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Thank you to the team behind the Bladesworn elite spec ^~^


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Just wanted to thank the team behind the Bladesworn elite spec.


I've read so much negativity about it that I just wanted to show some love. 🙂


Its a really fun and engaging playstyle, and personally I'm having lots of fun with it.

It has a really high skill ceiling too, its gameplay, specially for wvw and pvp are very dynamic. Not to mention the really cool aesthetic.


*Shameless plug, Please add some damage to the rest of Warrior's kit for wvw and pvp. when they removed damage from cc skills and nerfed damage in mobility skills it took so much damage out of Warrior's kit, would be nice to get some of it back. kukuku.. >~<


Cheers!! ("(>____<)")

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I mean sure, we were never one to say that BsW isn't fun for people, or that it's not unique for many.


But between flavor and mechanical issues the gap is titanic. 


On top of that, the only apparent "viable" build , is a real spamfest of ammo skills and shouts to get quick bonuses (barrier, dmg or cd reduction), abusing the ammo charges of shouts while other ammo based utils in the warrior kit suck kitten and basically pidgeonholding this spec into the classic MMR/VS route. Legit, spam gunsaber skills in melee, use shouts and when half your stuff is on big CD tactical reload, rinse and repeat.


I still don't get why this is regarded as ok gameplay. Did people rly want to become Minion Master-esque to hold this build in such high regard?


Not to mention the only rreason it's palayable to begin with is Unyielding Dragon, which has sparked controversy in pvp as the stun that does dmg and people already whining about it, def seeing it's stun duration cut in half and might generation too, just like how Full Counter and Magebane got annihilated once upon a time.


History repeats itself and this studio is incapable of proper balancing, since they don't care. 



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4 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I mean sure, we were never one to say that BsW isn't fun for people, or that it's not unique for many.


But between flavor and mechanical issues the gap is titanic. 


On top of that, the only apparent "viable" build , is a real spamfest of ammo skills and shouts to get quick bonuses (barrier, dmg or cd reduction), abusing the ammo charges of shouts while other ammo based utils in the warrior kit suck kitten and basically pidgeonholding this spec into the classic MMR/VS route. Legit, spam gunsaber skills in melee, use shouts and when half your stuff is on big CD tactical reload, rinse and repeat.


I still don't get why this is regarded as ok gameplay. Did people rly want to become Minion Master-esque to hold this build in such high regard?


Not to mention the only rreason it's palayable to begin with is Unyielding Dragon, which has sparked controversy in pvp as the stun that does dmg and people already whining about it, def seeing it's stun duration cut in half and might generation too, just like how Full Counter and Magebane got annihilated once upon a time.


History repeats itself and this studio is incapable of proper balancing, since they don't care. 



sPvP balance would be better if the devs would stop listening to the QQ.

As for the stun+damage, CMC is on record saying that it is fine if you have to take a trait for it, and considering the double charge time for that stun and the fact that it can be jumped over, I highly doubt the stun length will get touched.

I fully expect CMC to halve the might generation though, can't be having warrior with actual sustain in competitive play after all...

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I'm enjoying the e-spec too! 🙂

I'm just a casual player, so I can't say much about the spec in terms of a competitive environment, but the spec feels and looks awesome. If anyone ever played Shadowrun, I always feel like I'm playing as a street samurai when using this spec.

Edited by Lutete.5379
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"Why are you running bladesworn in WVW over spellbreaker? Do tell."


Why not?


"Also how is being stationary to charge Dragon Trigger , the main point of the spec "dynamic"? It's as "static" as it gets."


Charging Dragon Trigger only locks you in place only as long as you want to charge, nobody is forcing you to sit there charging, you can use dt2, dt5, weapon swap, or wasd to move, moving with wasd also cancels Hundred Blades and Flurry, actually there is a combo back in the day where you use Flurry to immob the enemy and swap into gs to Hundred Blades, but its an oldschool warrior thing, and I prefer canceling my Hundred Blades with Whirlwind back when it did damage.


Also Bladesworn brought *p4, gs5, dt2 and dt5. Oh.. and Dragonspike Mine.. ^~^


Hey man, if they redesign Dragon Trigger, Hundred Blades and Flurry so they don't root you in place I'm all for it, but I'm not so ambitious, I'll be happy if they up warrior's damage.. ^~^  Balance team please up Warrior damage by a lot *cough. cough >  .  >"

Edited by eXruina.4956
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Unless Dragon Trigger skills changed severely from the last beta, the damage on them is so poor (such as 1.3 coefficient max charge in melee) it isn't even worth it. Spellbreaker does as much damage with Arcing Slice and doesn't have a build up , you could probably cyclone axe twice in that timeframe and do more damage realistically in melee.

