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Where is the transparent communication from ArenaNet?

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some people seem to not understand what i'm saying, and that's ok. i'm not asking for more content. I'm not asking for instant balance patch. i'm asking for communication that arenanet has a plan that they will actually stick to, and what that plan is, without being vague, or saying one thing yet doing the opposite. i'm not obligated to it. i'm not demanding it. there are many developers who are very in touch with their community, and they benefit highly from it. i'm simply asking where that communication is, because i havent found it, outside of a couple of bug fixes, which i'm very glad they did. i just feel like gw2 is kinda unstable as a whole right now, which is expected after a new expansion launches, but i'm worried, cuz i'm a worry wart, and would appreciate some reassurance from daddy anet before i go of spending more monies on a game with (in my perspective) questionable direction. 😄

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

A strawman doesn't have to be factually false. It means you're responding to something no one said to score a point. No one said they should respond to every single thread. People said they wanted more open communication.

Again I have been in this community since release. As I am sure most of us have. This community has been nothing but impatient with wanting every issue commented on. You can say you want more open communication. My gaming section on my google feed is riddled with tons of posts exactly like this. If they were patient there wouldn't be the same posts popping up everyday when we got info from Rubi on Friday addressing the biggest issue which now needs data collection. I would call launching on a tuesday and replying on a Friday with changes planned pretty transparent. 

Dev Tracker Link: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discover/6/

Edited by omgdracula.6345
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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Don't worry - it's just a world famous classic. 😉



Do you know every song someone calls a “world famous classic”? Especially when I am not from an English speaking country and way to young to growing up listening to it on the radio. 

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8 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

but like i said they keep it vague. that balance patch could be anything. "bring the player, not the proffession" they said. but it's had the opposite effect for endgame content so far. just feels bad to me. my feelings are like, valid, man

Yeah, that "bring the player" nonsense they touted has been shown to be complete bunk with their DE meta event.  If there was ever a big sign of it failing right out the gate, its that mess.  For that alone they need to be engaging with the player base more.

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4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

If you don't see it, you aren't paying attention. There is LOTS. 


2 hours ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

This community has become insufferable over the lifespan of this game. Especially when people who don't understand a development cycle post stuff like this. I can assure you they are taking notes on common issues. Then they are meeting to plan on what to tackle first. Replying to each and every thread like this would be a waste of their time.

You'll get communication when they have a clear plan like they always do.


2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Rude? No.  Pointless?  Probably.  Forums exist to foster discussion, yet your post doesn't really do that. 

As for communication from Anet, they are not obliged to give us any.  Be thankful for what we do get.  Do you follow the dev tracker?


2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

What do you mean 'noticeable'? As in ... YOU don't know where it is? because it's there if take the time to look ... 

See here is the ACTUAL problem ... people want it, but they do nothing to find it. I mean, if the forum dev tracker isn't 'noticable' enough for you, well, I guess you don't want it THAT badly. 

We got Anet communicating to us in lots of places:

Reddit, official forums, tweets, official game updates on the main page .. probably some locations I don't even use myself. Are you simply not aware of these things or ? The complaint seems pretty invalid actually ... the part I love is that I can read the OP's complaint on the forum and RIGHT beside that, see the LATEST tweets from Anet about game updates. Yeah, SOOO hard to notice. 🙄


1 hour ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

That's just a factual statement. Go work anywhere as a developer. Replying to every little thing would be a massive waste of time. It's much more strategic to compile the data and find key issues to address to tackle main concerns first. Actually doesn't even have to be development. Could be any product. 


26 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

No hold on ... change the game based on what though? It's only out ONE WEEK. What is the data they are going to use to make changes to ensure they give value to their customers? The game is still in a state of change ... so how can Anet make meaningful changes if the game isn't near some equilibrium?

here is the point: the LAST thing we should want Anet to do after ONE WEEK of a release is futz about making class changes to offer the best all-around gaming experience possible because the data will be garbage./ 


13 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

Again I have been in this community since release. As I am sure most of us have. This community has been nothing but impatient with wanting every issue commented on. You can say you want more open communication. My gaming section on my google feed is riddled with tons of posts exactly like this. If they were patient there wouldn't be the same posts popping up everyday when we got info from Rubi on Friday addressing the biggest issue which now needs data collection. I would call launching on a tuesday and replying on a Friday with changes planned pretty transparent. 

Dev Tracker Link: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discover/6/

Not one of these posts did anything to address the OP's concerns, which are being reflected by many other players as well. 

