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Single Main Class?


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@Daddy.8125 That is specifically the issue I have with ele. On low HP classes, I typically add 1-2k HP in open world. However, I am not going to build a none dps gear to play most of pve solo. I do not have to do this on any other class. I think the issue with ele is that it’s healing capabilities, outside of water, are really crappy. And water without healing power is not strong enough. Not to mention it rarely does any damage. The only limited exception is condi weaver, since the use of earth + signet of healing can help significantly. I was hoping that the EoD elite will allow the mage class to be able to play… like a mage class. However, we ended-up with another melee centric build, which is not as interesting as weaver or roboust as tempest.

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4 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

@Daddy.8125 That is specifically the issue I have with ele. On low HP classes, I typically add 1-2k HP in open world. However, I am not going to build a none dps gear to play most of pve solo. I do not have to do this on any other class. I think the issue with ele is that it’s healing capabilities, outside of water, are really crappy. And water without healing power is not strong enough. Not to mention it rarely does any damage. The only limited exception is condi weaver, since the use of earth + signet of healing can help significantly. I was hoping that the EoD elite will allow the mage class to be able to play… like a mage class. However, we ended-up with another melee centric build, which is not as interesting as weaver or roboust as tempest.

Even without building extra gear, like Cele or Grieving, you can play Fresh Air Tempest that has perma 40% damage reduction. In full dps gear (+Jade core), a 12k health pool is 20k effective health.

Edited by RabbitUp.8294
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On 4/23/2022 at 3:42 PM, Vincenzo.3145 said:

Don't get too attached to a single class. Anet has a history of completely neutering a given class or spec and letting it rot for years.

I don't think you ever played necro-engi-guardian-thief-revenant...these classes have been meta everywhere since their release

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

I don't think you ever played necro-engi-guardian-thief-revenant...these classes have been meta everywhere since their release


Im sorry but what?.

PVE Thief

Since when was Thief Meta in PvE Content?.. Thief is one of the most unplayed Proffessions in PvE Content and have held that for a long time. this is due to the fact their utility is incredibly niche and although steal can be valuable in some fights theres also fights where its really not needed.

Spectre did alot to try and fix this problem, however actually Has no. Mechanist simply Outclasses thief. with Spectres attempt at Single target support without a UI Supporting it to stack onto this, heavily limited by a Resource making its Healing output beneath most other supports but it simply does Less DPS as a Alacrity build then Mechanist while providing less Barrier per tick and Less additional boons.

Thief has been utilised in speed runs ofcourse, because where steal is strong its very strong. but its a Niche utility for specific fights. Not a Overall Winner, it was Never a Firebrand, or a Renegade of the PoF Era, so no. it has defintly not been Meta in PvE Content. for a VERY Long time.

PvP Thief

In PvP after the Nerfs (Which happened after the MAT before u bring it up) Its actually not meta, and No pro player would use it, Sind is actually extremely unhappy and has expressed that due to the fact they Nerfed the wrong things going into EoD and Once again nerfed the wrong things in the follow up balance patch. this isnt to say Shadow Arts was fine, nor Spectre was fine at launch. this is saying they nerfed the Wrong things.

They Should have nerfed Shadow Arts as a Traitline. Not rebalanced the proffession to rely on shadow arts further.

They should have looked at the chill and Damage not upping Initative costs knowing this would punch its Support options in the same blow.

Thief althoguh in PoF Was quite the force, it was a MAT / AT meta not a Ranked Meta, so do not put this forward to a player who doesnt seem to want to go this far, in a Average ranked Game ironically thief is more a Detriment then a gift in alot of cases. because the meta played in MAT / ATs is just not replicated in Average ranked games.

if you get a Dedicated Duellist and a thief in one game. ur largely not Upping ur hand

In MATs / ATs, Thief was Used as neither teams were carrying Dedicated duellists, what teams would do is utilise speccs such as holosmith which could Dual - Role between a Team fighter and a Duellist. u would then use a Thief as a Secondary roamer to Decap and +1 Fights because they had No one AFKing Nodes and there was no perma Duellist to contend with as a Thief which made it within that meta extremely strong.