By not running spellbreaker you lose winds of disenchantment which is a higher impact skill than anything on Bladesworn. You also lose boon rip and immob on CC.

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I think you misunderstood what I was saying in my original post, I'm just saying I enjoy playing Bladesworn and that I appreciate the efforts of team that worked on it.




"Unless Dragon Trigger skills changed severely from the last beta, the damage on them is so poor (such as 1.3 coefficient max charge in melee) it isn't even worth it. Spellbreaker does as much damage with Arcing Slice and doesn't have a build up , you could probably cyclone axe twice in that timeframe and do more damage realistically in melee."


I'm not comparing it to Spellbreaker. I'm not comparing it to anything at all, I just said I liked the design and the aesthetic and that I'm having fun playing it. o~O


I do agree with the fact that the damage should be increased.


I wish they would buff all of warrior's traits, skills and weapons back to competitive viability. Maybe do it with other classes too.. but warriors first kukuku.. ^~^


"By not running spellbreaker you lose winds of disenchantment which is a higher impact skill than anything on Bladesworn. You also lose boon rip and immob on CC."

I don't normally run Winds of Disenchantment and I don't normally run with a zerg which is probably why.. or maybe you meant Break Enchantments which I agree is godly, it works for dueling,  roaming, small scale and zerging. o~O 


Yes I lose all of those when I play a Bladesworn obviously, those are Spellbreaker skills. ^~^

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WVW balance is primarily based around groups. Even in roaming, the Dragon Trigger has such a large tell it isn't an attractive proposition.

Since bladesworn can't rip boons and the damage on dragon trigger (can people still jump over it in roaming situations?) is low it is both low damage and with huge tells. If you can't rip protection you're already 30% behind spellbreaker and without magebane tether or immob on CC you can't quite stick a target. The Dragon trigger skills have max 900 range and if you use it for mobility they don't do much if any damage whatsoever.

Since you don't have weaponswap it may be legitimately worse than core warrior with tactics since you can run Leg Specialist for immob.

If you're not comparing the spec to "anything at all" or even within warrior specs themselves, then you aren't giving a fair assessment. It's a biased assessment based off theme rather than usability.

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I think you're misunderstanding the post, its an appreciation of what I think are the good things about the Bladesworn, and after reading all the negative comments and criticism, some of which are unwarranted, I just want to make an appreciation post, to show the team behind Bladesworn some love about the things that they got right, its no more, and no less


- I feel that its well designed in that I find all the traits have their uses, I actually didn't feel that there are any dead traits, only that there are more optimal ones depending on what you intend to run it with. I wish they gave such thoughtful design considerations in the design of the rest of the trait lines honestly.


- I find the gameplay engaging, this is the first elite specialization they released where the gameplay feels vastly different from core warrior.


- I LOVE the aesthetic, it is cool and flashy.


"If you're not comparing the spec to "anything at all" or even within warrior specs themselves, then you aren't giving a fair assessment. It's a biased assessment based off theme rather than usability."


I don't understand your logic behind these comparisons in reply to my specific original post because they are clearly off topic,


You keep stressing your admiration for Spellbreaker, well its right there, play it, turning Bladesworn into another Spellbreaker won't add anything new, except maybe an overpowered Spellbreaker x Bladesworn hybrid.. I'm all for that hehehehe.. more power to warriors. but you're clearly barking at the wrong tree 


Why don't you just make a post comparing Spellbreaker to Bladesworn and discuss it there, it will be more constructive. ^~^


There is no such thing as real balance, in this game or any other and I played a lot of games, only that some designs are more in line in power levels, I agree to a certain degree in that I wish they hammered the gap between classes and builds, in terms of power level.



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35 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

@lan deathrider.5910


"I fully expect CMC to halve the might generation though, can't be having warrior with actual sustain in competitive play after all..."


Please, just no, no more T~T


Buffs only please >~< 

Meh, it was fine before as core warrior at least, whu would they change it now.

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4 hours ago, Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

Meh, it was fine before as core warrior at least, whu would they change it now.