As long time players, I'm fairly certain that all of you were somewhat surprised, (maybe even upset?) to see specs, your favourites among them, nerfed a few hours prior to the expac launch. This is not in any way typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I'm guessing some seasoned raiders among you, the meta must have come as a pleasant surprise, but nevertheless, quite a departure from typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I imagine you would have liked to see 4 fully interactive maps, without the need to have 1 dedicated to a raid-like meta, requiring 50 players. If you're on that map when the meta begins, unless you are participating in it, then you are stopping someone from joining in, just by being present in the map. You are encouraged to get off. That or you feel guilty & leave voluntarily, foregoing any exploration you wanted to do. Basically you're limited to 3 maps, until people are eventually over the meta, whenever that will be... 

Certainly not typical dev behaviour. 

So if players want something more concrete in terms of the direction the game is heading in, then I think it's a valid request. Their investment in the game is no less meaningful than you're own, so I really don't understand where all of this criticism is coming from. 

The devs are professionals. They're tough cookies. They can take a little heat. 

There's a lot of stress irl right now. I'd like to see less of it in here, especially when so much of it is unnecessary. Don't make me come in there & sing to you!! 😠 Now listen up! Yes it's another from my early days... *cries but only a little this time because slightly angry


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48 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Do you know every song someone calls a “world famous classic”? Especially when I am not from an English speaking country and way to young to growing up listening to it on the radio. 

Stop that Ashantara!! I already hit poor yoni with that one earlier!! 😋

yoni, I give you permission to smack Ashantara back with one of your favourite songs. Make it a long one! That'll teach her! 

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4 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

Not one of these posts did anything to address the OP's concerns, which are being reflected by many other players as well. 


Of course they didn't ... because the 'concern' isn't very well expressed to begin with. The issue CAN'T be that Anet isn't communicating with players in an open and transparent way, so how is anyone supposed to interpret the OP's 'concern'? The OP just doesn't know where to get information? They aren't trying very hard if that's the case. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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4 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:







Not one of these posts did anything to address the OP's concerns, which are being reflected by many other players as well. 

As long time players, I'm fairly certain that all of you were somewhat surprised, (maybe even upset?) to see specs, your favourites among them, nerfed a few hours prior to the expac launch. This is not in any way typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I'm guessing some seasoned raiders among you, the meta must have come as a pleasant surprise, but nevertheless, quite a departure from typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I imagine you would have liked to see 4 fully interactive maps, without the need to have 1 dedicated to a raid-like meta, requiring 50 players. If you're on that map when the meta begins, unless you are participating in it, then you are stopping someone from joining in, just by being present in the map. You are encouraged to get off. That or you feel guilty & leave voluntarily, foregoing any exploration you wanted to do. Basically you're limited to 3 maps, until people are eventually over the meta, whenever that will be... 

Certainly not typical dev behaviour. 

So if players want something more concrete in terms of the direction the game is heading in, then I think it's a valid request. Their investment in the game is no less meaningful than you're own, so I really don't understand where all of this criticism is coming from. 

The devs are professionals. They're tough cookies. They can take a little heat. 

There's a lot of stress irl right now. I'd like to see less of it in here, especially when so much of it is unnecessary. Don't make me come in there & sing to you!! 😠 Now listen up! Yes it's another from my early days... *cries but only a little this time because slightly angry


OP wants transparent communication. They are getting it. This was large post for nothing lol. Rubi literally took the feedback on the biggest issue and they came up with solutions less than a week after launch. That's transparent communication if I have ever seen it.

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59 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

This community has been nothing but impatient with wanting every issue commented on.

Dev Tracker Link: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discover/6/

Please show me where someone said they want every thread commented on.

Also, I use the dev tracker. There's mostly bug patches there, Rubi's "We're watching over the weekend, kthxbye" post, and Bobby making pithy statements in the Lore section.

For the record, I'm not here saying they need to say a bunch right now. I was agreeing that you are continually propping up the "comment on every thread" straw man so you can knock it down again.

I said I'm witholding future financial support until I understand the direction they took the game in with the expansion. That could be a week from now, a month, or never.

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2 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:


Please show me where someone said they want every thread commented on.

Also, I use the dev tracker. There's mostly bug patches there, Rubi's "We're watching over the weekend, kthxbye" post, and Bobby making pithy statements in the Lore section.

For the record, I'm not here saying they need to say a bunch right now. I was agreeing that you are continually propping up the "comment on every thread" straw man so you can knock it down again.

I said I'm witholding future financial support until I understand the direction they took the game in with the expansion. That could be a week from now, a month, or never.

