Made me feel a bit scammed. I thought the weapon looks nice and unique but after finding out it was a common drop it left a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe they should replace it? Or was it a mistake? Also really got left down by the nerfs. I loved playing rifle deadeye due to the sustain on the damage. Now I die a lot and when there are many mobs, I get downed fast cuz I have no aoe on rifle. Oh and the double clovers price is also a bit weird... Kinda feel bad for preordering. Was my first try preordering something and really trusted aNet but I thought I would play the same game with new content. Not get nerfs all over the place so the new classes can look shiny...


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ya i dunno, i love the new zones and like you said writing and story are amazing

but it feels like no one cares, the maps are dead, theres no one even streaming on twitch and no one really watching

my reaper got nerfed and i cant figure out why they werent even meta , my rev the same

not sure if ill ever get into strikes with everyone knowing im kitten


sucks, coz i can see the direction anet is going and i see promise but i just dont care

my classes arent fun anymore, lost 45 gold to torment rune nerf


first time in 20 years of mmo playing my class got LESS powerfull at the start of an expansion, feels lame


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Sorry for your disappointment, but it's intended. It's really bad from Anet to promote this kind of preorder bonus, but it was exactly the same for PoF unfortunately. Just a common 30s skin. Lame. At least, we had Lily of the Elon premium zone with PoF Ultimate Ed. 


1st expansion I don't preorder because of very bad value items in it. Haven't bought it yet too.

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3 minutes ago, Pomdepin.7068 said:

Sorry for your disappointment, but it's intended. It's really bad from Anet to promote this kind of preorder bonus, but it was exactly the same for PoF unfortunately. Just a common 30s skin. Lame. At least, we had Lily of the Elon premium zone with PoF Ultimate Ed. 


1st expansion I don't preorder because of very bad value items in it. Haven't bought it yet too.

Sadly I didn't know about pof bonus. I started playing after

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I'm ok with it, but then the weapon skin wasn't really a factor in my decision.

I knew I wanted the expansion and that I'd want to play it from day 1, so I wasn't going to wait for a sale. It was the same price to pre-purchase as to buy it on release and doing it a few days early (I only got it last week) meant I got some free items, so it was the better deal but since they're free I wasn't too bothered about whether it's things I really wanted. If I'd been considering waiting for a sale that would be a different matter, then I'd only have pre-ordered if I thought the bonus items were worth the extra money.

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26 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'm ok with it, but then the weapon skin wasn't really a factor in my decision.

I knew I wanted the expansion and that I'd want to play it from day 1, so I wasn't going to wait for a sale. It was the same price to pre-purchase as to buy it on release and doing it a few days early (I only got it last week) meant I got some free items, so it was the better deal but since they're free I wasn't too bothered about whether it's things I really wanted. If I'd been considering waiting for a sale that would be a different matter, then I'd only have pre-ordered if I thought the bonus items were worth the extra money.

Not sure I agree with that. The bonus items aren't free. That's why u pay more for the deluxe version than basic version. So...how are the items free?

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Not me.  I didn't pre-purchase because I never used most of the pre-purchase stuff from the last expansions I bought.  So I learned my lesson.  When EoD was announced and what it included for pre-purchase I took a pass on this one.  Not really worth giving NCSoft (the company that owns ArenaNet) my money early.  I've been disappointed in NCSoft and ArenaNet since IBS.  So no  early money from me and I still have have not purchased EoD.   Also now seeing all the drastic profession nerfs they kept secret until launch day I'm glad I didn't.  I may never even purchase EoD given the way things have gone over the last several years.  

I had many fun years playing GW2 that I don't regret but I have not been impressed with the direction the game has gone since IBS.   Maybe that has to do with leadership, or lack thereof,  and employee changes that have occurred apparently several times over the last few years.   When leaders and directors have been changed so many times over a few years it does not allow for continuity or a clear direction in my opinion. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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I have no regrets pre-ordering. If you finished the story or even remotely did any of it (as in Act II onwards) it raised the creative bar. Even if you don't do story despite having four maps there is a large amount of verticality. Elite specs need work but nobody would expect anything otherwise , therefore the only people that should probably wait are PvP players to be honest.

The only thing that I didn't like is fishing and to a lesser extent the fact that some bosses have phase shift (as opposed to wedges and cones) which penalizes warrior , and weavers with swords the most while making full ranged builds such as harbinger, scourge, shortbow ranger, shortbow renegade, staff mirage , or scepter elementalists far favored. Skiffs have potential (both as an income source for arenanet as well as further developments on the player side such as races or other group activities such as multiple people on a boat), jade bots even though it is a bit of vitality powercreep that probably shouldn't be allowed in instanced content (the actual drone / photo mode ,zip line , elevator, mobile waypoint, res  in openworld and other features are fine), siege turtles are all worthwhile masteries.

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4 hours ago, George.9745 said:

Not sure I agree with that. The bonus items aren't free. That's why u pay more for the deluxe version than basic version. So...how are the items free?

The pre-purchase bonuses are different to the deluxe edition items. The weapon skin, cape and title were available with every version of EoD including the standard pack, and now aren't available on any of them (because it's no longer pre-purchase) but the price is the same - so they were free.

The deluxe edition items are the character slot, skiff skin, raptor skin and identity repair kit, which are still available if you buy the more expensive packs.

(And in case you're curious I was willing to pay for those, because I was going to pay £25.99 for the expansion anway, and I buy gems periodically anyway so the £42.50 for the 4,000 gems in the ultimate edition is also something I'd pay anyway, sooner or later. If you subtract those two from the £69.99 for the ultimate edition it means I paid £1.50 for the extra items. That's less than I'd pay for a character slot or a mount skin on it's own and I wanted both, so for me it's a good deal.)

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1 minute ago, fixit.7189 said:

loving the story so far but going through it feels like i am being trained to raid...in a game i use to escape them. god, with this massive push to force people to raid, they really seemed to have been lazy when it comes to OW design, most the maps have massive dead zones so clearly, most the efforts must have went to strikes? idk.

which effort? strike are a room with a boss inside.

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