However. if a Enemy Duellist AFKs the Far node effectively your Effectiveness Drops immensely, the reason this wouldnt work in a MAT / AT is Generally because in a pro game, if this occured your Team Fight / Duellist Player would  run at the Enemy Duellist for the thief to then +1.

the problem is. Thief was Strong in this meta. However in a Less Reliable scene it actually proved ALOT Weaker due to the fact it was built around this set up and not Randomized teams.

Thief was never meta in PuG or average gameplay enviroment, it got utilisation in Some Speed runs, it was good back in dungeons due to group stealth and in SPVP Dominated in Co-ordinated teams In a Meta Comp, however taken oujt of those Areas thief offers generally quite little compared to Alot of choices.



Necromancwer has Fallen Dramatically since its Nerfs at the beginning of EoD and the nerfs to harbinger shot it down further.

It no longer has that super sustain that made core scarey. so now its a Medicore Damage build thats pretty easy to murder realistically. Reaper took a Even harder hit given it was already nerfed prior and these stacking has left it with no sustain, its waaay to easy to murder now. Scourge hasnt been good in SPVP For a while now.


reaper is the Worst Power option in the game excluding herald lmao, I dunno how you could call this meta.

Scourge since its nerfs is outclassed by Machinist in PvE Content. it just is, even one of its largest advocates Mighty Teapot, has now swapped to machinists in Serious Raid Runs.

Harbinger is Worse then firebrand in Quickness. and Worst then Renegade virtuoso and spectre as a Pure DPS.


PvE Vindicator and Herald are both terrible, renegade holds a position as a Flat DPS However is now Again outclassed by machinist as a Alacrity provider, it does Less Damage, it Offers Less boons, it offers Less Role compression. its ALOT worse now, it wouldnt be considered Meta anymore.

PvP: Vindicator is a OP bunker build. so ur claim has some warrant here.

Guardian i'd likely Agree with.

and THEN ENGINEER. oh lord.


Engineer was HORRIFIC back after its After-launch Nerfs in HoT.

Holosmith is Nowadays not great and most defintly not a Meta Power DPS lmfao.

Scrapper gained a place in content for a short period of time to then at the beginning of EoD have it ripped back out.

Machinist has a Place in meta as a Support role.


I mean its got a Decent nade holo build?... but since the machinist nerfs its about all it has now, Bladesworn would farm holo easymode, its good but it isnt Meta.

you've litterally got 1 argument which is Guardian, outside of this.. the concept of trying to Press 4 proffessions which are Defintly NOT meta in most content however is hilarious. They're good. and they have their uses. however Meta wise.. yeah its simply a No. Thief is Ironically in Bad Shape currently in SPVP 😛 so its a terrible time to make that claim aswell xD


Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 3/21/2022 at 11:20 AM, Eliam.3716 said:

So given the new EoD E-Specs and changes, which class would you says has the better setup for being able to have a good and valid spec for both PVE OW//Strikes//WvW?  I prefer to play a single main character with maybe one backup, just my style.  I am NOT interested in Guardian, just not my thing.  I do like to play less common classes though but understand that sometimes just doesn't align


Which class would be a good candidate for that single main? 

Engineer, Necro and Rev are what come to mind but what about Mes, War or Thief?

I play Thief as a de-facto single main. I really like good ol' Rifle Deadeye in open world, and now that we've got Specter, it's very easy to have a strong presence (as alac or dps) in Strikes/Fractals as well.

The catch, of course, is that your WvW role is reduced to scouting and roaming. When zergs are involved, you're mostly doing peripheral stuff like throwing siege disablers, picking off reinforcements (people get mad about this one), or going elsewhere on the map to make a mess.

I keep Rev and Ele around for group WvW stuff, and a Healbrand for PvE when my team needs a full healer rather than just Alac support.

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On 4/23/2022 at 9:42 AM, Vincenzo.3145 said:

Don't get too attached to a single class. Anet has a history of completely neutering a given class or spec and letting it rot for years.

Sorry for necroing the topic but was looking for a class to play as well.. but yeah, I agree. Every class I enjoyed playing got nerfed hard by Anet countless times. It's honestly killing my enjoyment for the game because I am kinda.. forced into playing classes I don't really care about like Engineer. It's like.. why can't they just leave the classes alone? They were fine before the nerfs. 