Literally look at all the repeat posts on the same topics over and over and over again. I counted at least 5 posts today doing a 10 second skim that are about the EOD meta despite the already given communication. No one needs to say it lol it is how it always is. If this community had anything resembling patience there would be one post about the EoD Meta but there isn't there's multiple. 

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27 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:







Not one of these posts did anything to address the OP's concerns, which are being reflected by many other players as well. 

As long time players, I'm fairly certain that all of you were somewhat surprised, (maybe even upset?) to see specs, your favourites among them, nerfed a few hours prior to the expac launch. This is not in any way typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I'm guessing some seasoned raiders among you, the meta must have come as a pleasant surprise, but nevertheless, quite a departure from typical dev behaviour. 

As long time players, I imagine you would have liked to see 4 fully interactive maps, without the need to have 1 dedicated to a raid-like meta, requiring 50 players. If you're on that map when the meta begins, unless you are participating in it, then you are stopping someone from joining in, just by being present in the map. You are encouraged to get off. That or you feel guilty & leave voluntarily, foregoing any exploration you wanted to do. Basically you're limited to 3 maps, until people are eventually over the meta, whenever that will be... 

Certainly not typical dev behaviour. 

So if players want something more concrete in terms of the direction the game is heading in, then I think it's a valid request. Their investment in the game is no less meaningful than you're own, so I really don't understand where all of this criticism is coming from. 

The devs are professionals. They're tough cookies. They can take a little heat. 

There's a lot of stress irl right now. I'd like to see less of it in here, especially when so much of it is unnecessary. Don't make me come in there & sing to you!! 😠 Now listen up! Yes it's another from my early days... *cries but only a little this time because slightly angry


This is my very first post on this forum, so the honor is yours.

But to the point, I agree with you and the OP. The launch week of their fresh new expansion caused their forums to burn down to a crisp. Their design choices managed to drive a major wedge between two sides of their community.

And I'm surprised so few people mention this but, Anet literally flat out lied about the turtle mount aquisition in their pre-launch promotion streams. They said it would be similar to the roller beetle mount, which was one of the easiest and most solo friendly mount aquisitions of them all. We all know now this clearly isn't the case.

So no matter where you stand on any given issue, I think it's clear the community as a whole deserves some straight foward clarification on several issues, and perhaps even an apology for being misled and lied to.

And since we're dropping some music in the mix, I'll present you all, and myself, an avenue to let out all that gamer rage:

And it would be nice if it could slowly ebb out like this:


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30 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

Literally look at all the repeat posts on the same topics over and over and over again. I counted at least 5 posts today doing a 10 second skim that are about the EOD meta despite the already given communication. No one needs to say it lol it is how it always is. If this community had anything resembling patience there would be one post about the EoD Meta but there isn't there's multiple. 

I don't actually think that has to do with impatience. Impatience could spam the one thread. I think it has to do with pride. We all have a tendency to feel we are special enough, our contribution unique enough, to start a new thread instead of contributing to one already started.

It's a way to feel like our voice is being heard a little bit more than it would be buried in one of the 20 page threads already about the topic.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying people should be making multiple posts about the same topic, I just think pride is behind why people do.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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21 minutes ago, omgdracula.6345 said:

Literally look at all the repeat posts on the same topics over and over and over again. I counted at least 5 posts today doing a 10 second skim that are about the EOD meta despite the already given communication. No one needs to say it lol it is how it always is. If this community had anything resembling patience there would be one post about the EoD Meta but there isn't there's multiple. 

my posts are about more than the meta. i enjoy the meta. however i'm uncertain if its worth spending more money on the game because of what i perceive as lack of general communication between the developers and the community about many aspects of the game and direction of the game as a whole. i guess i just feel like anet is out of touch with the majority of the players. that's just how i feel, and i feel it strongly enough to post on the forum asking for clear communication. i cant help but feel how i feel. i would choose to be happy go lucky forever if i could. i understand where you're coming from though. you have feelings too! we all do 😛

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1 minute ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

direction of the game as a whole

This is where I'm at. Even if they soften the meta, or leave it as is, I'd like some communication about the direction of the game taking a turn into challenging content.

They clearly let us know that they wanted to provide for the portion of the players that want increased challenge. They talked about the new strikes, the challenge mode versions that will be released later, and on-ramping people into strikes. I expected them to spend time making harder content for this community, as they should.

But EoD surprised me with a feeling that they want to steer the whole game that direction (I'm not saying all of EoD is super challenging! just that they seem to be steering that direction with the metas and turtle aquisition). I need more than "here's some tweaks we're consdering". I need more of a "here's our vision going forward".

