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For a game whose original core values included the elimination of repetitive grind...

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15 hours ago, pallas.8150 said:

Regardless of what they SAY the game is about, GW2 is one of the GRINDIEST games I've ever played. Like, ever.


It's either grind or high degree of difficulty.  It's up to the developers to pick which one. There is no winning for them. Most of the time they pick grind because when they pick hard - people cry a ton.  Either way you have to do something to keep your players playing often. 

Strangely they picked difficulty for EoD - which I think is cool. But the player base is throwing a fit.

Edited by Hume.2876
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So, it seems you can buy the 'reward' from the regular fishing achievements.  So, I guess it's the AP that's so valuable.

I don't know (no one does, it's disabled) knows what the Avid 'reward' is, but since it is repeatable, I'd guess not super special. 

I'm sure this will all die down in a few weeks, maybe a month or two.  There will surely be something else for the forums to be on fire about.  :classic_dry:

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Gw2 has ALWAYS had crazy grind in it, not neccesarly like other MMO in some aspects, but still lots of grind.

-Achivements= crazy grind.

-Legendarys= crazy grind.

-Ascendeds/multiples sets (different chars)= quite some grind.

-WvW ranks and benefits = crazy grind.

-Mounts= quite some grind.

-QoL gemstore features= Visa or crazy grind.

And i could keep going with more stuff...

Edited by Izzy.2951
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2 hours ago, Qpla.4729 said:

What is even the point of this thread?

OP wants to be able to get mackerel bait in a non-RNG way in order to make the experience of fishing less annoying/grindy.

Right now you can only get mackerels randomly while fishing (for example, I've caught mackerel while also using mackerel as bait; it gets weird) whereas the others can all be obtained through a vendor in addition to being gotten as loot drops. Some fish require using mackerel as bait to be caught, so often you're just sitting there fishing for macks and wasting bait before you can go after the things you need/want for your active collection (collections are repeatable). If you're someone who fishes a lot for entertainment and casual income (or even just someone who hates fishing but needs the materials from it), this can quickly become a pain point.

Fishing is meant to be a thing people do for fun, not just for the rewards involved (though those are pretty significant, since the new legendaries require them), and I think people are getting distracted by the word 'grind' instead of realizing this is about making the fishing experience feel better and more cohesive. 🐠

EDIT: @Inculpatus cedo.9234 The reward for the avid achievements is (was?) 20 rare-level fillets and three Ambergris wrapped in a legendary-tier container. I completed Echovald's a few times before it was shut off. Ambergris had a nice, spicy price around this time, so it was pretty lucrative while it lasted. Not sure why it was shut off, though I've heard rumors of people using guild banks to dupe these achievements without having to catch the lads again. Still waiting for these achievements to come back from the war.

Edited by AgentMoore.9453
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since the introduction of the ascended items, the game has been one big grind orgy of database entries. anyone who says otherwise obviously has a questionable perception.

for me, this is not necessarily problematic, as i can control myself and such things do not catch on with me. for many people, however, this is not the case, and they spend a lot of money or time to achieve these goals. too much time and too much money. arenanet uses people's evolutionary weaknesses here without regard for health or financial damage imho.


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On 3/12/2022 at 11:05 PM, Harrada.8041 said:

I cant tell if you are choosing to be ignorant of the difference in these two achievements or just actually confused. Theres a difference between "grindy" in effort, and "grindy" in pure RNG. No one is sitting at risen giant spawns, cracked out, trying desperately to farm 1000 giants, but if they were, you could calculate the exact amount of time it would take them based on the respawn timer. Meanwhile, mackerel is tied directly into the ENTIRE fishing achievement section, and you never know when you will get enough.

So I am pretty sure you are being intentionally disingenuous, and leave it at that.


Real life fishing is RNG too, isnt it?

It would be stupid to be able to calculate how many fishes of a specific kind you are able to get in a specific time frame. 


Its Designed that way because the game wants you to put time into fishing, to come back and hope for that fishes you still couldnt catch. Real life fishing isnt easy or fast and its never granted you get the fish you wanted, if you get any. 

And there is no reason to have the achievement done 2 weeks after release.

Just enjoy the game, do other things and come occasionally back to your fishing rod. Some day you will have your fish collection completed. 

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On 3/13/2022 at 12:33 AM, Harrada.8041 said:

No, I am picking the only achievement in the game that has no direct action course of completion. There is no way to directly guarantee mackerel and no other courses of action to get it beyond standing in place and clicking over and over and over for hours, days, or even weeks, if you need them for many of the maps.


You get unique titles and skins. The only rewards aside from convince that gw2 offers.