Because that might generation on Unyielding Dragon is most likely one of the few things propping BSW up enough to function. Can't have a functioning warrior spec, no sir, that would ruin CMC's perfect balance for warrior after all.

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You can say you enjoy the spec "flavor", but most people aren't lauding its performance regardless of mode. The average non benchmarking players I see running it in raids also fail miserably (because you need nearly full charge Dragon Trigger to perform well) and do worse than a berserker in the same squad.

The players running it in competitive modes that aren't top tier players get the Dragon Trigger face-tanked or just jumped over like they're a certain Strike Mission boss (no spoilers).

I've discussed all the things that can be done to make it more playable in detail in prior feedback. That's why I take issue when someone without any numbers just declares it is fine.

For example, for an attack that has so much counterplay and so many tells Dragon trigger in melee range needs to hit as hard as Decapitate (2.0 coefficient) /Arc Divider (2.1 coefficient , 0.7* 3 strikes in 240 up to 480 range) for starters / Arcing Slice (1.2 to 1.82 coefficient plus fury generation).

You can claim it has mobility but the only mobility you get is the Dragon Trigger dash (900 range) as well as the gunsaber movement skills which max out at 450 range and come with 20s cooldowns (and even worse in PVE with 40s cooldown). If you use the Dragon trigger dash (which maxes out at 0.90 coefficient even with full charge) you can't damage with Dragon Trigger whereas someone with axe on berserker can just wail on you with Decapitate and berserker isn't even a strong PVP/WVW spec when not supported by a dedicated support.

This extends beyond mobility however, as gunsaber skills have nearly double cooldown in PVE versus PVP/WVW. Blooming Fire has 25s cooldown in PVE for some reason as opposed to 10s in PVP/WVW. Artillery Slash is 35s cooldown instead of 10s. Cyclone Trigger is 40s cooldown instead of 20s. Why these cooldowns aren't merged is anyone's guess. The damage numbers aren't even cut that much for PVP/WVW since they aren't that high.

TL;DR sounds  looks like a thread made by someone who only looks at "cool and flashy animations" and not the viability.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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17 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You can say you enjoy the spec "flavor", but most people aren't lauding its performance regardless of mode. The average non benchmarking players I see running it in raids also fail miserably (because you need nearly full charge Dragon Trigger to perform well) and do worse than a berserker in the same squad.

The players running it in competitive modes that aren't top tier players get the Dragon Trigger face-tanked or just jumped over like they're a certain Strike Mission boss (no spoilers).

I've discussed all the things that can be done to make it more playable in detail in prior feedback. That's why I take issue when someone without any numbers just declares it is fine.

For example, for an attack that has so much counterplay and so many tells Dragon trigger in melee range needs to hit as hard as Decapitate (2.0 coefficient) /Arc Divider (2.1 coefficient , 0.7* 3 strikes in 240 up to 480 range) for starters / Arcing Slice (1.2 to 1.82 coefficient plus fury generation).

You can claim it has mobility but the only mobility you get is the Dragon Trigger dash (900 range) as well as the gunsaber movement skills which max out at 450 range and come with 20s cooldowns (and even worse in PVE with 40s cooldown). If you use the Dragon trigger dash (which maxes out at 0.90 coefficient even with full charge) you can't damage with Dragon Trigger whereas someone with axe on berserker can just wail on you with Decapitate and berserker isn't even a strong PVP/WVW spec when not supported by a dedicated support.

This extends beyond mobility however, as gunsaber skills have nearly double cooldown in PVE versus PVP/WVW. Blooming Fire has 25s cooldown in PVE for some reason as opposed to 10s in PVP/WVW. Artillery Slash is 35s cooldown instead of 10s. Cyclone Trigger is 40s cooldown instead of 20s. Why these cooldowns aren't merged is anyone's guess. The damage numbers aren't even cut that much for PVP/WVW since they aren't that high.

TL;DR sounds  looks like a thread made by someone who only looks at "cool and flashy animations" and not the viability.

As I've said before, merge the CDs from competitive into PvE, raise all the damage by 25%, increase the movement range on flicker/breakstep. 

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I tried all the new specs, I am having the most fun with bladesworn as well, with dragon you play lot of mind game in sPvP.


Of course it's not overpowered like vindicator or harbinger or the old meta builds, but it's decent and very fun and engaging playstyle like you said.