And this is going to be lame for me to say, but I like having an easy time in GW2, I don't like struggling or having a hard time in the game. Most classes, I cannot have an easy time with, the only ones I can, at this point, are Engineer, Guardian, Revenant and Necromancer. I do like Revenant and Guardian but it's not for me, and I do like Necromancer but I'm heavily burnt out on it. Been playing Necromancer and Mesmer since 2012, (on-and-off because my computer got fried so I was gone from 2015 to mid - 2019). So, been searching for a new class to play ever since and most I just feel... meh about, only two I don't are Thief and Ranger but Thief doesn't exactly do well with multi-targets. Ranger's fun, so far, but I worry that it'll just suck kitten to play when I hit HoT again. Which, I know I am not the only one who dislikes how difficult HoT is and how wonky the difficulty scaling for GW2 is. It's like.. Easy Mode (BG), then Super Hard Mode(HoT), then Hell Mode (PoF) then Normal Mode (EoD).

Plus, with how badly Anet nerfs classes, I am kiiinda constantly paranoid that a class or specialization I am enjoying will just be ruined by a nerf.

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I play necro the most. I have one of every class but I keep coming back to necro. Scrouge is great in pve and wvw groups. Reaper is fun for all game modes but not erm optimal and harb is pretty good for roaming in wvw. Reaper and harb are pretty good at pvp. I don’t do instanced pve much but harb seems pretty easy to play. There is a large amount of satisfaction plowing in open world pve on reaper. 

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6 hours ago, Vexionous.4205 said:

Sorry for necroing the topic but was looking for a class to play as well.. but yeah, I agree. Every class I enjoyed playing got nerfed hard by Anet countless times. It's honestly killing my enjoyment for the game because I am kinda.. forced into playing classes I don't really care about like Engineer. It's like.. why can't they just leave the classes alone? They were fine before the nerfs. 

And this is going to be lame for me to say, but I like having an easy time in GW2, I don't like struggling or having a hard time in the game. Most classes, I cannot have an easy time with, the only ones I can, at this point, are Engineer, Guardian, Revenant and Necromancer. I do like Revenant and Guardian but it's not for me, and I do like Necromancer but I'm heavily burnt out on it. Been playing Necromancer and Mesmer since 2012, (on-and-off because my computer got fried so I was gone from 2015 to mid - 2019). So, been searching for a new class to play ever since and most I just feel... meh about, only two I don't are Thief and Ranger but Thief doesn't exactly do well with multi-targets. Ranger's fun, so far, but I worry that it'll just suck kitten to play when I hit HoT again. Which, I know I am not the only one who dislikes how difficult HoT is and how wonky the difficulty scaling for GW2 is. It's like.. Easy Mode (BG), then Super Hard Mode(HoT), then Hell Mode (PoF) then Normal Mode (EoD).

Plus, with how badly Anet nerfs classes, I am kiiinda constantly paranoid that a class or specialization I am enjoying will just be ruined by a nerf.

OK, forgive me for saying this, but it really doesn't sound like you engage in the type of content that the nerfs really affect. Open world story, bounties, metas, etc. can be absolutely dominated by just about anyone, and with equal levels of comfort.

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5 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

OK, forgive me for saying this, but it really doesn't sound like you engage in the type of content that the nerfs really affect. Open world story, bounties, metas, etc. can be absolutely dominated by just about anyone, and with equal levels of comfort.

I wouldn't say this is true as someone who mostly engages with open world. For folks coming here from other games the GW2 open world can be pretty brutal. ESO, WoW, and FFXIV all have pretty trivial open world content. (This isn't a complaint, mind you. I love GW2 because it offers a big, open world experience the others don't.)


I had to experiment with different classes and builds before I landed on one that seemed to do what I wanted. And you have to gear for soloing the open world, just like with dungeon content.


Now, that all said, is it as hard as instanced content? Not even just slightly. I'm not about to argue it is. But it IS hard enough that some builds have easier times than others in very noticeable ways. I will also agree that buff-nerf cycles are more impactful in the instanced content and WvW stuff than in open world, though it does still have an impact there.

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On 4/23/2022 at 10:42 PM, Vincenzo.3145 said:

Don't get too attached to a single class. Anet has a history of completely neutering a given class or spec and letting it rot for years.

yep, he's on point, balance is rather horrible in this game, and its been this way for a decade, if it is something that bothers you play something else.

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