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10 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

This is my very first post on this forum, so the honor is yours.  

lol thank you I'm sure! 🙃

... /snip 

And since we're dropping some music in the mix, I'll present you all, and myself, an avenue to let out all that gamer rage:

Speed metal eh... I lasted to the 30 second mark. 😬

And it would be nice if it could slowly ebb out like this:

This I have playing in the background right now as I type. Poignant considering irl right now & appropriate for sure, moving & yeah, frightening. Thank you. o/



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1 minute ago, Gibson.4036 said:

This is where I'm at. Even if they soften the meta, or leave it as is, I'd like some communication about the direction of the game taking a turn into challenging content.

They clearly let us know that they wanted to provide for the portion of the players that want increased challenge. They talked about the new strikes, the challenge mode versions that will be released later, and on-ramping people into strikes. I expected them to spend time making harder content for this community, as they should.

But EoD surprised me with a feeling that they want to steer the whole game that direction (I'm not saying all of EoD is super challenging! just that they seem to be steering that direction with the metas and turtle aquisition). I need more than "here's some tweaks we're consdering". I need more of a "here's our vision going forward".

I'd also like their stance on PvP. It would have been nice to get a Cantha themed conquest map. Just a new map. That's all I and most PvP players want. If they are going to focus on more difficult content from now on I don't think they should leave out PvP. Although I'm a very casual PvP player I'd still like to get something new to change things up a bit.

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2 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:


Speed metal eh... I lasted to the 30 second mark. 😬

Haha that's understandable. It's an aquired taste for sure.

This I have playing in the background right now as I type. Poignant considering irl right now & appropriate for sure, moving & yeah, frightening. Thank you. o/

And the second one... Agalloch is a one of a kind band. It's a band that, while building on a metal foundation, mixes in a lot of different genres and generally has an out-of-the-box aproach to all those infleunces. Highly recommended!

And you're welcome. I hope you enjoy it.

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6 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

I'd also like their stance on PvP. It would have been nice to get a Cantha themed conquest map. Just a new map. That's all I and most PvP players want. If they are going to focus on more difficult content from now on I don't think they should leave out PvP. Although I'm a very casual PvP player I'd still like to get something new to change things up a bit.

Agreed. I'm a pretty new PVP player, but it is sad how ignored the PVP community feels.

I thought about, in this conversation, bringing up the communication about WvW as well. There was a bunch of open communicaton around the first Alliance beta test, but last I knew they never shared their findings on beta 2, let alone beta 3 that happened in January. This kind of feast/famine seems to be pretty normal for ArenaNet.

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3 minutes ago, FortyTwo.8697 said:

I'd also like their stance on PvP. It would have been nice to get a Cantha themed conquest map. Just a new map. That's all I and most PvP players want. If they are going to focus on more difficult content from now on I don't think they should leave out PvP. Although I'm a very casual PvP player I'd still like to get something new to change things up a bit.

i would ADORE  a cantha themed wvw map but i could only imagine the divide that would cause xD

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1 minute ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Agreed. I'm a pretty new PVP player, but it is sad how ignored the PVP community feels.

I thought about, in this conversation, bringing up the communicatoin about WvW as well. There was a bunch of open communicaton around the first Alliance beta test, but last I knew they never shared their findings on beta 2, let alone beta 3 that happened in January. This kind of feast/famine seems to be pretty normal for ArenaNet.

I agree. ArenaNet doesn't seem to understand marketing and communication very well. In order for it to work it has to be consistant across the board. You can't just go all out, invite streamers, claim to strife for clarity and openness, and then just drop the ball right out of the gate.

But hey, atleast it's better than Blizzard. They don't communicate at all. They do throw some insults at streamer on twitter, though. Makes me glad I'm not on twitter to be honest. What a shitshow.

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3 hours ago, scarlettmoonbabe.6932 said:

i would ADORE  a cantha themed wvw map but i could only imagine the divide that would cause xD

The problem here is that WvW is just so large. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to design such a large map for such a specific and complex gamemode. They'd have to be very careful with that. For now I think a Cantha themed conquest map is a little more within reach. If they can pull that off properly then perhaps they can try their hands on a Cantha themed WvW map. I am personally not opposed to it at all, of course. But it has to be done really well.

They might want to fix all the current issues, though. I can imagine ArenaNet is in panic mode right now. Perhaps that could explain their lack of communication. There's just too much all at once, while their forums are burning like the aftermath of a napalm carpet bombing.

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