I wish dragon rush wasn't so lackluster, sometimes I hit some crazy 10k, and other time on people I completely outskilled and need to finish then I land a stupid 1.3k, I know there is protection and lot of things, but still... for such a telegraphed skill.


And considering how vindi damage and sustain is broken tho.


I planned to main it.

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Thanks for sharing your totally misplaced positivity towards the espec. 

While we're within some positive vibes, let me just promote here the Vindicator. This is a call for everyone to quit warrior and quit trying to reason with anet to make warrior right. Vindicator is like warrior but designed better. use it and don't get stressed. They will just use your input to design another class' future espec anyway.


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8 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


Thanks for sharing your totally misplaced positivity towards the espec. 

While we're within some positive vibes, let me just promote here the Vindicator. This is a call for everyone to quit warrior and quit trying to reason with anet to make warrior right. Vindicator is like warrior but designed better. use it and don't get stressed. They will just use your input to design another class' future espec anyway.


I'd be more likely to go pewpew on Harbae.

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29 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Not leaving warrior, but I do moonlight on other classes, with Necro being the next most played. Haven't unlocked Harbae yet, but will this weekend most likely.

Harbingers pretty fun. It's nice to have a shroud you use for more then just spamming 1 😂😂

I still find myself getting bored of necro after a mount of time playing it tho sadly haha 

I will say on Bladesworn however:

Its fun. i enjoy playing it. but again.... Cataylst doing 44k DPS with boon access while Bladesworns doing 37k DPS on a Pure DPS option. like why.

Edited by Daddy.8125
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51 minutes ago, artharon.9276 said:


Thanks for sharing your totally misplaced positivity towards the espec. 

While we're within some positive vibes, let me just promote here the Vindicator. This is a call for everyone to quit warrior and quit trying to reason with anet to make warrior right. Vindicator is like warrior but designed better. use it and don't get stressed. They will just use your input to design another class' future espec anyway.


Ye. i still hate vindicator.. its boring it demands having 0 dodge access to maximise DPS. and at best its a 37k DPS Power Specc.. with a new ultimate that makes no sense realistically.

While i aint going to say "OH BLADESWORN BEST WE META WE WON". i really really wouldnt say vindi has it better, they have a Cheesey over the top ability with carries it in pvP with 1 shot potiental.

If i was gonna change char, i'd swap to Elementalist, Necromancer or Guardian.

Elementalist: Healing Catalyst is very strong in PvE Support. it has a 44k DPS option. Weavers still a bit of a Mess. but offer Amazing solo builds for the proffession. and Tempest is Eeeeh. but u know 1 of 3 isnt the worst.

Necromancer: HArbinger is a good Quickness Source, Plaguedoctor scourge is Still strong and it still pretty good as a Condi DPS. Reaper got Nerfed likely unintentionally.. but i think summer patch will actually fix this.

Guardian Willbender 39k Condi Option. Healing firebrand is still a good option (Altrhough it seems people are saying cata does it better) Still has Quickness DPS builds and offers high Power DPS Options too (ones that do more then vindicator). Support guardian is still PvP Meta. DH still stomps In average PvP games.



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2 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

Ye. i still hate vindicator.. its boring it demands having 0 dodge access to maximise DPS. and at best its a 37k DPS Power Specc.. with a new ultimate that makes no sense realistically.

While i aint going to say "OH BLADESWORN BEST WE META WE WON". i really really wouldnt say vindi has it better, they have a Cheesey over the top ability with carries it in pvP with 1 shot potiental.

If i was gonna change char, i'd swap to Elementalist, Necromancer or Guardian.

Elementalist: Healing Catalyst is very strong in PvE Support. it has a 44k DPS option. Weavers still a bit of a Mess. but offer Amazing solo builds for the proffession. and Tempest is Eeeeh. but u know 1 of 3 isnt the worst.

Necromancer: HArbinger is a good Quickness Source, Plaguedoctor scourge is Still strong and it still pretty good as a Condi DPS. Reaper got Nerfed likely unintentionally.. but i think summer patch will actually fix this.

Guardian Willbender 39k Condi Option. Healing firebrand is still a good option (Altrhough it seems people are saying cata does it better) Still has Quickness DPS builds and offers high Power DPS Options too (ones that do more then vindicator). Support guardian is still PvP Meta. DH still stomps In average PvP games.





Yeah right. Pick a topic, a game mechanic, art, damage, sustain, something anything, worst of rev schools best of the warrior. Warrior is very good at racial skills though when compared.



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