Absolutely incorrect. Both of these achievements can be completed by spending gold. Meaning there is a metric for gauging exactly how long it will take you to complete them. The Fractal Reliquary takes roughly 430 gold to acquire. Ecto gambling requires exactly 10,000 gold, and 25000 ecto (In bulk or from winnings). So far you have only proved my point with this.

First Part of legendary armor collection has those pure RNG green ecto thingies

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10 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't know what the rush is to complete achievements.  Why they need to be able to be achieved within a few hours/days.  If everything just took an hour or two, it seems there would be a lot more cries of boredom and calls for faster content releases.

What exactly is the reward that has someone(s) so up in arms about?  It must be very special; I will have to look it up.

They don't need to be achieve-able in a few hours or days. The fishing collection is already an extremely long collection on its own. The average player will not complete a full map per day, meaning it will likely take them at minimum a month even if its all they spend their time doing.

The point of the discussion lies here in a quote from the article link you quoted before this comment:


That doesn’t mean we can’t make those activities more fun as well

This is exactly the problem missing from the grind required for mackerel. It could be made more fun, but it currently is not. Its a lengthy grind all on its own out outside the collection, but that's not the problem. Its a BORING lengthy grind. They could easily add mackerel as a reward for fishing tournaments, or for defeating the Leviathan and suddenly its not a boring grind. Still lengthy, but fun. Suddenly we don't have to completely stop playing the game for hours and days just to get BAIT for the collection.

Edited by Harrada.8041
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6 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

So, it seems you can buy the 'reward' from the regular fishing achievements.  So, I guess it's the AP that's so valuable.

I don't know (no one does, it's disabled) knows what the Avid 'reward' is, but since it is repeatable, I'd guess not super special. 

I'm sure this will all die down in a few weeks, maybe a month or two.  There will surely be something else for the forums to be on fire about.  :classic_dry:

several unique titles, and a unique skin for completing 30 map collections. That doesn't include the avid rewards. You cannot buy those.

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5 hours ago, Beren.1503 said:


Real life fishing is RNG too, isnt it?

It would be stupid to be able to calculate how many fishes of a specific kind you are able to get in a specific time frame. 


Its Designed that way because the game wants you to put time into fishing, to come back and hope for that fishes you still couldnt catch. Real life fishing isnt easy or fast and its never granted you get the fish you wanted, if you get any. 

And there is no reason to have the achievement done 2 weeks after release.

Just enjoy the game, do other things and come occasionally back to your fishing rod. Some day you will have your fish collection completed. 

Ah, yes. You have done what no one else could do, and deciphered my hidden subtext. This is exactly what I have been trying to say and its been eating away at me that no one was understanding. For fishing to be more REAL.

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6 hours ago, Beren.1503 said:

Real life fishing is RNG too, isnt it?

The actual fishing part? Sure. However, I've never had RNG at a real life tackle shop. I can go in there and buy as many different kinds of bait as I want without having to gather them from the wild and hope to get lucky while doing so.

The elites don't want you to know this, but you can buy as much bait from a bait store as you want - I have 45,000 crickets.

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17 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

The actual fishing part? Sure. However, I've never had RNG at a real life tackle shop. I can go in there and buy as many different kinds of bait as I want without having to gather them from the wild and hope to get lucky while doing so.

The elites don't want you to know this, but you can buy as much bait from a bait store as you want - I have 45,000 crickets.

The baits have to be fished too, even if they are sold by a shop, the shop owner needs to fish them first. I dont think Cantha or Tyria are using heavily industrialized fishing methods with Ships and with gigantic nets, catching easily thousands of mackarels. Even for cyberpunk cantha we still live in a medieval based world with wooden boats and fishing rods. So if a merchant isnt selling a specific fish, we have to catch the fish by ourselves. You cant buy everything for gold, neither ingame nor in real life. 


Since mackarel is a edible, delicious fish, more than 3-5 times bigger than a sardine, i guess canthans never thought about using them as a bait. Why use a perfectly fine fish to bait another fish? Only a crazy fish collector like ourselves would do that, but no poor fishing merchant trying to feed his family. 



A bit strange is though, that we as players cant sell the mackarel at TP. Because of its drop rate it wouldnt even be that cheap probably, considering how many are needed. Though i guess in the future people will have more mackarels than they need anyways, because after finishing the collection, they arent really needed anymore but they will still drop over times. 

So i guess mackarels arent in TP because in the future they would be really cheap and thus they would take away the Difficult part of the collection. Who is happy about completing easy collections?


Though i agree it would be better to give the merchants 1-5 mackarels you can buy each day. 

Edited by Beren.1503
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